
Mirror Mechanics

Mirror Mechanics

"The film as a mirror and, as a further consequence, the phenomenon of identification primarily inherent in feature films, condense to a type of essence of film's potential. This film reports on cinema and the processes within it. In doing so, it doesn't reveal any secrets, but instead, attempts to transfer – in the sense of seeing what we see �..

Nataly Fish

Mike Terrana - Double Bass Mechanics

Mike Terrana - Double Bass Mechanics

Double Bass Mechanics represents the culmination of 15 years professional touring and recording experience. Learn all the fundamentals you’ll ever need to know from Mike Terrana, a drummer with keen street smarts that are always in demand for live performances, studio sessions, and drum clinics.His powerful drumming style can be heard with renown..

Nataly Fish

Todd Sucherman - Methods & Mechanics

Todd Sucherman - Methods & Mechanics

Todd Sucherman brings the knowledge of thousands of gigs, shows and recording sessions along with over three decades as a professional drummer to this useful and unique DVD package. Astonishing technique, power and musicality explode from the various musical and solo performances throughout this presentation. Working with artists over a myriad of g..

Nataly Fish



Kev, a mechanic in his 40s, drives up the Dublin mountains to end his life. He is cruelly interrupted by an old man who is lost. Kev is forced to make some hard decisions, for better or worse.

Nataly Fish

Night Mechanic

Night Mechanic

A short movie, written and directed by Sylvain Pelissier. Valensole short film festival selection 2020.

Nataly Fish

Mechanical Monsters

Mechanical Monsters

This extraordinary documentary poses questions that still resonate today - will the machines we build to save humanity end up replacing us or even destroying us? Historian Simon Schaffer tells the stories behind some of the most sensational engineering wonders of past centuries. Images of designs and remnants spark questions that cut to the heart o..

Nataly Fish

Je suis fou, je suis sot, je suis méchant

Je suis fou, je suis sot, je suis méchant

From the young Ensor, brilliant artist, rebel and relatively unknown, to the esteemed Baron Ensor, who only painted scenes in which he plagiarized himself, Luc de Heusch provides an interpretation of a man and an oeuvre. A Sunday musician, out-and-out misogynist, talented utterer of curses, lover of the mermaid, seller of beach souvenirs, he left d..

Nataly Fish

La France a peur: le syndrome du grand méchant monde

La France a peur: le syndrome du grand méchant monde

La France a peur: le syndrome du grand méchant monde Criminalité, délinquance, violence, maladie, immigration, chômage... Il semble qu'on ait toutes les raisons d'avoir peur! Mais d'où vient ce sentiment de danger, d'insécurité? De notre propre expérience? "Le syndrome du grand méchant monde" est une expression forgée par George Gerbner..

Nataly Fish

Mechanics of Creativity

Mechanics of Creativity

Former Formula One driver David Coulthard travels to Havana, Cuba, to drive in the Cuba Classic Rally. He meets a brotherhood of mechanics who have managed to keep their cars running for decades.

Nataly Fish

Amore Mechanica

Amore Mechanica

A human-like android searches for connection in other humans in an attempt to find love.

Nataly Fish

MechaGFantis Backfires

MechaGFantis Backfires

The second Dojo Studios movie featuring GFantis.

Nataly Fish

Canada Vignette: Erik Davidson - Mechanic

Canada Vignette: Erik Davidson - Mechanic

A short film in the Canada Vignette series. A cinematic portrait of a blind auto mechanic.

Nataly Fish

Safer Sexual Techniques in the-Age of Mechanical Reproduction

Safer Sexual Techniques in the-Age of Mechanical Reproduction

Working from the premise that there is no such thing as safe sex, this film is designed as an arcane storybook with each sexual act being contained within a 100 ft.-roll of film. A structural film with content, each roll contains layers of sexual illusion amid subliminal messages created by in-camera effects. The soundtrack starts from a single cat..

Nataly Fish

bladee & Mechatok’s Extreme Good luck frequency #9DExperience Attract good luck TODAY!!! Unexpected rewards (It Really Works)

bladee & Mechatok’s Extreme Good luck frequency #9DExperience Attract good luck TODAY!!! Unexpected rewards (It Really Works)

Bladee and Mechatok team up for a live perfomance of their new album, "Good Luck":

Nataly Fish

Bush Mechanics

Bush Mechanics

After their car shows signs of trouble in the middle of nowhere, four men must use their skill in 'bush repair' to make it back to town.

Nataly Fish

Méchant party

Méchant party

À Montréal, la nuit de l'Halloween, le hasard met Sylvain sur la route de Daniel qui doit se rendre à un rendez-vous galant avec la femme de ses rêves. D'un bar malfamé du centre-ville aux quartiers chauds de l'Est de Montréal, en traversant les pièges de la ville, Daniel en verra de toutes les couleurs...

Nataly Fish

The Strange Mechanic

The Strange Mechanic

Auto Kid, who is a seasoned mechanic just like his father and grandfather, grew up in the garage. He often witness lost spirit taking shelter under an automobile, which in turn, causes the vehicle to have an unexplainable breakdown. As he gradually develops the ability to fix cars by returning the spirits to their world, he becomes known for his my..

Nataly Fish

Human Experience in the Age of Mechanical Memory

Human Experience in the Age of Mechanical Memory

An experimental short film that discusses the malleability of human memory when compared to the modern automatic memory of digital recording.

Nataly Fish

The Flood: The Big Picture of Its Mechanism and Resulting Evidences

The Flood: The Big Picture of Its Mechanism and Resulting Evidences

Geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling presents several lines of evidence that both confirm the biblical account of the global Flood, and cannot be explained by evolutionary models. From deep sea fossils high atop the Himalayas to the movement of the continents during the Flood, the big picture comes into sharp focus when you look through the lens of the Bi..

Nataly Fish

Me dicen el mecha corta

Me dicen el mecha corta

Humberto sees the woman he thought was dead coming out of a house with her lover and trying to steal an inheritance.

Nataly Fish

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