
The Two Lives of Yasaburo Hachiya. Russian Samurai Love

The Two Lives of Yasaburo Hachiya. Russian Samurai Love

The film is based on the love story of a Russian woman, Claudia Novikova, and a Japanese, Yasaburo Khachia, who was serving time in Stalin's camps on false charges of espionage against the USSR.

Nataly Fish

Last Days of the Samurai

Last Days of the Samurai

Seppuku Day 17 Ako ronins, including Kuranosuke Oishi, who were entrusted to the Hosokawa family, and the events of the two days before are depicted as a tragic romance between one of the ronins, Jurozaemon Isogai, and Omino. An adaptation of Seika Mayama play "Genroku Chusingura, the Last Day of Oishi", which tells about the torments of life and ..

Nataly Fish

Samurai of the Great Earth

Samurai of the Great Earth

A film adaptation of Rikuo Honjo's novel "Ishikari River".

Nataly Fish

The Notorious Bored Samurai 4

The Notorious Bored Samurai 4

A marriage proposal from the Kishu family is presented to Kikuji, but her brother, Sawatari Shusui, declines it. Around the same time, the lord of the Kishu family dies under suspicious circumstances. Determined to resolve the turmoil within the Kishu domain, Shusui embarks on a journey. The proposed suitor for Kikuji is Shin'nosuke, a young samur..

Nataly Fish

The Notorious Bored Samurai 3

The Notorious Bored Samurai 3

One night, Sawatari Shusui saves a geisha named Osode from a ninja attack. Osode's mother is said to be carrying the child of the shogun, Tsunayoshi, and has hidden herself on Hachijo Island. Shusui heads to Hachijo to verify the truth. Meanwhile, Shusui had heard from Tsunayoshi that he was planning to appoint the Kofu Chancellor, Tokugawa Tsu..

Nataly Fish

The Notorious Bored Samurai 2

The Notorious Bored Samurai 2

The Satsuma clan conspires with key figures in the shogunate to overthrow the government. However, the head inspector, Naito Yamashiro no Kami, cannot find the sworn statement of rebellion and takes responsibility by ending his own life. This deeply affects Mondonosuke Saotome, who was close to Yamashiro no Kami and who is known for his restless na..

Nataly Fish

The Notorious Bored Samurai

The Notorious Bored Samurai

Mondosuke ventures alone into the land of Nagasaki. There, he encounters young lady named Kinue, the daughter of Nagasaki's former magistrate office constable, Shusuke Kaneko. Monsuke has received information that Shusuke has been captured on charges of embezzlement, prompting him to head to the magistrate's office. However, the arrival of the Ch..

Nataly Fish

The Notorious Bored Samurai 6

The Notorious Bored Samurai 6

Sawatari Shusui was told about 7,000 ryo of buried gold by Osuke, who claimed to be a princess of the Fujiwara family. Shusui speculates that powerful people in the Date family and the shogunate are planning to overthrow the shogunate using buried gold and gets excited about a major national crisis. He gets separated from Osuke due to interferenc..

Nataly Fish

The Notorious Bored Samurai 9

The Notorious Bored Samurai 9

The one who hurriedly ascended the castle upon hearing news of Shogun Tsunayoshi's illness was Saotome Mondonosuke. However, instead of an illness, he was prompted to consider a marriage proposal with Yaehime, a daughter of the Date clan. Yet, this was merely a pretext, as he was requested to investigate the truth behind the rumors of rebellion wi..

Nataly Fish

The Notorious Bored Samurai 8

The Notorious Bored Samurai 8

The two ronin that Sawatari Mondonosuke saved were secret envoys from Ryukyu. They could not stand the tyranny of the Satsuma clan and were trying to appeal to the shogunate. But they were captured by someone afterwards. Mondonosuke’s boredom bug started to stir… Mondonosuke rescued the two who were imprisoned in the mansion of the chief eld..

Nataly Fish

The Notorious Bored Samurai 5

The Notorious Bored Samurai 5

Sawatari Shusui saved Princess Hiroko of the Konoe family, who was about to be married to Tokugawa Tsunatoyo. However, Hiroko, a tomboy, disappears. As someone is after Hiroko's life, Shusui pursues her whereabouts... Meanwhile, Sasao Yoshinari and Shusui's sister, Kikuji, who were following Shusui, meet a young man and Kikuji is captivated by ..

Nataly Fish

Samurai Justice: A Duel at Takadanobara

Samurai Justice: A Duel at Takadanobara

Edo is rocked by the news that a duel to the death is to be held at Takadanobaba, the famed site of a bloody revenge fought by Nakayama Yasubei, who late married into the Ako clan where he was one of the 47 ronin who took vengeance against the vile Lord Kira. This hallowed spot is to host a match between two of the finest swordsmen in Edo. Each is ..

Nataly Fish

Samurai Justice: The Female Bodyguard

Samurai Justice: The Female Bodyguard

A chance encounter on the road leads to the unusual need for a female bodyguard to protect the granddaughter of an old friend of Akiyama Kohei, a wealthy merchant who plans to bypass his son-in-law as head of the company. When Daijiro’s wife Mifuyu takes on the job strange things start to happen, including the brutal slaughter of company employee..

Nataly Fish

Kubo et l'armure magique

Kubo et l'armure magique

Sur les rives escarpées d’un Japon fantasmagorique, un jeune garçon nommé Kubo vit dans une grotte, en haut d’une falaise. S’il a l’air d’un vagabond dépenaillé, il est pourtant aussi attentionné qu’intelligent et vit une existence modeste de conteur de rue. Jour après jour, il régale des histoires les plus folles, les habitants..

Nataly Fish

Samouraï Academy

Samouraï Academy

Hank est un chien enjoué qui rêve d’être samouraï dans un monde où ce privilège n’est réservé… qu’aux chats ! Moqué, refusé par toutes les écoles de samouraïs, il rencontre un gros matou grincheux, un maître guerrier qui finit par accepter de lui enseigner les techniques ancestrales des samouraïs. L’apprentissage va être ..

Nataly Fish

Kenshin : L’Achèvement

Kenshin : L’Achèvement

En 1879, Kenshin se bat avec ses alliés contre son plus grand ennemi : son ancien beau-frère Enishi Yukishiro, entouré de ses sbires qui ont juré de se venger.

Nataly Fish

Kenshin : Le Commencement

Kenshin : Le Commencement

Avant de devenir protecteur, Kenshin était un redoutable assassin nommé Battosaï. Après sa rencontre avec l'affable Tomoe Yukishiro, tout commence à changer pour lui.

Nataly Fish

Le Samouraï

Le Samouraï

Jef Costello, un tueur à gages, est chargé d'éliminer le patron d'une boîte de nuit. Un soir, il exécute froidement son contrat. Valérie, la pianiste de l'établissement, l'a vu commettre son crime. Jef met alors soigneusement au point un alibi, avec l'aide de sa maîtresse, Jane Lagrange. Mais la police a des soupçons à son égard et le su..

Nataly Fish

Kenshin : le vagabond

Kenshin : le vagabond

À l’aube d’une ère nouvelle, le légendaire tueur Battosai décide de se retirer. Dix ans plus tard, un homme doté d’une incroyable dextérité fait son apparition. Ce combattant hors pair qui se fait appeler Kenshin rôde tel un vagabond sur les routes du Japon. Armé d’un sabre dont la lame ne peut pas tuer, il tente de protéger un id..

Nataly Fish

Sword of the Stranger

Sword of the Stranger

Le récit de Sword of the Stranger se déroule dans le Japon de l'ère "Sengoku", en pleine période de guerres civiles. Un rônin sans nom sauve un jeune orphelin, Kotarô, et son chien Tobimaru, lors d'un incendie. Pendant ce temps, une mystérieuse milice venue de Chine recherche Kotarô dans le but de l'utiliser pour accomplir un rituel occulte..

Nataly Fish

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