
Efteling Souvenir 3: Sprookjesboom de Musical
Marcel Proust - Portrait Souvenir

Marcel Proust - Portrait Souvenir

Tour à tour, des proches de Marcel Proust témoignent des souvenirs qu'ils ont vécu avec l'écrivain, évoquent l'évolution de son œuvre, sa place au cœur même de la littérature française et de son travail au quotidien.

Nataly Fish

Prenez mon sang, prenez mon corps, en souvenir de moi !

Prenez mon sang, prenez mon corps, en souvenir de moi !

Chaque année, depuis 1980, je filme chaque Vendredi saint la reconstitution du chemin de croix de la Passion du Christ à Burzet, un village isolé de l’Ardèche où les villageois, depuis sept siècles, se costument pour y célébrer et perpétuer ce rite religieux. Prenez mon sang, prenez mon corps, en souvenir de moi ! est le film du chemin ..

Nataly Fish

Souvenir in Exile

Souvenir in Exile

After the Nazi invasion of France in 1940, the pro-Vichy government arrested a group of anti-Nazi rebels and interned them in a detention centre in southern Algeria. Among these exiles at Ein Askar camp in Djelfa was a global intellectual figure who experienced an incident that had a great impact on her life.

Nataly Fish

Memories from Gehenna

Memories from Gehenna

Ten years after the Grande-Synthe racist homicide, we trace the murderer's footsteps. The sound design weaves in a voiceover linking architecture to discourse, past the news item itself.

Nataly Fish

Quelques Souvenirs de jeunesse

Quelques Souvenirs de jeunesse

This performance was recorded in the presence of an audience. In his act, Boltanski deals with various incidents from his childhood. All the sketches are set in the past, which suggests that most of the characters are no longer alive.

Nataly Fish



Un film de Jakobois

Nataly Fish

En souvenir de nous

En souvenir de nous

Ten years after their unforgettable summer holidays at Jeanne's house, Jeanne has committed suicide and Marielle and her sister Colombe go back there for the funeral. At the house, they meet Pascal, a neighbor whom Jeanne was madly in love with, and Leo, Pascal's daughter, who is now almost twenty. During the holidays all those years ago, Marielle ..

Nataly Fish

Souvenir from Africa

Souvenir from Africa

The lonely life of an African immigrant who is locked up in big apartment building. Based on a text by Dutch writer W. F. Hermans.

Nataly Fish

Souvenirs de printemps dans le Liao-Ning

Souvenirs de printemps dans le Liao-Ning

Journal expérimental filmé en 1978-79 par le réalisateur quand il était coopérant-enseignant en Chine, 2 ans après la mort du président Mao. Quelques photos, qu'une flamme semble vouloir animer, défile sous nos yeux, de plus en plus vite, avant de devenir un flux et reflux d'images mentales, enchevêtrement de souvenirs reflétant le foncti..

Nataly Fish

Souvenir de noces

Souvenir de noces

Nataly Fish

Souvenir: The Story of OMD

Souvenir: The Story of OMD

Nataly Fish

Albertine ou Les Souvenirs parfumés de Marie-Rose

Albertine ou Les Souvenirs parfumés de Marie-Rose

France, 1972. Albertine, adolescente en rébellion contre l'école, la famille rance et la religion, revendique ses droits pour une sexualité sans entraves ; avec ses copines, elle milite en faveur du droit au plaisir et à l'avortement pour les mineures.

Nataly Fish

Torch of Remembrance

Torch of Remembrance

Melodramatic war drama by Francis Martin about a family of which the father died during the Great War. In the aftermath of the war his best friend watches over the woman and the child.

Nataly Fish

L'odeur d'un souvenir

L'odeur d'un souvenir

Nataly Fish

2L TrondheimSolistene Souvenir

2L TrondheimSolistene Souvenir

How do we listen to music? Indeed, how do we listen to anything? What we as listeners encounter here is sheer auditory bliss. TrondheimSolistene take a new step towards bridging the gap between themselves and their audience. It is not the gap between the live performance and the recording which they attempt to close. It is the gap between the recor..

Nataly Fish

Memories of Last Year in Marienbad

Memories of Last Year in Marienbad

A documentary about the film Last Year at Marienbad

Nataly Fish

Enki Bilal, souvenirs du futur

Enki Bilal, souvenirs du futur

What is the studio of Enki Bilal, a major artist of the 9th art who has not stopped creating for over forty years? From the writing to the line, from the story to the color, through the influences, the film restores the creation in progress and opens the doors of the universe to the tormented aesthetics of a man who knew how to impose his style and..

Nataly Fish

Souvenir d'Italie

Souvenir d'Italie

Nataly Fish

Au souvenir d'une lune

Au souvenir d'une lune

This night, Morgan, a 25 years old boy, wanted only one thing : to remain quiet and think of his life and the choice he has to make for the future. But something unexpected was about to happen...

Nataly Fish

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