
Ris donc, paillasse

Ris donc, paillasse

Un clown adopte une jeune fille. Devenue une femme desirable, elle est seduite par un aristocrate qui la demande en mariage.

Nataly Fish



After purchasing a doll, Lane's life takes a turn for the worse when close friends and family begin vanishing.

Nataly Fish

Fear of Clowns

Fear of Clowns

An artist who purges her fears through painting is terrified to discover that her nightmarish creations have taken on a life of their own.

Nataly Fish



With his girlfriend pregnant, Dante, a pacifist hippie who makes lip balm called, Mama Earth; is struggling to keep his bills paid. After finding a mysterious flyer for a Birthday Clown Wanted, Dante calls the number and obtains the job. At the Birthday Party he meets a female clown named, Pele. After joining her Pity Party, Dante is pulled into an..

Nataly Fish

Clown in a Cornfield

Clown in a Cornfield

Frendo le clown réapparaît dans une petite ville pour terroriser les habitants.

Nataly Fish

The Clown

The Clown

The life of the owners of Circus Esperança, Puro Sangue e Pangaré, father and son, who plays two clowns. At a certain point, Pangaré starts showing tiredness and sadness for being an unhappy clown.

Nataly Fish

Where The Clownfish Meets The Clown

Where The Clownfish Meets The Clown

A primary school child who has never celebrated his birthday with his biological father, celebrates that special day with an unexpected surprise from his art teacher.

Nataly Fish

little blue clown

little blue clown

An experimental, traumacore short film written and directed by blue jaye corvidae, shot by buq corvidae-schulte. Video opens on the [Projected Soul Impression] of the [Audience]’s anticipation and expectation of the [Performer]. The [Performer] enters the stage dressed as a [Ghost of Themself], projected upon with the [Audience]’s memory of pri..

Nataly Fish

House of Clowns

House of Clowns

A traveling haunted house becomes a nightmarish prison of murder for contestants who agree to participate in a contest to be locked inside overnight. Based on a real life haunted attraction in America's Midwest.

Nataly Fish

Lair of the Killer Clowns

Lair of the Killer Clowns

A paranormal researcher discovers a hellish no man's land in a forgotten desert that serves as a purgatory to evil clowns awaiting their fates.

Nataly Fish

Clown Nightmare

Clown Nightmare

Clown creatures from another dimension take over Kentucky. Jerry uses parts from the Dark Web to build a time machine, and accidentally opens a portal to another dimension, or universe? A dimension filled with clown creatures. Clown creatures that want to kill for their own amusement.

Nataly Fish

Alex Borstein: Corsets & Clown Suits

Alex Borstein: Corsets & Clown Suits

Corsets & Clown Suits est un récit profondément personnel et follement fictif de la tentative d'une femme de baiser avec la perception. Une nuit de comédie et de musique et de fartage rhapsodique.

Nataly Fish

The Clown Murders

The Clown Murders

A group of young professionals decides to play a practical joke on one of their ex-girlfriends who married a rich man who is about to close a major real estate deal. They plan to kidnap her and mess up the deal. Unfortunately, the joke becomes deadly serious.

Nataly Fish

Clown Motel

Clown Motel

A lost group ends up stranded in the middle of nowhere and decides to seek refuge in a deserted Clown Motel. Little do they know, the place is cursed, and they unwittingly unleash the evil clown spirits.

Nataly Fish



A deranged serial killer known as "Clownface" terrorises the residents of a small town.

Nataly Fish

The circus burned down and the clowns scattered

The circus burned down and the clowns scattered

A film director Nikolai Khudokormov is on the brink of his 50th anniversary. He has the whole life rich in events under his belt: creative quests, several marriages and children. Now he has to live with an old insane Mother and seems to be indifferent to what is going on around. But at the same time he is obsessed by the idea to make a film which w..

Nataly Fish

Clowns in the Woods

Clowns in the Woods

Marcus, a young man with a disability, is bullied and killed after a prank goes wrong. In the afterlife, he meets a group of ghostly clowns who help him exact revenge on those who have wronged him.

Nataly Fish

Le sourire du clown

Le sourire du clown

Ian, vieux clown russe triste et fatigue de la vie, a trouve refuge dans une chambre minable d'un petit hotel d'une grande ville, quelque part en Europe. Des idees de suicide le taraudent et il pense finir son chemin ici. Mais le destin en a decide autrement. Au moment ou il s'apprete a accomplir le geste fatal, une fusillade retentit dans le coulo..

Nataly Fish

Guillaume Tell et le Clown

Guillaume Tell et le Clown

The scene opens in an artist's studio where the unfinished statue of William Tell stands upon a pedestal. A clown appears and sticks a clay arm and clay head on the statue, thus completing it. He places a large brick on top of the head to make it stick. When he turns his back the statue turns into a living representation of William Tell. (Edison Ca..

Nataly Fish

Bille de clown

Bille de clown

Gaston Lemeunier ne nourrit d'autre ambition que celle de devenir clown, d'autant plus qu'il est amoureux d'une écuyère prénommée Lulu. Son père est bien décidé à étouffer cette vocation, même au-delà de la mort.

Nataly Fish

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