
Glup, An Adventure Without Waste

Glup, An Adventure Without Waste

"Buy, use and throw", this is the maximum of a world in which objects do not last more than twinkling of an eye. Shops are emptied and dumps filled. Alicia witnesses this unfortunate phenomenon, as her parents throw objects with only a few months of "life." But all is not lost as there are people like Thomas, an old scrap dealer, friend of Alicia,..

Nataly Fish

Kongsuni the Movie : Toy World Adventure

Kongsuni the Movie : Toy World Adventure

After Kongsuni interacts with a robot monkey in a toy store, her family goes missing. Now, she must brave an adventure to a fantastical toy world!

Nataly Fish

Black Jack: Dr. Pinoko's Forest Adventure

Black Jack: Dr. Pinoko's Forest Adventure

Dr. Black Jack forgot his doctor's bag, and his assistant (plus self-claimed "wife") Pinoko rushed to deliver the bag but found herself lost in the forest. Guided by a butterfly, she found that many animals in the forest are sick or injured, and Pinoko used her knowledge to help those animals.

Nataly Fish

Les Mystérieuses Aventures de Claude Conseil

Les Mystérieuses Aventures de Claude Conseil

Claude Conseil vit une retraite paisible avec son mari dans une maison au milieu des bois. Elle occupe son temps à écouter les oiseaux. Un soir de printemps, d’incessants et énigmatiques appels viennent rompre le calme de la forêt. Les Mystérieuses Aventures de Claude Conseil raconte le télescopage imprévu du chant des grives et des instru..

Nataly Fish

Time-Patrol Bon: Fujiko F. Fujio Anime Special - SF Adventure

Time-Patrol Bon: Fujiko F. Fujio Anime Special - SF Adventure

A Japanese schoolboy, Heibon, is enlisted in the efforts of the time patrol to keep the past out of trouble.

Nataly Fish

Tomb Adventurer

Tomb Adventurer

After returning from the ancient city of Jingjue, Xue Li Yang found that the curse of ghost-eye erythema had afflicted her, and used a strategy to let King Hu Bayi, Fatty Wang and others go to the Longling Labyrinth to find the Dragon Bone Book, trying to lift the curse. Taking risks, encountering ancient mythical beasts, a giant catfish, the iron-..

Nataly Fish

Manyunya: New Year's Adventures

Manyunya: New Year's Adventures

The New Year for Manyuni, Narine and Karine may not go according to plan: forecasters promise an abnormally warm winter, which means that the arrival of Santa Claus is under threat! Their families urgently decide to go to the mountains. An adventurous road leads the heroes to the cherished house, which becomes a disappointment: dirt, dampness, brok..

Nataly Fish

Les Aventures d'Oliver Twist

Les Aventures d'Oliver Twist

Dans les faubourgs de Londres au 19ème siècle, les bouleversantes aventures d’un petit garçon abandonné à la recherche de l’amour maternel…

Nataly Fish

Sora Aoi's Adventures in Wonderland

Sora Aoi's Adventures in Wonderland

G-Cup model Sora Aoi is shrunken down to palm size! her adventures unfolds in a strange world.

Nataly Fish

Bonditis, or the Horrible and Terrible Adventures of a Nearly Normal Human Being

Bonditis, or the Horrible and Terrible Adventures of a Nearly Normal Human Being

His name is Born, Frank Born, and he suffers from an illness known as Bonditis!! In this very funny parody, Frank believes he is James Bond. His entire reality is shaped around this fantasy as he believes he has to save the world!

Nataly Fish

The Adventures of Sun Wu Kung

The Adventures of Sun Wu Kung

The mythical adventures of the legendary Chinese trickster Monkey, who must outwit a variety of wily demons who stand in the way of him and his fellow Buddhist travelers. Though portrayed as a literal, if rather anthropomorphized, monkey in the original legends, this film substitutes the spindly comic actor Norihei Miki, sans makeup.

Nataly Fish

Les aventures de Ramboutan

Les aventures de Ramboutan

Le héros, Ramboutan, se bat contre un rival à l’intérieur d’un vieux cabriolet lancé à grande vitesse. Son opposant parvient à le précipiter hors du véhicule puis se penche sur la petite amie du héros qui résiste désespérément en lui donnant des coups de pieds au visage. Pendant ce temps, Ranpûtan rattrape la voiture en courant. I..

Nataly Fish

Les aventures de Robert Fortune ou comment le thé fut vole aux Chinois

Les aventures de Robert Fortune ou comment le thé fut vole aux Chinois

Le thé, aujourd'hui boisson de la sérénité, associée au calme et au bien-être, a connu un passé bien agité. Son sort fut lié au commerce de l'opium, aux guerres sino-britanniques, à l'expansion coloniale, au déclin de la Chine impériale et à la première opération d'espionnage industriel de l'Histoire. Au 19ème siècle, l'empire ch..

Nataly Fish

Os Aventureiros – A Origem

Os Aventureiros – A Origem

Luccas Neto, his sister Gi and their friends Vitória, Pedro and Jéssi had no idea what was to come on the school trip. When Luccas decides to invade the laboratory of the recently disappeared scientist Honório Flacksman, the group is sucked into a portal that takes them to another dimension – the City of Joy.

Nataly Fish

Les Aventures De Pinocchio

Les Aventures De Pinocchio

Gepetto, un pauvre menuisier, rêve depuis toujours d'avoir un fils. Un jour il se met à tailler une marionnette en bois, qui, grâce à une fée, se transforme en petit garçon, Pinocchio. La fée bleue prévient Pinocchio qu'il redeviendra une marionnette s'il n'est pas sage et obéissant. Mais le pantin en bois ne cesse d'alterner bonnes et mau..

Nataly Fish

The New Adventures of Captain Vrungel

The New Adventures of Captain Vrungel

The extraordinary adventures of schoolboy Vasya Lopotukhin aboard the yacht of the famous Captain Vrungel and his cheerful first mate Lom…The dashing crew investigates the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle, braves hurricanes and storms, fights with Fierce Harry and the band of his cutthroats. Coming next is solving the mystery of Atlantis…

Nataly Fish

The Adventures of Prince Florisel

The Adventures of Prince Florisel

A mostly comical tale of all-powerful and wealthy Bavarian prince adventures that started when prince was seeking to deal with the boredom. Joining the Club of Suicide society, he uncovered the mastermind criminal behind it, and vowed to get rid of him by any means necessary, following deaths of several servants when dreaded president of club makes..

Nataly Fish

La Belle Aventure

La Belle Aventure

Le jour de son mariage, Hélène quitte son futur mari pour rejoindre son cousin André, qu'elle a toujours aimé. Ils se cachent chez la grand-mère d'Hélène qui prend André pour le mari et les pousse dans le même lit.

Nataly Fish

Great SFX Adventure: Take Me to 'Sweet Home'
L'Aventure atomique

L'Aventure atomique

Algérie, 1961. Alors que la France vient de faire exploser sa quatrième bombe atomique, un groupe de sept soldats est envoyé́ jusqu'au point d'impact afin d'y effectuer des prélèvements et des mesures de la radioactivité́. Mais plus ils avancent, plus le capitaine, un vétéran de guerre d'une cinquantaine d'années, se voit confronté aux..

Nataly Fish

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