
The Olsen Gang

The Olsen Gang

Egon Olsen is the leader of the Olsen Gang. While he was in the slammer, he planned how he would steal the fantastic golden figure Keizeroppzatsen.

Nataly Fish

Tiger on the Beat 2

Tiger on the Beat 2

Lam, capitaine dans la police hongkongaise, approche la quarantaine mais ne peut pas s’enorgueillir d’états de service brillants. C’est pourquoi il souhaite réaliser un coup d’éclat avant sa retraite. Sa sœur l’appelle un beau jour des Etats-Unis pour lui annoncer l’arrivée prochaine de son neveu Buffalo et le charge de lui trouver..

Nataly Fish

Belle Toujours

Belle Toujours

Deux des personnages étranges du film de Luis Buñuel, Belle de jour retraversent - trente-huit ans après - le mystère d'un secret que seul le personnage masculin détient et dont la révélation est essentielle au personnage féminin. Ils se croisent à nouveau. Elle essaie à tous prix de l'éviter. Mais lui insiste et tente de la convaincre d..

Nataly Fish

Vampire Blues

Vampire Blues

A pretty American teenager from New Jersey goes on vacation in the south of Spain where she is unknowingly stalked by the vampire.

Nataly Fish

Bad Boys

Bad Boys

The Detroit Pistons of the late 1980s and early '90s seemed willing to do anything to win. That characteristic made them loved — and hated. It earned them the title: Bad Boys.

Nataly Fish

Meitantei Conan: Kudo Shinichi e no chosenjo kaicho densetsu no nazo

Meitantei Conan: Kudo Shinichi e no chosenjo kaicho densetsu no nazo

Cette histoire se déroule 100 jours avant que Kudo Shinichi ne devienne Edogawa Conan. Kudo Shinichi, un détective de lycée, arrive à Jugoya Town avec Mori Ran et d'autres. Dans cette ville, une légende existe, prétendant qu'une gigantesque pie-grièche à tête de taureau attaque les habitants et les tue. La ville était sur le point d'organ..

Nataly Fish



Gajaman is a henchman of the local politician Magodisthuma. Gajaman's life is turned upside down when Magodisthuma asks him to pick up his daughter and her friend from the airport. The trouble is, Gajaman falls in love with Magodisthuma's daughter immediately as he sees her. Magodisthuma becomes furious when he finds out about this. Gajaman is exil..

Nataly Fish

The Price of Gold

The Price of Gold

The world couldn't keep its eyes off two athletes at the 1994 Winter Games in Lillehammer - Nancy Kerrigan, the elegant brunette from the Northeast, and Tonya Harding, the feisty blonde engulfed in scandal. Just weeks before the Olympics on Jan. 6, 1994 at the U.S. Figure Skating Championships, Kerrigan was stunningly clubbed on the right knee by a..

Nataly Fish

The Ultimate Impostor

The Ultimate Impostor

A series pilot about a secret agent who is armed with skills learned by a computer-brain link-up -- lasting only 72 hours at a time -- and is sent to rescue a Russian submarine commander, a defector who has been kidnapped by an agent for another nation.

Nataly Fish

Three Plus Two

Three Plus Two

Three best friend are going to spend a vacation on a sea shore. But when they arrive to their usual place they suddenly find that the spot is already occupied - by two beautiful girls.

Nataly Fish

La Légende des Yokai

La Légende des Yokai

Au sanctuaire de Onizuka, le gangster Kanzo et plusieurs de ses hommes prennent en embuscade deux messagers. Ils transportent un document incriminant Kanzo dans la mort de son rival Nihei. Un vieil homme, le gardien de ce sanctuaire, avertit les assassins du danger de faire couler le sang dans cet endroit pouvant leur amener une malédiction. Sans ..

Nataly Fish

Scarecrow, l'ultime massacre

Scarecrow, l'ultime massacre

Pour s'amuser, quelques lycéens attachent l'un de leurs camarades à un épouvantail. Abandonné toute la nuit à son triste sort, il finit par tomber dans le coma. Tout cela n'était qu'un jeu, mais lorque l'épouvantail prend vie et commence à éliminer un par un les adolescents, la plaisanterie tourne à l'horreur.

Nataly Fish

Vitaminamulch: Air Spectacular

Vitaminamulch: Air Spectacular

It's Leadbottom's big day—the day of the flashy air show to promote Vitaminamulch fertilizer—and Dusty Crophopper and all his friends are there to support him. But when the main attraction, a star stunt duo, doesn't show up, it's up to Dusty and Chug to impersonate them and keep the audience happy. The chaos that results could spell disaster fo..

Nataly Fish

Bullies of Baltimore

Bullies of Baltimore

This documentary is a lively and colorful look back at the team’s magical season framed by a reunion of its key figures filmed in front of a live audience in Baltimore in May 2022. The story of the 2000 Baltimore Ravens, a loving, unapologetic portrait of an irrepressible cast of characters.

Nataly Fish

Bayside Shakedown

Bayside Shakedown

Lorsqu’un cadavre est retrouvé dans le fleuve, les forces de police de la région savent que l’enquête ne va pas être de tout repos, surtout après la découverte d’un ours en peluche dans le corps de la victime, lors de l’autopsie. L’enquête est confiée à Aoshima, un jeune inspecteur de police…

Nataly Fish

One Way Trip

One Way Trip

Eight young people drive to the Swiss Jura region, food and tents in the trunk. It's autumn and high season for a magic mushroom that grows there - the reason for their trip. After a few problems they arrive at the desired location deep in the woods, the tents are set up, the mushrooms are collected and when it gets dark the party starts. Everythin..

Nataly Fish

Jackass Volume Three

Jackass Volume Three

Due to some random haggard circumstances, Volume 1 of the Jackass TV series isn't coming out anytime soon. But in the meantime here's Volume 3. Volume three of the Jackass series contains a random, haggard selection of segments and bits that aired on our crappy little television show. Memorable moments in this half-ass collection include the recita..

Nataly Fish



Two pairs of best friends - Montel & Clyde and Brandy & Adina meet at the party, where Clyde makes Adina think he is very rich and gets her into bed the same evening. When Adina finds out that she's been fooled, she becomes Clyde's worst enemy. Meanwhile Montel and Brandy fall in love and plan to marry, and Adina and Clyde try to do everyth..

Nataly Fish

Super Mischieves

Super Mischieves

Super Mischieves, the pint-sized Shaolin monks and their wacky supervisor Richard Ng Man Tat are beset by trouble from all sides. A beautiful girl has inserted herself into their lives to get her hands on a powerful Shaolin sutra. Meanwhile, the trio meets Gum (Eric Kot), a Chinese parody of Forrest Gump who acts even more mentally challenged than ..

Nataly Fish

Burning Political Affairs Door

Burning Political Affairs Door

Sequel to Bruce and Shaolin Kung Fu.

Nataly Fish

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