
Art for Teachers of Children

Art for Teachers of Children

Jennifer, an intelligent but insecure 14-year-old student at a boarding school, seduces her married dormitory counselor, a photographer who has offered to teach her about his art and winds up shooting her in the nude. She is naive, and he manipulates her into an affair that eventually is discovered. Years later, as the photographer is being investi..

Nataly Fish

Teacher's Pest

Teacher's Pest

Elementary school-aged Bimbo is late to school, where he presents a note signed my father to his leonine bespectacled teacher.

Nataly Fish

About a Teacher

About a Teacher

An inspiring drama about the personal journey of a new inner-city public high school teacher who enters the profession oblivious to the actual demands of teaching in the inner-city, and unaware of his own shortcomings and biases.

Nataly Fish

The Little School of Teacher Raimundo
The Home Teachers

The Home Teachers

Stocky Greg's passion is football, and he rounds up his family from their respective church meetings and rushes home just in time to make the kick-off of the Sunday afternoon Vikings game. He has just planted himself in front of his massive television screen scarfing down chicken when his new home teaching companion, Nelson, calls to inform him tha..

Nataly Fish

Le maître de musique

Le maître de musique

Joachim Dallayrac, célèbre basse-baryton, au sommet de sa carrière, annonce brutalement qu'il se retire de la scène. Dans son château, il se consacrera désormais à la formation d'une seule élève, Sophie, dont il recherche la perfection vocale. Puis il rencontrera Jean, voyou à la voix d'or, qu'il s'efforcera également d'élever dans l'ar..

Nataly Fish

The Teacher

The Teacher

A Palestinian schoolteacher struggles to reconcile his risky commitment to political resistance with the chance of a new relationship with volunteer-worker Lisa and his emotional support for one of his students Adam.

Nataly Fish

The Games Teachers Play

The Games Teachers Play

The story of an unconventional teacher facing up to his unruly and apathetic class.

Nataly Fish

Le Professeur De Musique

Le Professeur De Musique

Troublé et échaudé par son passé, un professeur de musique d'une petite ville de province risque tout pour renouer avec l'une de ses anciennes élèves devenue célèbre.

Nataly Fish

Female Teacher

Female Teacher

A female teacher is raped by a gang of students in her school. The repercussions of this lead to scandal, blackmail and murder.

Nataly Fish

Physics Teacher

Physics Teacher

The film chronicles the journey of a_young Physics teacher who believes that nothing in this world exists without a scientific reason. Superstitions do not hold any importance in his life, until there arises a situation that challenges his ideologies. Will he lose faith in his ideologies? Or Will he fight harder?

Nataly Fish

Happy Teacher's Day

Happy Teacher's Day

Today when most students are equipped with technological devices, our teachers still continue to struggle and teach themselves, to unlearn the older ways of teaching, to learn to use technology they are completely unfamiliar with, and relearn their passion for teaching, even in the face of these difficulties, so that learning never stops. This sho..

Nataly Fish

Journal d'un maître d'école

Journal d'un maître d'école

Dans une école de la banlieue de Rome, les élèves désertent les cours, préférant l'école de la rue. Un instituteur les convainc de retourner en classe et expérimente avec eux une nouvelle manière d'enseigner. Avec une grande fraîcheur, De Seta invente une forme hybride qui dépasse toutes les catégories. Il implique dans le processus cr..

Nataly Fish

Why Shoot the Teacher?

Why Shoot the Teacher?

It's the winter of 1935 and Max Brown is newly arrived in Willowgreen, Saskatchewan - a rural Canadian prairie town - on his first teaching job in a one room schoolhouse. He quickly realizes that this is not a dream situation: the winter is harsher than he's ever experienced, he's living in the basement of the school, the older of his students trea..

Nataly Fish

Écoutez votre cœur

Écoutez votre cœur

Alyson, professeur de musique au lycée, aurait bien voulu continuer ses cours de comédie musicale mais le conseil pédagogique a décidé de couper ses crédits. Avertis, ses anciens élèves entreprennent de remonter leur ancien spectacle pour récolter l'argent qui permettrait de maintenir ses cours. Alyson sera leur metteur en scène tandis qu..

Nataly Fish

The Teacher

The Teacher

A gunshot suddenly breaks the silence of the school hallways. A desperate history teacher holds her whole class hostage. But very soon the situation will change, and the teacher herself will become a hostage.

Nataly Fish

Theatre Film Classics: Teacher's Pests

Theatre Film Classics: Teacher's Pests

A mechanic with a massive tool, a cowboy who'll kill for his man, a professor with an eye for seamen, and a pair of naked thieves; these were the men of Bob Mizer's imagination. We've compiled six color films from the archives of the prolific physique photographer that exemplify his taste for manly men. When Mizer was king, all you needed was a ten..

Nataly Fish

Haunted Dormitory: Marionette Teacher

Haunted Dormitory: Marionette Teacher

The film is a sequel to Haunted Dormitory: White Paper Girl

Nataly Fish

Ultimate Teacher

Ultimate Teacher

At a run down school the "Ultimate Teacher" Ganpachi is sent to get things back on track and prepare the delinquent students for the real world. But the students don't want Ganpachi ruining the gang they got going so their boss, Hinako, fights back Ganpachi aided by her secret power...her lucky kitty underwear. Things get more interesting when we f..

Nataly Fish

The School Teacher and the Waif

The School Teacher and the Waif

Nora, the waif, is forced to attend school. She warms to her teacher for the way that he defends her against the taunts of some of the students, but when she's made to wear a dunce cap, she flees the schoolhouse in shame. Unsupervised by her alcoholic father, Nora becomes a determined truant, wandering the town during school hours. There she catche..

Nataly Fish

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