
The Glorious My Revenge

The Glorious My Revenge

Three years after the expiration of the ten year statute of limitations, police detective Ryoo Yi-jae meets the man who killed his son in a hit and run accident.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

Kung Fu Revenger

Kung Fu Revenger

Excellent rare basher from Taiwan.

Nataly Fish

Miran, The Revenger

Miran, The Revenger

Miran, a daughter who can't speak because of the shock of witnessing her father's murder, vows revenge on the international drug organization Yongdeng faction. She is reunited with her estranged sister Mishuku, and they part ways. The Black Dragon Society led by Lee of the Yongdeng Faction vs. the runaway group Night Raid led by Mishukul. The killi..

Nataly Fish



A film about an unhappy man who catches his wife with a lover. He leaves to buy a gun, while plotting to kill the wife and the lover. Based on a short story by Anton Chekhov.

Nataly Fish

Ex-Revengers: Hikiko-san

Ex-Revengers: Hikiko-san

A bullied boy hangs himself, but not before writing a suicide note with a curse on it.

Nataly Fish

4 dollars de vengeance

4 dollars de vengeance

A quelques jours de son mariage avec Mercédes, une riche héritière, le lieutenant Nordiste Roy Dexter doit convoyer jusqu'à Washington des sacs de dollars en or. Le lieutenant Haller, également amoureux de Mercédes, en profite pour lui tendre un guet-apens qui consiste à le faire accuser du vol de l'or..

Nataly Fish

Samon’s Hell Revenge: Unauthorised Jutte Records

Samon’s Hell Revenge: Unauthorised Jutte Records

Samon Kamiyama, a skilled yoriki under Toyama Saemon-no-jō Kagemoto is feared and known to the villains as “Samon from the Hell.” Samon suspects that the drowning incident at the raw silk wholesaler Shinano-ya was the work of Maruya Rihei, a kimono wholesaler favored by the Ōoku, but has no evidence to prove his allegation. The elder Arao Tsu..

Nataly Fish

Les Nibelungen : la Vengeance de Kriemhild

Les Nibelungen : la Vengeance de Kriemhild

Kriemhild n'a pas pu oublier Siegfried et son lâche assassinat par Hagen Tronje, qui reste le protégé du clan des Burgondes et s'est approprié le trésor des Niebelungen qu'il a caché dans le Rhin. Le margrave Rüdiger von Bechlarn lui apporte la demande en mariage du roi Etzel (Attila) : elle l'accepte. La voilà reine des Huns.

Nataly Fish

Lustful Revenge

Lustful Revenge

After reading about beautiful women killed in a gruesome manner during the recent months, Akiko tries to nail down the sick serial killer herself. What she does not know is that the killer has already targetted her as his next victim.

Nataly Fish



Ex-flic, ex-taulard, Franck Bériat a un sens de la justice que certains qualifient d'expéditif. Condamné à six ans de détention pour avoir tué de sang-froid un proxénète, responsable de la mort d'une jeune prostituée, il est devenu, à sa sortie de prison, détective privé sans licence. Les gens s'adressent à lui quand ils ne peuvent ou ..

Nataly Fish

Money. Revenge

Money. Revenge

The main characters are approximately 35–40 years old, some are already firmly on their feet, have a business, a fortune, others are struggling to survive, getting into debt. And someone, wanting to easily and quickly earn big money and show off his classmates, becomes an accomplice in a criminal scheme. All of Baidam's efforts to change his lif..

Nataly Fish

Girl's Revenge

Girl's Revenge

At a birthday party, a sex video is filmed without consent and Ren Li-cha is the girl in the video. The clip circulates among the students and Li-cha is mocked and bullied as a result. Wu Yun-heng, a transfer student, went to the party with Li-cha. As she cannot stand how much Li-cha is suffering' she is determined to find out about the truth behi..

Nataly Fish

Ma Suzhen Takes Revenge

Ma Suzhen Takes Revenge

Nataly Fish

Silent Revenge

Silent Revenge

A resentful young man decides to kill all the people who were involved in his brother's decision to commit suicide.

Nataly Fish

Samon’s Hell Revenge: Unauthorised Jutte Records 3

Samon’s Hell Revenge: Unauthorised Jutte Records 3

After three consecutive days of heavy rain, the water level at Sumida River rises and the newly built Eitai Bridge collapses just two years after its completion. Among the 20 victims is Okou, the lover of Yokichi, a member of the theatrical entertainment district controlled by Samon Kamiyama. A body of a bridge carpenter is also found in the debris..

Nataly Fish

Your Silence Became My Revenge

Your Silence Became My Revenge

A woman seeks revenge on a powerful crime boss.

Nataly Fish

Gunslinger's Revenge

Gunslinger's Revenge

Doc, le fils du célèbre pistolero Johnny Lowen, est médecin dans un petit village. Il s'est marié avec une Indienne, qui lui a donné un fils, Jeremiah. Après une vingtaine d'années d'absence, son père, Johnny, réapparaît. Il désire renouer des liens solides avec son fils, sa femme et son petit-fils. Malheureusement, son terrible ennemi d..

Nataly Fish

La Vengeance

La Vengeance

Après avoir tué un officier de haut rang lors d'un duel illégal, un samouraï de bas rang est déclaré fou et est défié en duel par le clan auquel appartenait son adversaire mort.

Nataly Fish

Russie, Chine, Iran : La Revanche des empires

Russie, Chine, Iran : La Revanche des empires

Russie, Chine, Iran : trois régimes autoritaires qui s’unissent pour prendre leur revanche contre l’Occident et restaurer leur puissance impériale. Ce documentaire aussi dense que glaçant déroule l’anatomie de cette alliance.

Nataly Fish

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