
The Mummy: Quest for the Lost Scrolls

The Mummy: Quest for the Lost Scrolls

After accidentally raising a Mummy from the dead, eleven-year-old Alex O'Connell is every kid's hero, as he narrowly escapes one disaster after another. He and his family must race across the globe to locate the lost scrolls that will unlock the powers of a magical manacle and send the Mummy back to his tomb for good!

Nataly Fish

Mummy A Gore Gore

Mummy A Gore Gore

Then Harry returns in "Mummy A Gore Gore" where he meets the megalomaniacal madman known only as the Pharaoh who slaughters nubile young virgins for their blood!! Harry & CIA agent, Rex Jones team up to take down the Pharaoh & his minions and to destroy his unstoppable mummy!!

Nataly Fish

Mummy Blue

Mummy Blue

Mummy Blue explores how memories, particularly traumatic ones are passed on from one generation to another, and how profoundly populations of people can be affected. Dina escapes her turbulent relationship with her mother by fantasizing about the boy next door. Will this satisfy her coming of age and ease her pain?

Nataly Fish

Hello Mummy

Hello Mummy

Nataly Fish

The Diva Mummy

The Diva Mummy

Scientists perform an autopsy on the best preserved mummy ever discovered: that of a Han aristocrat named Lady Dai. More than 2000 years after her death her flesh is still resilient and the blood in her veins is still red. What can she tell us about life in ancient China?

Nataly Fish

The Riddle of The Chinese Miracle Mummy

The Riddle of The Chinese Miracle Mummy

A Channel 5 documentary about a Chinese Mummy

Nataly Fish

I Married a Mummy

I Married a Mummy

A hyper masculine doctor, a greedy widow, and a life insurance agent have one thing in common, a dead mummy!

Nataly Fish

Mister Mummy

Mister Mummy

A short horror film.

Nataly Fish

The Muppet Mummy

The Muppet Mummy

Kermit and Miss Piggy unexpectedly find themselves in Egypt and are forced to fight the Muppet Mummy after accidentally waking it from its tomb.

Nataly Fish

The Mummy

The Mummy

A mummy observers a number of topless serving girls before attempting to make off with one of them.

Nataly Fish

Mummy Dearest

Mummy Dearest

A man owes money to the mob and he just might find his salvation in the form of a resurrected ancient mummy.

Nataly Fish

Dummie la momie et le Sphinx de Shakaba

Dummie la momie et le Sphinx de Shakaba

Dummie, une momie douée de vie, réalise qu'elle ne deviendra jamais un célèbre pharaon, comme le fut son père quatre millénaires plus tôt. Pourtant, Dummie est fermement décidé à entrer dans l'histoire, et sollicite pour cela son meilleur ami, Gus, et le père de celui-ci. Lorsqu'ils apprennent l'existence d'une petite statuette en or qui..

Nataly Fish

The Secret of the Mummy

The Secret of the Mummy

Laughed at when he announced the discovery of the elixer of life, Brazilian scientist Expedito Vitus ends up making the most important archaeological discovery of the century: the tomb of Runamb, the Mummy, in the sands of Egypt. Back in Brazil, he brings the Mummy back to life.

Nataly Fish

Tattooed Mummy

Tattooed Mummy

Nataly Fish

Les chemins de la violence

Les chemins de la violence

Une momie ressuscitée a besoin du sang de jeunes femmes pour étancher sa soif.

Nataly Fish

Fear Of The Mummy

Fear Of The Mummy

This film is about as obscure of a movie as we've seen lately! You can't hardly find out anything about it, except that it was directed by the virtually unknown Masakura Tamura and starred Bob Strickland in his 7th and last film, and that it was really a series of TV episodes edited into a movie.

Nataly Fish

The Mummy, Aged 19

The Mummy, Aged 19

Tien-You has recently taken on a job as a security guard in an old mansion, and on the first night he takes his friends Nam and Priscilla along to keep him company. While exploring, they discover a mummy hidden away in the basement, which Tien-You accidentally breaks. The next day, Tien-You finds to his horror that his body is becoming dried out an..

Nataly Fish

The National Mummy

The National Mummy

Saturnino, a young archaeologist, bourgeois and wealthy, lives in a luxurious mansion. He receives a visit from his old teacher, Don Felipe, accompanied by his daughter and a monumental mummy he has just discovered in one of his excavations in the Upper Nile. The Mummy, was in his time a princess and has on his bandages a curse, that when it breaks..

Nataly Fish

The Mummy's Dream

The Mummy's Dream

The filmic version of a city in which all surface beauty has rotted away. In order to find images of death like landscapes of the city from which people have vanished, and buildings from which the decorations have been stripped away and the inner organs exposed, I walked all over Tokyo taking photographs, then animated them. (T.I.)

Nataly Fish

La momie miraculeuse

La momie miraculeuse

An apothecary invents a potion that can restore life. His assistant wants to marry his daughter, but is refused permission due to his lack of funds. A cunning plan is required.

Nataly Fish

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