
Kim Novak, l'âme rebelle d'Hollywood

Kim Novak, l'âme rebelle d'Hollywood

Le premier film sur Kim Novak, sa carrière et son émancipation du système hollywoodien, avec la participation exclusive de l'actrice elle-même. Un écho au mouvement #MeToo. Dévoilez l'héroïne inoubliable du chef-d'œuvre d'Alfred Hitchcock, " Vertigo ".

Nataly Fish

Des dollars pour Kim Jong-un

Des dollars pour Kim Jong-un

Asphyxié par les sanctions internationales, le pouvoir nord-coréen a mis en place l’un des plus vastes systèmes de travail forcé au monde : à travers une dizaine de pays, 100 000 personnes sont employées dans le but de fournir des devises au régime de Kim Jong-un.

Nataly Fish

Kim Ji-young, Born 1982

Kim Ji-young, Born 1982

Kim Ji‑young est une épouse aimante et une mère attentionnée. Soucieuse de respecter les traditions familiales sud‑coréennes, la jeune trentenaire a quitté son travail dans une agence de relation publique pour se consacrer entièrement à l'éducation de sa fille. Ces valeurs ancestrales ne lui correspondent cependant pas, et Kim Ji‑youn..

Nataly Fish

Danse avec moi !

Danse avec moi !

A woman recovering from an attempted suicide meets an aspiring doctor who takes a keen interest in her efforts to move forward in life through dance.

Nataly Fish

Kim's Video

Kim's Video

Since 1987, and for almost three decades, New York cinephiles had access to a vast treasure trove of rare films thanks to Kim's Video, a small empire run by Yongman Kim, an enigmatic character who amassed more than fifty thousand VHS tapes.

Nataly Fish

Where is Kim Basinger?

Where is Kim Basinger?

Marcus et son frère Antoine atterrissent en Argentine. Ils viennent y passer quelques jours pour le mariage de leur cousin et comptent bien en profiter pour découvrir les joies de la capitale Buenos Aires. Marcus est joyeux comme un pinson alors qu'Antoine vient de se faire quitter. Marcus va se battre comme un beau diable pour remonter le moral ..

Nataly Fish

Kimchi Untuk Awak

Kimchi Untuk Awak

Based on the novel of the same name by Suri Ryana, the story is about Bella, a student who studies in a South Korean university. During her semester breaks, she decides to spend her free time in Malaysia. However, her calm and peaceful life turns upside down after she gets into an accident with a Malay-Korean guy named Danial Lee Jae Hwan. In the m..

Nataly Fish

My Teacher, Mr. Kim

My Teacher, Mr. Kim

A teacher attempts to lure his handful of students in a small, rural school to Seoul so that he can move on to a better school. His efforts backfire however, and his school becomes one of the highest ranked in the nation.

Nataly Fish

Kimi no Yubisaki

Kimi no Yubisaki

Fujisawa va bientôt changer d'école. Elle fait ses adieux à son amie Makita. C'est l'occasion pour les deux jeunes lycéennes de partager un dernier moment au bord de la mer et de tenter de s'ouvrir un peu plus franchement l'une à l'autre.

Nataly Fish

Kim Novak Is on the Phone

Kim Novak Is on the Phone

A heavily indebted film producer tries to get back on his feet by producing a film starring Kim Novak. He also hopes to start a new relationship with his estranged son.

Nataly Fish

Da Kath & Kim Code

Da Kath & Kim Code

La relation de Kath et Kel est mise à rude épreuve par Michael Bublé, Kim s'essaie à la pole dance, Sharon trouve l'amour en ligne, et un harceleur rôde dans les parages.

Nataly Fish

Kath & Kimderella

Kath & Kimderella

La joyeuse Kath, sa fille Kim, reine des divas, et son amie Sharon se rendent à Papilloma, en Italie, où les attendent un mariage royal et une ribambelle de contrefaçons.

Nataly Fish

Karaté Warrior

Karaté Warrior

En provenance de Boston, Anthony Scott, 15 ans, arrive à Manille pour y retrouver son père journaliste. Là, il rencontre Maria, jeune fille dont les parents sont soumis à un odieux chantage par Quino, ancien disciple du grand Maître des Arts martiaux, Kimura. Anthony et Quino en vienne inévitablement à s'affronter et Anthony est sauvé in ex..

Nataly Fish

Kim Kardashian West: The Justice Project

Kim Kardashian West: The Justice Project

Kim Kardashian West works to shine a light on stories of people she believes have paid their debt to society while also bringing awareness to America’s growing problem with mass incarceration.

Nataly Fish

Kim McVicar: Female Comedian

Kim McVicar: Female Comedian

Canadian comedian Kim McVicar is back for her third hour-long stand-up special to prove once-and-for-all why your cell phone is more important to you than your kids, how Tik Tok ruined clubbing, the secret to Canadian sex education, and reveals her biggest dream: to play a dead body on 'NCIS.'

Nataly Fish

Kim Dotcom: Caught in the Web

Kim Dotcom: Caught in the Web

The larger-than-life story of Kim Dotcom, the 'most wanted man online', is extraordinary enough, but the battle between Dotcom and the US Government and entertainment industry—being fought in New Zealand—is one that goes to the heart of ownership, privacy and piracy in the digital age.

Nataly Fish

Karate Warrior 2

Karate Warrior 2

After studying martial arts in the Philippines and defeating his opponent Quino, Anthony Scott heads back to the U.S. to attend college. Making the promise to his teacher that he will not fight, Anthony finds himself the target of the Tigers, a local martial arts gang led by bully Dick. When Dick constantly attempts to fight Anthony, Anthony refuse..

Nataly Fish

Kim & Wenche - The Right to Love

Kim & Wenche - The Right to Love

Norwegian Gay and Lesbian rights pioneer Karen-Christine (Kim) Friele and her lover Wenche Lowzow led the LGBT+ fight in the 1970's and today Norway is one of the most liberal country in the world. This film is a tribute and a close portrait of a couple who, more than anyone else in Norway, have become a symbol of the fight for queer rights and the..

Nataly Fish

The Man with Two Names Cameraman Kim Hak-seong, Kanai Seiichi

The Man with Two Names Cameraman Kim Hak-seong, Kanai Seiichi

A filmmaker with three names—Hinatsu Eitaro in Japan, Huh Young in Korea, and Huyung in Indonesia—is known as the director of the lost film You and I (1941). Presented here is a retrospective look at a filmmaker who was a victim of his time.

Nataly Fish

Intense Yoga Bobywork with Young Ho Kim

Intense Yoga Bobywork with Young Ho Kim

Yoga power training for a great figure.

Nataly Fish

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