
Wecken Sie Madame nicht auf

Wecken Sie Madame nicht auf

Nataly Fish

La Bastringue Madame Bolduc

La Bastringue Madame Bolduc

In English Canada, Madame Bolduc is virtually unknown, but her folk singing put a kick in the step of French Canadians throughout Quebec and parts of New England in the 1930s. Among her most popular songs was La Bastringue, illustrated in this lively animated film.

Nataly Fish

Madame de la Carlière ou Sur l'inconséquence du jugement public de nos actions particulières
Feu la mère de Madame

Feu la mère de Madame

Lucien, rentré tard du bal des Quat'z'Arts, réveille sa femme Yvonne, qui commence à lui faire une scène. La tempête passée, un valet de chambre sonne à la porte, au moment où les deux époux se couchent. Le messager est porteur d'une bien terrible nouvelle : la mère de Madame est morte. Alors que tout le monde s'active pour se rendre che..

Nataly Fish

Madame G

Madame G

Jeanne G, 50 ans, est plongeuse dans un restaurant important de sa ville. Elle habite dans la rue pavée et tortueuse d'un quartier populaire. Jeanne est malade, et son mari la terrifie de plus en plus: sans métier défini, il boit et son agressivité se manifeste jour après jour. Elle se porte notamment sur sa fille Catherine, 17 ans, vendeuse. ..

Nataly Fish

Madame Courage

Madame Courage

Omar, an unstable and lonely teenager, lives in a slum in the suburbs of Mostaganem, Algeria. He is addicted to a famous psychotropic, nicknamed “Madame Courage”: Artane tablets, very popular among young Algerians, for their euphoric effect of invincibility. Omar is an expert thief. One morning, he goes downtown to commit his usual crimes. His ..

Nataly Fish

Madame Butterfly

Madame Butterfly

Nataly Fish

Madame Mollard

Madame Mollard

Nataly Fish

Madame de…

Madame de…

Nataly Fish

Madame X und die 'Schwarze Hand'
The 490th Incarnation of MaDame Düx

The 490th Incarnation of MaDame Düx

Silent film set to the music and poetry of Queer artist, MaDame Düx. The MC is re-writing the journey of four Queer characters on a vintage Underwood typewriter. Each Character, seems destined to a miserable life in black & white until the MC intervenes. The MC reroutes their destiny’s, releasing them from their pain, shame and unhappiness.

Nataly Fish

Madame Caillaux

Madame Caillaux

Nataly Fish

Madame d'Ora

Madame d'Ora

Nataly Fish

A Finada Mãe da Madame

A Finada Mãe da Madame

Lúcio comes back home drunk and tired after a party late into the night and has a fight with his wife, Terezinha. Then, a butler shows up at their door to inform them Terezinha's mother has died.

Nataly Fish

Madame Jeanette

Madame Jeanette

When her husband Ted is put in jail Bibi suddenly needs to provide for herself and decides to contact fortune teller Madame Jeanette.

Nataly Fish

Madame DJ

Madame DJ

An experimental work using Blanche Yurka's portrayal of Madame D. in A Tale of Two Cities to create a collage of Frenchness, the guillotine, feminism, turn-table-ism, and animation.

Nataly Fish

Le Cœur de Madame Sabali

Le Cœur de Madame Sabali

Lorsqu'une femme malienne est assassinée, Jeannette, qui souffre de problèmes cardiaques, hérite de son coeur. Après la transplantation, elle est talonnée par le fils de sa donatrice, qui est convaincu que Jeannette est la réincarnation de sa mère.

Nataly Fish

Madame Double X

Madame Double X

Mr. Von Crooks and his son are in love with Madame Double X. One night Von Crooks, Jr., elopes with her and then writes to his father to forgive them. He refuses and cuts his son off without a cent.

Nataly Fish

Madame de Thèbes

Madame de Thèbes

Né d'une union jugée impure, le fils d'une bohémienne est adopté par une comtesse. Des années plus tard, alors qu'il se destine à la politique, il ignore toujours que sa mère est une célèbre diseuse de bonne aventure.

Nataly Fish

Miss Jekyll and Madame Hyde

Miss Jekyll and Madame Hyde

Madeline Jekyll meets Baron Stana, a distinguished looking man, and finds her father has promised her in marriage to Daggerts, a politician, who, in reward, has agreed to see that Jekyll is elected governor. Madeline is already in love with Robert Mayhew, and rebels at the prearranged marriage.

Nataly Fish

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