
Deux Nigauds démobilisés

Deux Nigauds démobilisés

La guerre finie, les deux soldats Slicker Smith et Herbie Brown rentrent aux États-Unis, accompagnée par une orpheline française à laquelle ils se sont attachés. Leur sergent, qui les déteste, espérait bien ne plus avoir à les revoir, mais ils se retrouvent engagés avec lui à travers leur nouvelle activité de pilotes de voitures…

Nataly Fish

The Private Life of Don Juan

The Private Life of Don Juan

What do women want? Don Juan is aging. He's arrived secretly in Seville after a 20 year absence. His wife Dolores, whom he hasn't lived with in five years, still loves him. He refuses to see her; he fears the life of a husband. She has bought his debts and will remand him to jail for two years if he won't come to her. Meanwhile, an impostor is clim..

Nataly Fish

Élève libre

Élève libre

Jonas, seize ans, vit un nouvel échec scolaire et pense pouvoir tout miser sur le tennis, mais il échoue aux portes de la sélection nationale. Il rencontre Pierre, un trentenaire, qui touché par sa situation, va le prendre en charge. Fort de ce lien privilégié, Jonas abandonne l'école publique. Incapable de fixer les limites de cette relatio..

Nataly Fish

Private Elvis

Private Elvis

L'histoire complète des deux années pendant lesquelles la plus grande star du monde est devenue un simple soldat. Pendant cette période, sa mère est décédée et il a rencontré sa future épouse, Priscilla Beaulieu. Comprend des interviews de ceux qui ont servi à ses côtés, ainsi que des films familiaux en couleur et des séquences d'actua..

Nataly Fish

Private Passions

Private Passions

When Mark goes to visit his cousin Toni in Austria for the summer, he develops a serious crush on Toni's pretty stepsister Clair and at the same time tries to fend off Toni's efforts to get him set up with prostitutes. As much as he likes Clair, Mark cannot bring himself to start a sexual relationship with her and ultimately goes to Clair's mother ..

Nataly Fish

La Secrétaire particulière de papa

La Secrétaire particulière de papa

Un homme d'affaires coureur de jupons apaise la jalousie de sa femme en engageant des secrétaires banales, mais la nouvelle captive son attention, et celle de son fils.

Nataly Fish

Private Lessons: Another Story

Private Lessons: Another Story

Professional photographer Lauren travels to Miami to find the next hottest model for her shoot. She hooks up with her emotional Cuban limo driver Raul, but then her cheating sleazy husband Stephen shows up as well as hot Marissa.

Nataly Fish

The Private Life of Plants

The Private Life of Plants

David Attenborough takes us on a guided tour through the secret world of plants, to see things no unaided eye could witness. Each episode in this six-part series focuses on one of the critical stages through which every plant must pass if it is to survive:- travelling, growing, and flowering; struggling with one another; creating alliances with oth..

Nataly Fish

Emmanuelle - The Private Collection: Sexual Spells

Emmanuelle - The Private Collection: Sexual Spells

Emmanuelle, the heavenly spirit of Love, explores her girlfriends' relationships.

Nataly Fish

See Here, Private Hargrove

See Here, Private Hargrove

Journalist Marion Hargrove enters the Army intending to supplement his income by writing about his training experiences. He muddles through basic training at Fort Bragg with the self-serving help of a couple of buddies intent on cutting themselves in on that extra income.

Nataly Fish

Private Lives

Private Lives

Carmen Uranga is a 42 year-old woman who after 20 years jurisdiction of her native country (Argentina), she returns to solve a family problem related with the inheritance that her sick father wants to leave him. Their return trip results in the unavoidable memories of the torture that that was object during the dictatorship and a dramatic revelatio..

Nataly Fish

Behind the Tunes: Real American Zero - The Adventures of Private Snafu

Behind the Tunes: Real American Zero - The Adventures of Private Snafu

Historians and animators discuss the Private Snafu cartoons made for military training during World War II.

Nataly Fish

Her Private Hell

Her Private Hell

Une mannequin en herbe italienne s'installe à Londres, où elle se voit offrir un luxueux appartement avant d'être manipulée par une agence louche.

Nataly Fish

Ici brigade criminelle

Ici brigade criminelle

Deux policiers mettent la main sur une forte somme d'argent volé. L'un d'eux décide de garder le butin. L'autre refuse.

Nataly Fish

Private Eye Pooch

Private Eye Pooch

Woody est prisonnier dans une école de taxidermie mais quand c’est son tour d’être utilisé, il s’échappe. Le chien de garde est chargé de le récupérer.

Nataly Fish

Collections privées

Collections privées

Three stories. A solitary sailor falls from his boat and washes ashore on a tropical island. While seeking rescue, he's found by a nearly naked woman who is playful and compliant. He decides to erase his signs of distress and remain on the island. What awaits? In the second, an adolescent searches for the words of a nursery rime he remembers bits ..

Nataly Fish

Emmanuelle - The Private Collection: Sex Goddess

Emmanuelle - The Private Collection: Sex Goddess

Emmanuelle is haunted by a seemingly spectral poet, who awakens within her lust for life. As she pursues this vision of artistic beauty, her friends become afraid that Emmanuelle is losing her mind. No one could be prepared that the answer to who that poet holds the answer to so much more.

Nataly Fish

The Private Life of Samuel Pepys

The Private Life of Samuel Pepys

The Private Life of Samuel Pepys is a 2003 British comedy television film directed by Oliver Parker and starring Steve Coogan, Lou Doillon and Nathaniel Parker. It portrayed the historical diarist Samuel Pepys. It was aired on BBC2 on 16 December 2003, drawing an audience of 2.9 million viewers.

Nataly Fish

Julian Schnabel: A Private Portrait

Julian Schnabel: A Private Portrait

La vie et l'époque du peintre et réalisateur Julian Schnabel, de ses jeunes années au Texas à son triomphe comme figure de proue du néo-expressionnisme à Manhattan.

Nataly Fish

Rifkin : le serial killer de Long Island

Rifkin : le serial killer de Long Island

Le tueur en série Joel Rifkin a été arrêté en 1993. Lorsqu'il l'apprend, Robert Mladinich, un ancien ami d'université de Rifkin, a du mal à comprendre comment ce garçon sans histoire, doué pour la photo, a pu se transformer en tueur. Devenu flic, Robert Mladinich décide de le contacter. Depuis la prison, Joel Rifkin accepte de se confier ..

Nataly Fish

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