
Où sont les rêves de jeunesse ?

Où sont les rêves de jeunesse ?

Horino, riche étudiant hérite de l'entreprise familiale à la mort de son père. Il embauche ses trois amis d'université mais leurs rapports vont se dégrader à cause d'une histoire d'amour.

Nataly Fish

Péchés de jeunesse

Péchés de jeunesse

Monsieur Lacalade décide de partir à la recherche des trois fils qu'il a eus dans sa jeunesse. Il retrouve d'abord Edmond Vacheron, heureux propriétaire d'un restaurant, qui lui dit ne plus avoir besoin d'un père, puis Lucien, un compositeur de talent, qui lui avoue tout devoir à son beau-père, enfin Frédéric, qui en fait n'est pas de lui�..

Nataly Fish

Youth Will Be Served

Youth Will Be Served

A precocious youngster organizes a show to save a government youth camp from a local entrepreneur.

Nataly Fish

The Right of Youth

The Right of Youth

Court huntsman, Søtoft, is courting his daughter Else’s lady-in-waiting, Miss Engelke. That’s why it’s a bit of a punch in the stomach when, late one evening, he discovers his son Ove in close contact with her. Chamberlain von Plessen, who had been gossiping to Søtoft and is himself spying on the young couple, is going to set fire to the ro..

Nataly Fish

Assassin of Youth

Assassin of Youth

Une lycéenne se laisse entraîner par une bande de fumeurs de marijuana. Un reporter va tenter d’infiltrer le gang des jeunes drogués dans l’espoir de la sauver et alerter la population sur le terrible danger qui guette la jeunesse américaine…

Nataly Fish

Song of Youth

Song of Youth

A town in the Catalan coast hosts two luxury schools: one for boys, run by Don Cesar, a man of antiquated customs, and a female one, run by two nuns, with modern ideas about education. They try to convince D. Cesar that boys and girls should have a healthy friendship. A finding by the sea is the perfect opportunity for students to prove that beauti..

Nataly Fish

Colossal Youth

Colossal Youth

Lorsque la fille de ses rêves retourne à l'école, une adolescente romantique sans espoir tente de gagner son cœur, jusqu'à ce qu'il touche le fond et réalise que son véritable amour est là depuis toujours.

Nataly Fish

Code Red: Youth of the Nation

Code Red: Youth of the Nation

With more school shootings in 2021 than any year on record, Code Red: Youth of the Nation exposes the fatal cost of our children's education. The documentary seeks to restore the safety of our schools by providing the tools and solutions to put an end to these tragedies.

Nataly Fish

Grow: INFINITE's Real Youth Life

Grow: INFINITE's Real Youth Life

The growth story of Infinite like never seen before. Their youth drama starts now! Infinite is now 4 years into their debut and have become a worldwide superstar with a world tour over 11 countries and 17 cities. However, they talk about the things they've kept bottled up inside and reflect on one another, even showing tears. They've traveled a l..

Nataly Fish

Youth on Parade

Youth on Parade

In this musical, a gang of college students decide to play a little trick by creating the perfect student. The fictional gal has everything a university would ever want. The trouble begins when the campus psych professor becomes determined to meet this girl. If the gang cannot bring her forward, they will be expelled. They hire a New York actress t..

Nataly Fish

Tomorrow's Youth

Tomorrow's Youth

A look at how his parents' divorce affects the life of a young boy.

Nataly Fish

Beyond Youth's Paradise

Beyond Youth's Paradise

Captain Fane, an English army officer stationed at Cairo, is in love with Lady Fiennis, who is treated most cruelly by her husband. Fane returns to England when he finds that she refuses to leave him. Five years later Fane's sister summons him to tell him that her son Frankie, who is only twenty-two years old, has decided to marry a widow many year..

Nataly Fish

YouthMin: A Mockumentary

YouthMin: A Mockumentary

"YouthMin" is a mockumentary following an attention seeking youth pastor and his small group of Christian teens at Bible camp.

Nataly Fish

Contes cruels de la jeunesse

Contes cruels de la jeunesse

Makoto, une adolescente un peu perdue à la recherche d'expériences nouvelles et de sensations fortes, accepte de suivre des inconnus dans leur voiture. Un jour, elle rencontre un jeune homme, Kiyoshi, mi-étudiant, mi-délinquant, et décide de quitter sa famille pour aller vivre avec lui...

Nataly Fish

Youth of Commanders

Youth of Commanders

Nataly Fish

Sweet Bird of Youth: Chasing Time

Sweet Bird of Youth: Chasing Time

The making of the film with Drew Casper.

Nataly Fish

Framing Youth

Framing Youth

Alfalfa and Butch are competing in an amateur radio contest, and Butch tries to fix it so that he will win.

Nataly Fish

Bleach Blind Youth

Bleach Blind Youth

Whilst filming a biopic of an infamous local serial killer, a student film crew runs into issue after issue, as paranormal forces begin to take over the set.

Nataly Fish

Hitler Youth

Hitler Youth

William L. Shirer, the author of The Rise and Fall of the 3rd Reich, talks about the youth who were under Hitler. He speaks on the influence, hate, death, war and conquest has on the youth. How these concepts are built into them the moment they are born.

Nataly Fish

The Youth Killer

The Youth Killer

Bien que ses parents l'aident à gérer l'entreprise familiale, Jun se sent toujours persécuté par leur amour. Quand ils lui interdisent de rencontrer sa petite amie, les tensions augmentent.

Nataly Fish

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