
Dead & Company: 2021-09-02 Xfinity Center, Mansfield, MA

Dead & Company: 2021-09-02 Xfinity Center, Mansfield, MA

Set One: Playing In The Band, The Wheel, Iko Iko, It Hurts Me Too, Ramble On Rose, Brown-Eyed Women, Let It Grow Set Two: Deal, Dark Star, El Paso, Uncle John's Band, Drums, Space, Casey Jones, Stella Blue, Sugar Magnolia Encore: Ripple

Nataly Fish

Dead & Company: 2021-09-03 Xfinity Center, Mansfield, MA

Dead & Company: 2021-09-03 Xfinity Center, Mansfield, MA

Set One: Mississippi Half-Step Uptown Toodeloo, Cold Rain And Snow, New Minglewood Blues, When I Paint My Masterpiece, Dire Wolf, Jack Straw, Sugaree Set Two: New Speedway Boogie, Bertha, Truckin', Dark Star, Terrapin Station, Drums, Space, The Other One, Morning Dew Encore: U.S. Blues

Nataly Fish

The Will of the Dead Man

The Will of the Dead Man

This is the Spanish-language version of The Cat Creeps, shot at the same time and on the same sets.

Nataly Fish

Execution of a Dead Man

Execution of a Dead Man

Mansour (Mahmoud Abdel Aziz) is sentenced to death by hanging for communicating with Israel before the October War, and intelligence officer Mohy (Farid Shawky) devises a plan to replace Mansour, the "spy" with Egyptian officer Ezzeldin , because of the big resemblance between them so that he obtains important information about the Dimona reactor.

Nataly Fish

The Life of a Dead Man

The Life of a Dead Man

The director dramatizes events that took place after the death of an uncle he only met through his personal belongings. Filmed at his actual apartment in Athens.

Nataly Fish

Dead Man Tells His Own Tale

Dead Man Tells His Own Tale

Angel is one of those typical macho’s who does not hold women in high regard. With his fancy talk, his tight suit and his fashionable job as a director of publicity spots, he has ample opportunity to grab as many young aspiring actresses by the pussy as he can. His wife and kid are left to deal with the consequences. This is now drastically comin..

Nataly Fish

Dead Man's Voice

Dead Man's Voice

Nataly Fish

Dead Neon: The Many Faces of Lenny Bruce on Film

Dead Neon: The Many Faces of Lenny Bruce on Film

Lenny Bruce's depiction on film did not start or end with Bob Fosse's Lenny (1974). Through these other often offbeat cinematic incarnations, this essay piece considers how Lenny Bruce was the perfect Bob Fosse subject, and how Fosse's focus on the lives of performers invigorated his portrait of the controversial, trail-blazing comic.

Nataly Fish

The Man Who Sits with the Dead

The Man Who Sits with the Dead

Descended from a long line of Satanists, a man is given the role of sitting with the dead. He gets fed up with and wants a normal life but is tempted back over to the dark side by necrophilia.

Nataly Fish

A Dead Man Visits the Living

A Dead Man Visits the Living

A man is murdered on a bus for trying to stop a pickpocket; no one lifts a finger to help him. He returns as a ghost and questions the empathy of the onlookers.

Nataly Fish

The Compass Is Carried by the Dead Man

The Compass Is Carried by the Dead Man

A Mexican boy bound for Chicago tries to cross the border, but is the crowded wagon he rides in going the right way? An offbeat, allegorical odyssey that blends absurd humor with pastoral imagery. A young man and a dead man journey north through a subtly surreal desert landscape, picking up a wagonful of odd characters as they go in this darkly hum..

Nataly Fish

How to Make a Dead Man Float

How to Make a Dead Man Float

Pablo works in an old hospital in the city of Córdoba. Jesi is stepping into argentine ground for the first time since she moved to Europe. After years of silence and distance, they'll look at each other's eyes again. But there's someone else between them, someone who floods it all.

Nataly Fish

He Who Waits for Dead Man Shoes Dies Barefoot

He Who Waits for Dead Man Shoes Dies Barefoot

The tribulations of two friends who, in despair, start begging from door-to-door, and are given a bundle including, literally, a pair of deadman's shoes

Nataly Fish



Riddick a été laissé pour mort sur une planète brûlée qui semble exempte de toute vie. Pourtant, il se retrouve rapidement obligé de lutter pour sa survie contre des prédateurs aliens plus mortels que tous les humains qu’il a affrontés au cours de sa vie. Il trouve un refuge précaire dans une ancienne gare de transit interstellaire dés..

Nataly Fish

Dead Men

Dead Men

Jesse Struthers and his brother Jake find themselves on the run after a band of men begin murdering their family.

Nataly Fish

No Tears For The Dead

No Tears For The Dead

Abandonné par sa mère peu après avoir immigré aux États-Unis, Gon grandit au sein de la mafia et devient un tueur à gages sans pitié. Quoique généralement irréprochable quand il s'agit d'éliminer sa cible, Gon fait un jour une terrible erreur et tue une petite fille. Submergé par le regret, la culpabilité et la honte, il veut quitte..

Nataly Fish

Les Fantômes de l'amour

Les Fantômes de l'amour

Lorsqu'elle enfile une alliance, Emily à des visions étranges d'une femme prétendant avoir été tuée.

Nataly Fish

Dead on Target

Dead on Target

Le dirigeant de la compagnie pétrolière Wendell Runsler est enlevé par un groupe de l'armée de libération du Moyen-Orient. Derek Flint, un œil privé astucieux, beau et fringant, est engagé pour trouver Runsler. Flint fait équipe avec sa nouvelle partenaire courageuse et enthousiaste Bonita Rogers et se rend dans les rues à la recherche de..

Nataly Fish

Phantasm III - Le seigneur de la mort

Phantasm III - Le seigneur de la mort

Apres quatorze ans de lutte sans merci, Mike est de nouveau confronte au terrible croque-mort de Morningside, qui dirige une troupe de zombies, des nains composes de cadavres ressuscites, et a une armee de spheres meurtrieres.

Nataly Fish

La Légende de Manolo

La Légende de Manolo

Le jeune Manolo est tiraillé entre les attentes de sa famille et ce vers quoi son cœur le porte. Avant de choisir de s'engager sur une voie, il embarque pour une incroyable aventure, qui le conduit dans trois mondes fantastiques, où il lui faudra affronter ses plus grandes peurs.

Nataly Fish

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