
Dr. Slump: The Legend of Penguin Village's Heroes

Dr. Slump: The Legend of Penguin Village's Heroes

Penguin Village has run out of toilet paper! Now it’s up to the village’s handsomest hero, Senbei Norimaki, to make the long journey to visit the legendary supermarket in the east. No one knows exactly where it is, so Senbei builds an airplane but it soon falls apart and he crashes. Fortunately, Arale and Gatchan join his quest and they continu..

Nataly Fish

La collection Cousteau N°4-2 | Le vol du Pingouin

La collection Cousteau N°4-2 | Le vol du Pingouin

La Calypso poursuit son voyage en Antarctique. Ce second film est consacré aux Pingouins. Il y a quelques 60 millions d'années, les ailes de leurs ancêtres se transformaient en nageoires. Ce sont aujourd'hui les seuls oiseaux au monde totalement adaptés à la vie aquatique. Un rien comique, aventurier, mais aussi fidèle… le Pingouin évolue ..

Nataly Fish

Les aventures de Lolo  (3eme partie)
Three Penguins

Three Penguins

Penguins Peak, Pak and Pok built a monument in honor of their friendship. But, having fought because of the fish, they destroyed it and missed the fish.

Nataly Fish

Pelé Penguin Comes to Town

Pelé Penguin Comes to Town

When the fish runs out at the South Pole, Pelé Penguin and his parents are forced to move to his uncle Fernandez in Stockholm. Pelé has trouble adjusting to big city life and his clothes and way of talking and eating attract mockery. But when Pelé falls in love with a penguin girl named Madeleine, his life takes a different turn.

Nataly Fish

Les aventures de Lolo  (1ere partie)
Fox & Penguin

Fox & Penguin

How do German couples communicate in private? What are they arguing about? Is the way to a man’s heart really through his stomach? This docu-fictional hybrid production discusses such questions with the help of authentic interview snippets that were edited under the staged plot. We get an insight into the life of an animal couple, who experience ..

Nataly Fish



A simple story about how we all need someone to lend a helping hand in a difficult moment.

Nataly Fish



The film is based on the short story "Penguins outside the accounting." of Christos Economos.

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Tale of the Penguins

Tale of the Penguins

An enthralling film about the life of emperor penguins in the South Pole. Narrated by Sergey Obraztsov, the head of the Moscow Puppet Theater.

Nataly Fish

The Little Penguin

The Little Penguin

How a penguin from the South Pole and a bear cub from the North became friends.

Nataly Fish

Penguinium Mobile

Penguinium Mobile

A Male-Penguin admired airplanes, and a Female-Penguin just loved steamers. To win the favors of the opposite party each created for itself a most absurd costume. Together the Male-Penguin the Steamer, and the Female-Penguin the Airplane made an amazing formation capable of both sailing and flying.

Nataly Fish

Unwashed Penguin

Unwashed Penguin

A lyrical story about a little penguin who was afraid to swim with everyone. However, the desire to have a friend is much stronger than any fears and obstacles.

Nataly Fish

A Penguin Named Vin

A Penguin Named Vin

The story is about a small penguin named Vin who sets off for the first time by himself.

Nataly Fish

Opération Pingouins

Opération Pingouins

L'histoire vraie d'un fermier excentrique qui tente, avec l'aide de sa petite fille, d'entraîner son chien Oddball à protéger un enclos de pingouins des attaques de renards. Le malicieux chien permet à la famille de se retrouver et participe à sauver leur petite ville de bord de mer.

Nataly Fish

Pororo: The Racing Adventure

Pororo: The Racing Adventure

Curious little penguin Pororo and his friends accidentally cause an airplane to make an emergency landing in their home of Pororo Village. On the airplane are some turtles being shipped to Northpia to deliver ice sleds, or racing ice cars. Nevertheless, Pororo and his friends believe that the turtles are racers, and the turtles end up giving the ga..

Nataly Fish

Pororo: Dinosaur Island Adventure

Pororo: Dinosaur Island Adventure

An unidentified airship crashed in a peaceful little Porong Porong forest. Pororo and his friends find a little dinosaur 'Alo', which sleeps in an egg-shaped airship that crashed in the forest. When they opened the lid of the airship, the little dinosaur ‘Alo’ awakened. But he can not remember anything other than his own name. Eddy repairs the ..

Nataly Fish

Jasper, pingouin explorateur

Jasper, pingouin explorateur

Pour tous les pingouins, le monde se résume à une étendue d'icebergs, et au-delà rien, le vide. Pour tous les pingouins sauf un : Jasper ! Sa curiosité l'amène à embarquer sur un paquebot pour un voyage mouvementé vers les premières terres australes. Avec l'aide d'Emma, l'audacieuse petite fille du capitaine, et Kakapo, un oiseau aussi fro..

Nataly Fish

Un zoo à sauver

Un zoo à sauver

Sonia Winter ne vit que pour deux choses : sa fille Hanna de dix ans, qu'elle élève seule, et le zoo dont elle est responsable et où elle vit. Lorsque le maire décide de fermer le zoo pour construire un complexe commercial à la place, Sonia décide de se battre pour empêcher le projet d'aboutir.

Nataly Fish

Kings in Exile

Kings in Exile

King Penguins are first seen in their natural habitat, the Antarctic, after which we see them in the Edinburgh Zoo. With slow-motion pictures we see how they swim with the use of their flippers and feet. Their mating and incubating of their eggs and later, the hatching of them; the rearing of the young at various stages of their growth are also sho..

Nataly Fish

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