
Ghost Stories: The Curious Tales of the Making of Ghost Story

Ghost Stories: The Curious Tales of the Making of Ghost Story

An all-new 72 minute featurette including interviews with Director/Producer Stephen Weeks, Actors Larry Dann and Murray Melvin, British Horror Icon Barbara Shelley, and composer Ron Geesin.

Nataly Fish

Tale of the Tape

Tale of the Tape

Long before the days of platinum and gold success, a rapper’s worth was in the DJ’s placement within his mix. Ultimately, it would be the growing popularity and increased necessity of The Mixtapes created by DJ’s that would serve as the lifeline to Hip Hop, as it grew into the most celebrated art form.

Nataly Fish

The Three Stooges 75th Anniversary Edition: Tales from the Three Stooges Vol. 1

The Three Stooges 75th Anniversary Edition: Tales from the Three Stooges Vol. 1

Slapstick icons Moe, Larry and Curly show off their comedic chops in seven short films, including "Sing a Song of Six Pants" and "Brideless Groom," as well as numerous trailers, a television ad and an appearance on "The Frank Sinatra Show." The funnymen are also seen in hilarious clips from "The Ed Wynn Show," in which Ed approaches three CBS netwo..

Nataly Fish

The Winter's Tale

The Winter's Tale

Set across a span of 16 years, from the coronation to the moon landings, a new production of Shakespeare's play, staged for the screen by the Royal Shakespeare Company.

Nataly Fish

La Nuit magique de Noël

La Nuit magique de Noël

Se retrouvant sans abri la veille de Noël, la famille Mouse tombe sur la maison de la famille Atwell, où l'esprit des fêtes bat son plein. La mère et le père Souris sont heureux d'avoir trouvé un endroit où mettre leurs enfants Skip et Squeek à l'abri du froid. Ils demandent à leurs parents "C'est quoi Noël ?". Skip et Squeak se voient r�..

Nataly Fish

The Old Wives' Tale

The Old Wives' Tale

A woman leaves her husband to run a Paris boarding house, and reunites with her sister after the war.

Nataly Fish

The Clerk's Tale

The Clerk's Tale

Based on the eponymous poem by Spencer Reece, The Clerk's Tale is a psychological portrait of a gay man trapped in the monotonous routine of life at a high-end menswear store.

Nataly Fish

Only the Bravest: Tales of the Green Lantern Corps

Only the Bravest: Tales of the Green Lantern Corps

Documentary talking about bravery in the context of Green Lantern, the hero, and the Green Lantern Corps.

Nataly Fish

Star Wars: Aventures Animées - Contes de la Forêt d'Endor

Star Wars: Aventures Animées - Contes de la Forêt d'Endor

Lors d’une ballade pluvieuse dans la foret, un jeune Ewok retrouve le mythique char de bataille de Warwik, le héro de la bataille contre les Mulocks qui menaçaient le village il y a de nombreuses années. Avec l’aide de quelques amis, il décide de rénover le véhicule. Mais les Mulocks, désormais réfugiés dans les marais, observent ces t..

Nataly Fish

Tale of the Vienna Woods

Tale of the Vienna Woods

The animated adventure of a fawn and a satyr who is only animate during daylight.

Nataly Fish

A Winter's Tale: The Journey Of The Snowy Owls

A Winter's Tale: The Journey Of The Snowy Owls

This unique documentary tells a fascinating and breathtaking story: as in a fairy tale, the snowy owls leave us a message from the changing Arctic. Snowy owls may have to alter their migration and breeding patterns due to changing conditions in the Arctic. Follow one owl's new journey.

Nataly Fish

The Hamster Factor and Other Tales of 'Twelve Monkeys'

The Hamster Factor and Other Tales of 'Twelve Monkeys'

A documentary following Terry Gilliam through the creation of "Twelve Monkeys."

Nataly Fish

Branagh Theatre Live: The Winter's Tale

Branagh Theatre Live: The Winter's Tale

A jealous king jeopardizes his family, friendships and succession.

Nataly Fish

Le Cœur révélateur

Le Cœur révélateur

Le compte rendu obsédant d'un homme tourmenté dans dans un établissement médical qui ne cessent d'échapper à sa folie.

Nataly Fish

Animus: The Tell-Tale Heart

Animus: The Tell-Tale Heart

Le chef-d'œuvre macabre d'Edgar Allan Poe sur le meurtre et la folie, revu en tant que thriller moderne. Edgar veut venger la mort de sa fille, assasinée par son petit ami.

Nataly Fish

The Cautionary Tale of The House in The Sky

The Cautionary Tale of The House in The Sky

The solitude and despair of a woman living in a dungeon hanging in the sky.

Nataly Fish

The Little Singer: The Solemn Tale of The Few

The Little Singer: The Solemn Tale of The Few

Made by a group of 6 teenagers, this ode to early 20th century film follows the tragic tale of Eurydice who must navigate through a bizarre world in order to cure her brother's sickness.

Nataly Fish

Timegate: Tales of the Saddle Tramps

Timegate: Tales of the Saddle Tramps

While visiting a historic Western town, two women (Amy Lindsay and Kim Yates) are transported back in time to the Old West. After being mistaken for new recruits for the local brothel, the women hook up with some cowpokes. But their erotic escapades end up ruffling some feathers, and when the deputy winds up dead, the posse's hot on their tails for..

Nataly Fish

The Winter's Tale

The Winter's Tale

The jealous King Leontes falsely accuse his wife Hermione of infidelity with his best friend, and she dies. Leontes exiles his newborn daughter Perdita, who is raised by shepherds for sixteen years and falls in love with the son of Leontes' friend. When Perdita returns home, a statue of Hermione "comes to life", and everyone is reconciled.

Nataly Fish

The Winter's Tale

The Winter's Tale

Sicilian king Leontes jealously accuses his wife Hermione of infidelity with his best friend, and while imprisoned, she delivers a child. Sent away, the child is raised by Bohemian shepherds. The Winter's Tale was the first of six Shakespeare adaptations from Thanhouser, and was the 13th or 14th title from the studio in its first nine weeks of rele..

Nataly Fish

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