
Le rêve d’Ida

Le rêve d’Ida

The musician Ida Toninato plays the baritone saxophone in reverberated places : from the ship’s hold to the cathedral to a huge concrete building, she explores the musicality of people and spaces.

Nataly Fish

The Slasher of Idaho

The Slasher of Idaho

A psycho serial killer is stalking potential victims that he butchers and dismembers to make his ultimate snuff film.

Nataly Fish

Killer Instincts: Richard Widmark and Ida Lupino at Twentieth Century Fox

Killer Instincts: Richard Widmark and Ida Lupino at Twentieth Century Fox

Brief overview of the two actors at the Fox Studio.

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Ida May

Ida May

A series of objects are arranged beside a river. What will happen next? Sempliner was manager of the festival when he made this short.

Nataly Fish

Beş İdamlık İdam

Beş İdamlık İdam

Nataly Fish

The Idaho Murders: Trial by TikTok

The Idaho Murders: Trial by TikTok

When four University of Idaho students were murdered by an unknown attacker in November 2022, Zara McDermott first read about it on social media. The small American college town of Moscow is home to just 25,000 people, most of them students, and hasn’t seen a homicide in seven years. For six weeks, the police said they had no suspects, no motive,..

Nataly Fish

Camino Roya. Un mapa de ida y vuelta
Stone Age

Stone Age

The wanderings of the Terceiro Mundo, a homeless man who plunges into a dreamlike drift through the streets of the capital of São Paulo.

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Idam Porul Yaeval

Idam Porul Yaeval

Set in a misty backdrop, struggles and hurdles faced by Pandi & Aasaithambi in their battle to emerge winners in the games of Money, Love & Life.

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Koditta Idangalai Nirappuga

Koditta Idangalai Nirappuga

On a business trip to India, an NRI fantasises about getting into a relationship with the young wife of his middle-aged driver.

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Idaten Kaido

Idaten Kaido

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A helpless lady, while trying to defend herself from being molested, commits a crime and loses her home and family. Later, she meets Balan, a wise man, who decides to help her.

Nataly Fish

L'Âge de glace 2

L'Âge de glace 2

Pour Manny le mammouth, Sid le paresseux et Diego le tigre à dents de sabre, la vie est beaucoup plus douce depuis que les glaces fondent et que la température remonte. Mais les problèmes ne sont pas terminés pour autant! Manny rêve de fonder une famille, mais la toute dernière femelle de son espèce, Ellie, se prend pour un opossum… Plus g..

Nataly Fish

L'Âge de glace 3 : Le Temps des dinosaures

L'Âge de glace 3 : Le Temps des dinosaures

Une maladresse de Sid le paresseux va propulser les héros de l’Âge de Glace au cœur d’un monde peuplé de dinosaures! Ils vont devoir faire face à des habitants hostiles et farfelus, en même temps qu’à leurs propres problèmes: Manny, hyper stressé, et Ellie attendent leur premier enfant mammouth; Diego, le tigre aux dents de sabre, re..

Nataly Fish

Idavelakku Sesham

Idavelakku Sesham

Advocate Rajashekaran's life turns upside-down when he receives a package of some old pictures of him getting intimate with a dancer. Worried about his reputation, he tries to find the blackmailer.

Nataly Fish

Idaya Malar

Idaya Malar

Movie directed by Gemini Ganesan, Thamarai Manalan starring Gemini, Kamal Hassan, Sujatha.

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The film starts out as a campus story involving four boys, Thomas, Ravi, Alosius and Swami. There is the usual pranks that the boys of the age do, although the movie doesn't just revolve around these.The second half of the movie takes us to scenic locales of Munnar. The second half also introduces the major female character, Molu. The movie centres..

Nataly Fish



Movie deals with the story of the mental conflicts of a Tibetan Buddhist priest.

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Nina lives with a seriously ill father and works on the psychological helpline. She has a little time between visits of doctors and conversations with unstable teens to watch the boys who are chasing the ball in the yard. Their liveliness is the complete opposite of her routine existence. She tries to escape from the darkness with the help of one o..

Nataly Fish

Le crime de l'Orient-Express

Le crime de l'Orient-Express

Le luxe et le calme d’un voyage en Orient Express est soudainement bouleversé par un meurtre. Les 13 passagers sont tous suspects et le fameux détective Hercule Poirot se lance dans une course contre la montre pour identifier l’assassin, avant qu’il ne frappe à nouveau. D’après le célèbre roman d’Agatha Christie.

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