
The Last Race

The Last Race

Twelve-year-old son of a divorced parents live in a skyscraper, but the drab of urban living is somewhat improved by the proximity of hippodrome and horse farm. Boy's favorite is a former champion named Evergreen, a stud whom the administration decides to sell to the slaughterhouse. After an unsuccessful attempt to change their mind, children steal..

Nataly Fish

Collision Point: The Race to Clean Up Space

Collision Point: The Race to Clean Up Space

No matter how clear the night sky is, no matter how many millions of stars are within view, looking up at the sky on a clear night still hides the halo of man-made debris around Earth that threatens the future of space exploration and endangers us all.

Nataly Fish

Eiffel, la guerre des tours

Eiffel, la guerre des tours

Derrière l'emblématique Tour Eiffel se cache l'histoire d'un incroyable défi, celui d'ériger une tour de mille pieds de haut, qui a dépassé de loin le cadre d'un concours de design et a marqué un tournant majeur dans l'histoire de l'ingénierie. Il s’inscrit dans une période de transformation radicale où l’on voit le fer s’opposer à..

Nataly Fish

Race to Danger

Race to Danger

A sailor who landed on the ground only for a bank deposit found himself involved in a spin of misadventures and vicissitudes. He will have to retrieve his ten thousand dollars (to invest in the opening of a Tahiti bar) before the ship resumes.

Nataly Fish

Racing Legends

Racing Legends

Director Norman Luo and choreographer Bruce Law, along with the four protagonists Eric Tsang, Shawn Dou, Shin and Wang Bojie attended the event. As the first Chinese action film to focus on racing, "Racer Legend" tells the tale of three racers played by Shawn Dou, Shin and Wang Bojie, who all belongs to the same team of racers. Eric Tsang portrays..

Nataly Fish

The Race

The Race

A naive young woman in a surreal race decides to forge alliances while her greatest competitor starts taking lives.

Nataly Fish



À Paris, au sortir du Royal Hotel, Franck Canello (Roger Hanin), un chef de bande essuie des tirs d'hommes du Nantais, une bande rivale. Gravement blessé, il est conduit à l'IPDCH, un institut polyclinique où exerce le docteur Didier Dancourt (Louis Velle) en qualité de chirurgien. Le Dr. Dancourt l'opère sur le champs et lui sauve la vie. Re..

Nataly Fish

Dog Race

Dog Race

Ethnically Korean Japanese filmmaker Yoichi Sai directs this madcap crime comedy. Nakayama (Goro Kishitani) is a suave police detective who doesn't play by the rules. He busts a drug ring, but not before sampling a few of the wares, and he closes down an underaged prostitution ring after enjoying the company of a school girl hooker. One of duties i..

Nataly Fish

The Road to the Racetrack

The Road to the Racetrack

R returns from studying in France and reunites with J, whom he used to live with in Paris.

Nataly Fish

The Big Race

The Big Race

Set in 1952, the story follows events around the "Peace Run", a propaganda 3-day marathon for peace. The winner is to be presented with a new motorcycle by the country's president. Chief organizer is a ruthless manipulator who will stop at nothing to make sure that the right man wins. There are two runners, Budny and Stolar, who are participating i..

Nataly Fish

Deadly Racing

Deadly Racing

Hong kong movie

Nataly Fish

Course à la saucisse

Course à la saucisse

Un chien qui court après une saucisse se déplace dans la ville avec sa laisse.

Nataly Fish

There Goes Our Hero: The Heat of the Pennant Race
Zodiac: The Race Begins...

Zodiac: The Race Begins...

Ringo the Rat (voice of Tom Arnold) and his pal Oriole the Ox compete in a big race, and discover that persistence and teamwork are just as important as speed when it comes to crossing the finish line first. Determined to thwart the plans of her long time enemy, the Jade Emperor, she sets forth to prevent the success of the Race be impeding the 12 ..

Nataly Fish

Race Antenna

Race Antenna

In 1979, while Brazil was going through the troubled moment of the Amnesty Law, Glauber Rocha directed the program Abertura for TV Tupi, in which he interrogated a contradictory and boiling Brazil head-on, full of utopias but always under the weight of secular wounds.

Nataly Fish

Airbus vs Boeing: The Jumbo Jet Race

Airbus vs Boeing: The Jumbo Jet Race

The story of the rivalry between Boeing and Airbus is no doubt one of the greatest human and technological adventures of the 20th century. A modern-day western, with the protagonists trying out every underhand trick and bluff possible to achieve their aims. But it is also a story of power and influence, driven by geopolitical ambitions and struggle..

Nataly Fish

La Course du siècle

La Course du siècle

Le Petit Corbeau Chaussette a accidentellement détruit le stock de nourriture qui permet aux animaux de la forêt de survivre pendant l'hiver. Pour reconstituer les réserves, il décide de s'inscrire à la course dans la forêt pour gagner le grand prix, à savoir 100 pièces d’or. Pour un champion comme lui, ce devrait être aisé...

Nataly Fish

Crazy Racing

Crazy Racing

Sloan est un adolescent passionné de voitures de course. Doug, son père, n'aime pas l'idée que son fils devienne pilote de course. Pour éviter de décevoir son père, Sloan cache sa passion et se concentre sur ce qu'on attend de lui : ses études et sa participation à la gestion de l'entreprise familiale. Il a le béguin pour sa camarade de cl..

Nataly Fish

Mega Mindy and the horse race

Mega Mindy and the horse race

Mega Mindy goes solving a crime at a horse run

Nataly Fish

Chicken Race

Chicken Race

Story of friendship between an old man who slept for 45 years and his nurse who woke him up. (Source: D-Addicts)

Nataly Fish

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