
Love with a Wo-Man

Love with a Wo-Man

Xiaoxing, who was diagnosed with "Ublis syndrome" (in simple terms, she lost the ability to be afraid) did not believe that she had this disease, so she tested herself. Turns out anything scary only amuses her. She has become very "manly" since she stopped being scared. In order to find a brave man to fall in love with, Xiao Xingxin will conduct so..

Nataly Fish

You Will Never Ever Be a Woman. You Must Live the Rest of Your Days Entirely as a Man, and You Will Only Grow More Masculine with Each Passing Year. There Is No Way Out.

You Will Never Ever Be a Woman. You Must Live the Rest of Your Days Entirely as a Man, and You Will Only Grow More Masculine with Each Passing Year. There Is No Way Out.

Two trans women share moments of love, insult, and masochism, exchanging both kiki and kai kai languages. Their syncopated exchanges oscillate from hateful to loving, blurring the distinction between lover and enemy - a position that both women seem to share.

Nataly Fish

Man in Love

Man in Love

Tae-il est un voyou de bas niveau qui parcourt les rues de son quartier de Gunsan , collectant des dettes pour un usurier et harcelant les commerçants pour l'argent de protection dû au petit gang pour lequel il travaille. Il a 42 ans, vit avec son frère barbier Young-il et la famille de Young-il et n'a jamais été amoureux. Tae-il fait bien son..

Nataly Fish

Joyful Reunion

Joyful Reunion

Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, China, the present day. Master chef Tang Shizhe (Kenneth Tsang) tells his two daughters, the careerist Wa'er (Huo Siyan) and teenage Xiaolan (Jiang Mengjie), that he has decided to sell his upscale vegetarian restaurant, the centre of his life for 30 years.

Nataly Fish

Dark Figure of Crime

Dark Figure of Crime

Une violente confrontation psychologique se produit entre un détective et un meurtrier qui a avoué plusieurs meurtres.

Nataly Fish

Truckin' Man

Truckin' Man

A young man takes up truck-driving to investigate his trucker father's suspicious death.

Nataly Fish

Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Hong Kong, Hong Kong is the story of a young woman, Man Si Sun, who has arrived illegally in Hong Kong from mainland China, and Kong Yuen Sang, a young man who is a gambler and wannabe boxing champion.

Nataly Fish

Freudus Sexualis

Freudus Sexualis

After a man marries his childhood sweetheart, their lives spiral downhill.

Nataly Fish

Une femme dont on parle

Une femme dont on parle

Hatsuko dirige une maison de geisha à Kyoto, elle est veuve. Sa fille Yukiko revient de Tokyo après une tentative de suicide, quand son amant l'a abandonné. Hatsuko est la maîtresse du jeune docteur Matoba, qui s'occupe des geishas de la maison. Le médecin est attiré par Yukiko, qui d'abord le méprise, comme tout ce qui concerne la maison de..

Nataly Fish

The Woman Suffers

The Woman Suffers

The Woman Suffers is a complicated silent melodrama of revenge and sexual betrayal, only part of which survives. In the first two reels, which have been lost, a woman caught in an abusive marriage runs away with her infant son from her drunken husband. He falls on a knife and dies and she collapses in the bush. The child wanders off and is found by..

Nataly Fish



Branded as criminally insane and incarcerated for a murder he did not commit, Speight escapes from the asylum, determined to clear his name. He befriends private detective Hugo Bishop who, convinced that the wrong man has been convicted, agrees to help find the real killer. They begin their search for the murderer closest to home where both Thelma ..

Nataly Fish

Le Piège

Le Piège

En Provence, le père Caillé dirige une pension de famille secondé par sa belle-fille Cora et une bonne. Le vieillard poursuit Cora de ses assiduités jusqu’au jour où celle-ci, lors d’un affrontement particulièrement violent, l’abat sous les yeux de Gino, un pensionnaire italien dont elle est amoureuse. Les deux complices vont tenter de ..

Nataly Fish

He and She

He and She

An amusing picture showing a quarrel between an elderly husband and his young wife, and a joyful reconciliation.

Nataly Fish

Meet The Girl Who Became A Man

Meet The Girl Who Became A Man

Peter Alexander, interviewed in Sydney, born and brought up as Mavis Higgins in New Zealand, speaks of his sex change from female to male. He discusses the aspects of his personality when younger which influenced his decision, his view of women in society and his plans for the future. Although Peter talks about shaving it is not clear if any medica..

Nataly Fish

Un autre homme, une autre chance

Un autre homme, une autre chance

Un autre homme, une autre chance de Claude Lelouch débute en France en 1870. Napoléon III vient juste de perdre la guerre contre la Prusse et laisse le pays dans la pauvreté. La jeune Jeanne (Genevieve Bujold) tombe amoureuse de Francis (Francis Huster), photographe, qui va l'emmener avec lui lors de son émigration vers les Etats-Unis. Dans une..

Nataly Fish

Perfect Lover

Perfect Lover

In a futuristic world where women run the show, a shy plastics' designer buys a female robot, so he gains confidence and becomes a lady's man, but he falls for plastic woman.

Nataly Fish

La Femme de l'année

La Femme de l'année

Sam Craig, reporter sportif dans un quotidien new-yorkais, supporte mal les remarques sur le sport de sa collègue Tess Harding, fille de diplomate et chroniqueuse à la rubrique internationale. Ils se querellent car tout les oppose. Mais, au grand étonnement de leurs amis, ils se marient ! Commencent les difficultés. Leurs intérêts divergent, ..

Nataly Fish

You have to forgive a woman everything

You have to forgive a woman everything

"A woman must forgive everything"- Brunhilde's parents expects her to marry Mr. Kuhn. To avoid this Brunhilde makes plans with her lover and piano teacher. She will wear the ugliest possible dress and sing horribly when she meets with Kuhn.

Nataly Fish

Aujourd'hui, demain et après-demain

Aujourd'hui, demain et après-demain

Trois épisodes paradoxaux décrivant la crise du couple dans l'Italie des années 60. Un jeune industriel possède tout ce qu'un homme peut désirer, mais il est obsédé par une question : jusqu'à quel point peut-on gonfler un ballon ?... Alors que le professeur Profili est invité chez les Rossi, il se rend rapidement compte que le mari tire r�..

Nataly Fish

Romantic Debtors

Romantic Debtors

A policeman in debt is constantly called by a woman working to collect his debt. When they meet by accident they attracted to each other, and does not realize they already have a hostile phone-relationship.

Nataly Fish

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