
The Blade of Wind

The Blade of Wind

Magic Knife disciple Ya Qing involved in the conspiracy of the "snake man" and forced to flee to meet two friends.

Nataly Fish

Anunnaki – Messengers of the Wind

Anunnaki – Messengers of the Wind

The movie tells the amazing saga of Anunnaki, according with the ancient sumerian tablets. Coming from Nibiru, the Anunnaki are looking for Earth’s gold to solve the unbalanced atmosphere of their home planet. And so they create human race, by mixing their genes with a native species’s, to obtain workers for the gold mines. Then a new approxima..

Nataly Fish

Just the wind

Just the wind

Un village hongrois, aujourd’hui. Mari et ses enfants Anna et Rio, Roms d’origine, subissent sans broncher un quotidien précaire, dans l’espoir d’un jour meilleur, celui où ils vont rejoindre le père, émigré au Canada. Partir, prendre un nouveau départ, loin du racisme crasseux des villageois et…Vivre. Mais en attendant le grand jou..

Nataly Fish

I Want to Hear the Wind's Song

I Want to Hear the Wind's Song

A heartwarming, based-on-true-story of how a hearing-impaired couple, Masahiro and Namiko, knew each other, got married and began participating in the Triathlon. The story is told in flashbacks as Namiko awaits childbirth.

Nataly Fish

Rough Winds

Rough Winds

Two strangers flee from their past and settle in an urbanization on the Cádiz coast. There, hundreds of kilometers from Madrid, they try to rebuild their lives, even though the memories are still very strong.

Nataly Fish

Les Enfants dans le vent

Les Enfants dans le vent

Après l'emprisonnement de son père, un garçon est envoyé à la campagne pour vivre avec son oncle.

Nataly Fish

Window to the Sea

Window to the Sea

Faced with life changing news, María, a fifty-five-year-old Spanish woman from Bilbao, chooses to take a trip to Greece with her closest girlfriends against the advice of her son and doctors. A spontaneous decision leads her to the island of Nisyros, a tiny haven of peace and calm that immediately feels like home. While exploring the beautiful isl..

Nataly Fish

Winds of God

Winds of God

After a car crash, a comedy duo wake to discover themselves in an army infirmary. At first they think they are in jail, then slowly realize that it is August 1945 and their colleagues are actually training for one-way flights to American battle ships.

Nataly Fish

Windows on Monday

Windows on Monday

A new house in a new town could mean the beginning of a phase of domestic bliss for a small family. Nina, a doctor, has taken a few days off. Her husband Frieder is busy laying tiles, while their daughter Charlotte plays in her new room. But Nina is having her doubts; she stands about in the half-empty rooms, feeling thoroughly alienated. Suddenly,..

Nataly Fish

The Wind

The Wind

Of the many unrealized projects Yang developed in the wake of Yi Yi, the one that came the closest to fruition was an ambitious animated martial arts movie inspired by his lifelong love of graphic novels and his friendship with Jackie Chan. Though production on The Wind was halted after Yang’s death, this brief assembly of completed scenes offers..

Nataly Fish

Snow in the Wind

Snow in the Wind

A country girl marries a projectionist to satisfy her passion for the movies, but when her husband has an accident, she is forced to take over, and their life together is never the same.

Nataly Fish

At the First Breath of Wind

At the First Breath of Wind

Using few words and gorgeous imagery, this is a poetic painting of a family, each in their own space on an August afternoon.

Nataly Fish

Comme le vent

Comme le vent

Armida Miserere est l'une des premières femmes directrices de prison d'Italie. Régulièrement menacée de mort, elle n'a pas froid aux yeux et impose son autorité tout en s'appliquant à faire respecter les droits des détenus. À la fois forte et fragile, pugnace et sensible, elle rêve aussi d'une vie familiale sans histoire. Sa vie bascule l..

Nataly Fish

Four Windows

Four Windows

They want to get away from each other, but they clasp each other even more firmly. They seek to save appearances at all force. The more they laugh, the quieter it gets around them. The cracks in the family picture widen until an inescapable secret reveals itself.

Nataly Fish

The Boy Who Saw the Wind

The Boy Who Saw the Wind

Amon est un jeune garçon pas tout à fait comme les autres. En effet celui-ci est doté de pouvoirs exceptionnels mais inexplicables. Il va par la suite se prêter volontairement aux expériences de son père physicien qui cherche avant tout à faire progresser la science. Mais malheureusement Branick va faire son apparition. C'est un homme mauva..

Nataly Fish

Winds of Havana

Winds of Havana

The killing of a fiery young teacher sets Detective Mario Conde on the trail of a drug kingpin with ties to the high school he once attended.

Nataly Fish

Wind Blows

Wind Blows

Dong Soo and Seon Hwa met while studying in Japan. They come to Korea from Japan for a happy honeymoon. But after a short and sweet honeymoon, Dong Soo was in a hit-and-run car accident. In the end, he is diagnosed with lower half body disability. Dong Soo, who is pessimistic about his situation, lives under the influence of alcohol every day. When..

Nataly Fish

Vent du sud

Vent du sud

Antonio Spagara, un jeune travailleur sicilien, a été chargé par la mafia de tuer un noble, le marquis Macri. Mais à la dernière minute Antonio renie son engagement et au lieu de tuer le père, il s'enfuit à Palerme avec Grazia, sa fille. La vie n'est pas un lit de roses dans la capitale sicilienne, car le jeune homme doit s'imposer face à s..

Nataly Fish

A Lady from the Window

A Lady from the Window

Adventures of a two little girls kidnapped from their families.

Nataly Fish

State Border: Vol. 7. Salty Wind

State Border: Vol. 7. Salty Wind

A group of saboteurs was sent into Estonia in 1959. This group included a local resident who also has his own personal goal: to find the daughter he lost at the end of the war while fleeing abroad.

Nataly Fish

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