
A Taste of Blood

A Taste of Blood

After going off to kill a vampire, a man returns home at the magic hour, between night and day. His family has doubts about whether he's still human or whether he's been bitten by the undead. His teenage daughter is determined to defend him, but their doubts and fears grow as the darkness of the night approaches.

Nataly Fish

Tokyo Mafia: Yakuza Blood

Tokyo Mafia: Yakuza Blood

Ten years after his greatest triumph, Yabuki has lost the Mafia that was once his to rule. But when a young gangster comes to him for guidance, he discovers that the old rage still burns. It's time for Yabuki's final stand and one last blaze of glory!

Nataly Fish

Brave Men's Blood

Brave Men's Blood

The head of the Reykjavík police department's internal affairs unit decides to use his investigation into a corrupt police lieutenant to take down a major criminal organization.

Nataly Fish



Les forces impériales polonaises viennent d'enfoncer les frontières du royaume. Pour contrer l'invasion, les Cosaques, une armée de guerriers rebelles redoutés de tous, est mobilisée. A leur tête, Taras, un chef guerre entré dans la légende pour ses faits d'armes. Alors que les Cosaques assiègent la cité de Doubno pour la libérer, Taras ..

Nataly Fish

Female War: Bloody War in Bongcheon-dong

Female War: Bloody War in Bongcheon-dong

Haedanghwa, a beautiful woman, comes into the life of a single father and his three grown-up sons all of sudden! The abandoned woman, who does not have any memories about herself, begins her precarious cohabitation with the family of four men. And this is how the intense battle among four men to earn Haedanghwa’s heart begins. However, the story ..

Nataly Fish

Vierges pour le bourreau

Vierges pour le bourreau

Daniel Parks, un éditeur de romans photos, organise des séances photos dans un vieux château, pour les illustrations des couvertures de ses prochaines publications. Ce qu’il ignore, c’est qu’autrefois, ce lieu a été le théâtre de la mort sanglante de l’exécuteur public, le bourreau rouge. Et l’on dit que souvent, la nuit, le bourr..

Nataly Fish

Une Histoire italienne

Une Histoire italienne

A l'aube du 30 avril 1945, cinq jours après la Libération, on retrouve à la périphérie de Milan deux cadavres ensanglantés. Une pancarte fraîchement peinte les identifie : Osvaldo Valenti et Luisa Ferida, exécutés quelques heures auparavant par les partisans. Mais qui étaient Osvaldo Valenti et Luisa Ferida ?Adulé du grand public, le cou..

Nataly Fish

Sword of Blood

Sword of Blood

A serial killer leaves behind a trail of headless bodies; the special agent assigned to the case begins to uncover the supernatural truth, as his young protégé falls for a beautiful girl who may be more than humanity can handle.

Nataly Fish

Blood on the Nameless River

Blood on the Nameless River

During Korean War Chinese veteran Du Chuan was ordered to reorganize the reconnaissance platoon to carry out the mission of raiding deep behind enemy lines. In order to survive the main force, the Volunteer Army's third reconnaissance platoon risked their lives in the attack, forged with fearless courage and the belief of living towards death. A Gr..

Nataly Fish

The Sword Stained with Royal Blood

The Sword Stained with Royal Blood

After the death of Marshal Yuen, a princess is arrested by a constable whilst training with her kung-fu teacher. They are soon drawn into a conflict which centres around the mysterious man with the golden snake sword - an incredibly powerful magical weapon. Golden Snake Man is seeking revenge on the castle of the Wan family, but Wan has married his..

Nataly Fish

Bloodfist 2050

Bloodfist 2050

Alex Danko descend dans le monde souterrain ultra-violent des arts martiaux extrêmes pour trouver le meurtrier de son frère avec l’aide du détective endurci Ramirez et de l’ex-amant séduisant de son frère dans cette allégorie post-apocalyptique de cupidité et de vengeance qui se déroule dans le Los Angeles 2050.

Nataly Fish

Le Mont Fuji et la lance ensanglantée

Le Mont Fuji et la lance ensanglantée

Un jeune samouraï, Shojuro Sako, voyage sur la route d'Edo en compagnie de ses deux serviteurs, Genta et Gonpachi. Mais la route est dangereuse et les trois hommes vont devoir faire preuve de bravoure pour arriver à leur destination.

Nataly Fish

Chronicle of a Blood Merchant

Chronicle of a Blood Merchant

Set in a village right after the Korean War, poor but good-hearted Heo Sam-gwan sets out to win the most beautiful girl in the village, Heo Ok-ran, by selling his blood to earn money. Years later, the two are happily married with three children, but their family undergoes a crisis when Sam-gwan's eldest son doesn't resemble him and rumors spread ab..

Nataly Fish

Mission vers l'enfer

Mission vers l'enfer

Le Capitaine Harlow est un fou mégalomane. A la suite du massacre inutile d'un village Vietnamien, Rando s'oppose à lui, fait usage de son arme et s'enfuit dans la jungle. Seul traqué et blessé, il est indésirable partout. Son seul espoir est de se réfugier, par ses propres moyens, au Laos. Mais la route est longue...(surtout à pieds).

Nataly Fish

Blood of the Condor

Blood of the Condor

A community reacts against a group of foreigners who under the guise of development assistance are forcibly sterilizing the peasant women.

Nataly Fish

Blood Type B, Wet and Hot Sister-in-law

Blood Type B, Wet and Hot Sister-in-law

Min Soo's younger brother Kyung Soo says he goes to sleep at Min Soo and Young Hee's house as usual. Due to Young Hee who is busy on business trip and Min Soo who went out for work Kyung Soo while being in the house alone suddenly meets Young Hee's younger sister Ga Hee, who suggests having a beer to resolve the awkward situation between the two of..

Nataly Fish

Blood Screams

Blood Screams

When the townspeople of a small Mexican village start disappearing, the locals point the suspicion at two young visitors. The only solution is for the two to unearth the legend of a madman in this supernatural thriller.

Nataly Fish

Blood on My Shoes

Blood on My Shoes

Agents across the globe take turns spying on and double-crossing one another in an attempt to locate a valuable formula encrypted in the music code.

Nataly Fish

Le sang du pélican

Le sang du pélican

La vie idyllique d'une mère bascule lorsque sa deuxième fille, nouvellement adoptée, passe de timide et charmante à menaçante et dangereuse...

Nataly Fish

Finale in Blood

Finale in Blood

Cheng is an attention-seeking no-hoper who works at a radio station, announcing food prices. But when his path crosses with that of Fong Yan's ghost, the telling of her story helps Cheng become the star presenter of the nightly serial.

Nataly Fish

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