
Mulan Joins the Army

Mulan Joins the Army

This movie is based on the famous Chinese folklore that is more than one and a half millennium old. The same folklore was what the Disney animation Mulan is based on, and similarly, it was what many Chinese movies/operas/plays based on.

Nataly Fish

A Maiden and a Wanderer

A Maiden and a Wanderer

Taiwanese movie

Nataly Fish

A Maiden Sings

A Maiden Sings

After a lifetime of service to one household, a maid finds herself replaced. At 87, she starts to question her role in the family.

Nataly Fish

Le Chimiste repopulateur

Le Chimiste repopulateur

In a wizard's cavern, a series of magic tricks are performed..

Nataly Fish

La Légende de Shaolin

La Légende de Shaolin

Un émissaire japonais reçoit d'un prince chinois la « relique de Bouddha » qu'il doit ramener dans son pays natal. Différents groupes se mettent alors en action pour mettre la main sur cette précieuse relique.

Nataly Fish

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