
Fellowship of the Frog

Fellowship of the Frog

Both Scotland Yard and an amateur American sleuth are tracking a master criminal known as The Frog. This moniker refers to the bulging-eyed mask worn by the evildoer, and is reflected by the frog icons painfully tatooed onto the forearms of his henchmen. The trail leads to the country manor of an enigmatic, steely-eyed nabob, whose repressed son ha..

Nataly Fish

Toujours au-delà

Toujours au-delà

Le riche Sir Cyrus Bradley est victime d'un chantage du syndicat du crime « La Tortue ». Alsconi, le chef, dans un fauteuil roulant, qui vit dans un manoir richement meublé à Trieste, ordonne à sa maîtresse Laura Lorelli et à son confident Crantor de s'occuper du meurtre de Bradley s'il ne paie pas.

Nataly Fish

Der Blinde

Der Blinde

An encounter with a blind man ends unexpectedly for Susan Howard. The supposedly helpless man stuns and kidnaps her. The case is handed over by the Home Secretary to Sir John, the head of Scotland Yard. He entrusts Chief Inspector Higgins and Superintendent Lane with the investigation. Their investigations quickly lead Higgins and Lane on the trail..

Nataly Fish

The Man with the Glass Eye

The Man with the Glass Eye

A man is found dead in a London hotel. The knife is still firmly stuck in the victim's chest, and Inspector Perkins strangely finds a glass eye in his jacket pocket. Kurt after that a second, mysterious murder happens: A city-famous dancer of the Las Vegas Girls, who perform at the London Odeon Theater, is poisoned. Is there a connection between th..

Nataly Fish

La Chambre aux supplices

La Chambre aux supplices

Un riche seigneur meurt et est enseveli avec un précieux dépôt de bijoux. Sept clés sont nécessaires pour déverrouiller la tombe et mettre la main sur le trésor. Un médecin fou utilise une vierge de fer pour éliminer systématiquement les héritiers de la fortune.

Nataly Fish

Le Requin harponne Scotland Yard

Le Requin harponne Scotland Yard

Un homme est retrouvé assassiné sur la Tamise, l'arme du crime est un fusil-harpon, signature du mystérieux « requin » que Scotland Yard traque sans succès.

Nataly Fish

La Serrure aux treize secrets

La Serrure aux treize secrets

Mr. Kent se fait voler toute sa richesse par les membres de la bande de Mr. Real. Après la mort de Mr Kent, Mr Real, pris de remords, souhaite rendre ses biens à Kathleen Kent, sa fille. Pour cela, il se cache dans un caveau. Quand Kathleen vient à Londres avec le juriste Ferry Westlake, elle est enlevée par Connor, l'ancien croupier de Real, e..

Nataly Fish

The College Girl Murders

The College Girl Murders

Police try to track down a hooded serial killer who murders his victims with a combination of acid and poison gas

Nataly Fish

The Squeeker

The Squeeker

Nataly Fish

Das Karussell des Todes

Das Karussell des Todes

Lady Osborne's gardener becomes the victim of a burglar when he catches him in the Lady's house. Soon more mysterious murders occur and Inspectors Higgins and Lane suspect a connection between the victims and the Lady's long-dead husband.

Nataly Fish

Man at the Carlton Tower

Man at the Carlton Tower

The police investigate the murder of an officer, killed during a jewel robbery.

Nataly Fish

Das Schloss des Grauens

Das Schloss des Grauens

There is good reason for Sir Douglas Wonderly to summon the family and a lawyer to his stately home. He wants to announce a change in his will. At the same time, a dangerous mental patient escapes from a nearby psychiatric ward. Higgins and Lane are put on his trail. But the arrest of the psychopath proves to be extremely difficult. Shortly thereaf..

Nataly Fish

The Terrible People

The Terrible People

The ghost of a hanged man returns to fulfill his promise. All of his accusers must die!

Nataly Fish

Mystery Liner

Mystery Liner

La police tente de résoudre un meurtre à bord d'un paquebot.

Nataly Fish

Again the Ringer

Again the Ringer

Arthur Milton aka Der Hexer (The Magician/Ringer) must return to London after his calling card was left at the scene of a murder he did not commit.

Nataly Fish

The Fourth Square

The Fourth Square

The Police investigate the theft of emerald jewellery which had led to murder.

Nataly Fish

The Racetrack Murders

The Racetrack Murders

The son of a British racehorse owner conspires with a bookie to ruin the odds of his father's thoroughbred winning an important event.

Nataly Fish

Coast of Skeletons

Coast of Skeletons

A former district officer is assigned to work on a team of diamond prospectors, who are busy double crossing each other until they are blown up having found bullion.

Nataly Fish

L'orchidée Rouge

L'orchidée Rouge

Un gang mystérieux exige de certains riches londoniens qu'ils payent de fortes sommes en échange de leur sécurité et leur recommande de ne pas se tourner ves Scotland Yard, sous peine d'y perdre la vie. Certains téméraires bravent la menace et en meurent dans la nuit même. L'inspecteur Weston et son collègue Tetley subodorent là des métho..

Nataly Fish

Le cirque de la peur

Le cirque de la peur

Un groupe de truands professionnels attaquent un camion convoyant une importante somme d'argent. L'enquête de la police pour les retrouver, mène à un cirque étrange.

Nataly Fish

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