
Child of Resistance

Child of Resistance

A woman dressed in a robe, hands bound, is being transported through a barroom into a jail cell, directly outside of which later appears a jury box filled with jurors. Linearity is rejected as space is treated poetically, following the coordinates of a propulsive social idea - the social imprisonment of black women.

Nataly Fish

Rituals of Resistance

Rituals of Resistance

A Tibetan-American filmmaker explores modes of resistance to Chinese occupation by speaking with activists across generations. A former Tibetan monk broke his vows and became a guerilla leader. The filmmaker's own mother followed the Dalai Lama's Middle Path and raised her family in America. A young Tibetan man attempted to self-immolate in 2006. H..

Nataly Fish

Mimesis as Resistance

Mimesis as Resistance

The Australian lyrebird has evolved the ability to perfectly mimic different sounds like no other bird. During the mating season, the lyrebird sings a mixture of its own tunes and those of other birds for hours on end. With the encroachment of humans upon its habitat, the birds have been exposed to new sounds, and they have been known to incorporat..

Nataly Fish

Drums of Resistance

Drums of Resistance

Au début des années 90, alors que l'ex-Yougoslavie est en train d'éclater, le régime de Milosevic introduit la loi martial au Kosovo et banni les Kosovars Albanais de la vie public. Les employés des institutions publiques sont renvoyés, les médias censurés et les écoles et universités fermées. Ainsi, un système parallèle s'organise au ..

Nataly Fish

Rhythms of Resistance

Rhythms of Resistance

A look at the Pacifying Police Units (UPPs) in Rio de Janeiro through politicized speeches by artists from some locals communities. With music and performances thematizing social exclusion and police violence, these artists discuss the rhetoric of peace and question to what extent the arrival of the UPP does not represent an intensification of the ..

Nataly Fish

Resistance without Arms

Resistance without Arms

Nataly Fish

Roots of Resistance

Roots of Resistance

Olive trees have been a key element of life for populations in Palestinian land for generations. Since the creation of the state of Israel, historical inhabitants and trees face the uproot of their lives and culture. This documentary shows popular struggles in occupied Cisjordan through the testimonies of Palestinian families and the activists that..

Nataly Fish

Bunky Echo-Hawk: The Resistance

Bunky Echo-Hawk: The Resistance

Exploration of how the reality and resistance of Native Americans inspires the work of Pawnee artist Bunky Echo-Hawk, igniting discussions about environmentalism and Native American rights, among other topics.

Nataly Fish

Spirit of Resistance

Spirit of Resistance

Nataly Fish

Kanehsatake, 270 Years of Resistance

Kanehsatake, 270 Years of Resistance

In July 1990, a dispute over a proposed golf course to be built on Kanien’kéhaka (Mohawk) lands in Oka, Quebec, sets the stage for a historic confrontation that would grab international headlines and sear itself into the Canadian consciousness.

Nataly Fish

Le silence de la mer, une édition dans la Résistance

Le silence de la mer, une édition dans la Résistance

Acte de résistance civile sous l’Occupation, la création des Éditions de Minuit par Pierre de Lescure et Jean Bruller (Vercors) a permis notamment la publication clandestine du Silence de la mer. Une aventure risquée pour tous ceux qui ont participé à la fabrication et la distribution du livre dans un pays sous surveillance. Une incroyable ..

Nataly Fish

Have You Heard from Johannesburg: The Road to Resistance

Have You Heard from Johannesburg: The Road to Resistance

This first story in a six part series covers almost twenty years of history. It is a story of escalating violence and repression, one nation on a collision course with the rest of the world. When the United Nations adopts the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948, South Africa marches in the opposite direction and begins to implement a seri..

Nataly Fish

Vivre C'est résister

Vivre C'est résister

Dans un camp de réfugiés situé à la frontière turco-syrienne, une fillette, Evlin symbolise la résistance de sa ville natale de Kobané contre les combattants d'ISIS. Au beau milieu de la guerre se déroulant en Syrie, l'histoire d'Evlin redonne espoir.

Nataly Fish

Un village en résistance

Un village en résistance

Pendant 20 ans, le petit village de Riace en Calabre (Italie) a fait de l'accueil des migrants son avenir. Mais les populistes qui arrivent au pouvoir, Matteo Salvani en tête, font de Riace leur cible. Pilotée par le monde politique, la justice italienne se met à poursuivre le maire du village.

Nataly Fish

Groupe Mario, la résistance oubliée

Groupe Mario, la résistance oubliée

En Moselle, département français annexé par le Troisième Reich dès 1940, la résistance s’organise. Le groupe Mario, réseau issu des milieux ouvriers cheminots, miniers et sidérurgiques, prend de l’ampleur. Sous la direction de Jean Burger dit « Mario », le groupe distribue des tracts puis passe à des actions de sabotage devenant bien..

Nataly Fish

Muse: The Making of The Resistance

Muse: The Making of The Resistance

Behind the scenes.

Nataly Fish

Necessity: Oil, Water & Climate Resistance

Necessity: Oil, Water & Climate Resistance

Traces the fight in Minnesota against the expansion of pipelines carrying highly toxic tar sands oil through Native lands and essential waterways in North America.

Nataly Fish

Resist: The Resistance Revival Chorus

Resist: The Resistance Revival Chorus

In the midst of a country divided, a diverse group of women and non-binary individuals unite through the historic power of music to create a movement ignited by song.

Nataly Fish

Robert Newman: Resistance Is Fertile

Robert Newman: Resistance Is Fertile

Robert Newman relates his disillusionment with British politics.

Nataly Fish

Ohm - A Resistance Short Film

Ohm - A Resistance Short Film

A reckoning with race, despots, and justice. An ordinary young woman named Rebel learns the true risks of resisting a tyrannical regime when she joins a secret organisation to reclaim dystopian America

Nataly Fish

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