
In Exile

In Exile

A mother attempts to reconnect with her jihadist son when he is allowed to await his trial at home with her.

Nataly Fish

Siberian Exile

Siberian Exile

Les déportations massives vers la Sibérie des années 1940 vues à travers les yeux d'un jeune garçon appelé Staszek Dolina. Les membres de sa famille font partie des 2 millions de citoyens polonais envoyés dans les cruels camps de travail sibériens.

Nataly Fish

Birds of Exile

Birds of Exile

Tahir Agha sells all his assets when his business in Maraş deteriorates. He immigrates to Istanbul with his wife Hatice, sons Selim, Murat, Kemal and daughter Fatoş, where he sets his mind to open a repair shop. But in the metropolis, things don't go as planned.

Nataly Fish

Exile Diaries

Exile Diaries

A documentary made with homemade videos of the spanish exiled due to the dictatorship in Spain from 1939 to 1977.

Nataly Fish

Exile - Never Mind Reality

Exile - Never Mind Reality

Exile - Never Mind Reality depicts a growing phenomenon: young people developing an obsession with online gaming (MMORPG). Emil (34) from Oslo, Daniel (16), Morten (14) and Rasmus (15) from Lillehammer are all completely hooked. This has had serious consequences for them and has led to them dropping school, friends or jobs. At the same time, gaming..

Nataly Fish



The coming of age journey of Samuel, a young Haitian boy whose life takes a tragic turn when his father is kidnapped, and he then decides to travel to the United States and Canada to find his mother.

Nataly Fish



Liszka, une jeune orpheline, est élevée par son oncle. Avant de mourir, celui-ci lui révèle que sa mère n'est pas morte, mais en prison depuis des années. Liszka part pour la ville où elle est engagée comme femme de chambre dans une demeure bourgeoise. Miklós, le fils de la famille, tombe amoureux d'elle...

Nataly Fish

Chœurs en exil

Chœurs en exil

Aram and Virginia, an Armenian couple from the diaspora, transmit an ancestral tradition of chant which is in danger of disappearing to a troupe of European actors. During the process of creating a new play, the couple takes the company on a trip to Anatolia where the Armenian civilization has been destroyed. Along the way, the questioning of the a..

Nataly Fish



True story of the plight and persecution of Ethiopian Jewry and of Operation Moses, which was organized in response, transporting thousands of Ethiopian Jews to Israel by means of secret airlifts from Sudan.

Nataly Fish

Never Forget Tibet

Never Forget Tibet

The story of the Dalai Lama's journey and escape into exile in 1959.

Nataly Fish

The Wandering Jew

The Wandering Jew

The Wandering Jew tells the story of Arthur Levi (Jacob Ben-Ami), a German-Jewish artist who experiences the new German antisemitism when his masterpiece, a portrait of his Polish-born father entitled "The Eternal Wanderer" is rejected by the Berlin Academy of Art, which also asks his resignation as professor. Later in the film the figure in the pa..

Nataly Fish

Prison or Exile

Prison or Exile

Nursel Aydoğan, Fırat Anlı and Zülküf Karatekin are linked by political exile in Europe after threatened prison sentences in Turkey.

Nataly Fish



Aris, a Greek man, becomes a no one in his own country and struggles to recover his self, living as a foreigner.

Nataly Fish



The fool Siri Guleng's parents both died, and he lives with his younger brother and sister-in-law. This makes the poor life of this family even worse. Until the fool brought back a sheep, his sister-in-law had the selfish desire to sell the sheep secretly. The cowardly brother reluctantly acquiesced in this matter. The fool found the sheep was not ..

Nataly Fish

Isle of Exile

Isle of Exile

8mm / color

Nataly Fish



A young African migrant’s first couple of hours on a European beach.

Nataly Fish



Poles forcibly displaced from the eastern lands after 1945 tell about their experiences, recall that difficult period when they had to leave their homes, leave all their possessions, neighbors. Paweł łoziński's Film is a story about people who had to start life from scratch in a new place. They can hardly hide their emotion, hold back tears. The..

Nataly Fish

Mouth Harp in Minor Key: Hamid Naficy in/on Exile

Mouth Harp in Minor Key: Hamid Naficy in/on Exile

At the center of this documentary are Hamid Naficy, a historian of Middle Eastern and Iranian cinema and his family, who remained in Iran. Behind them, however, we see the shadows of thousands of other families whose offspring - artists, researchers, scientists - live far away from their homeland. In following Naficy's personal and professional lif..

Nataly Fish



She accused the leader of the Sandinista revolution of sexual abuse. Now he is president of Nicaragua and she lives in exile.

Nataly Fish

Exile From Paradise

Exile From Paradise

A man is a guest of the EDEN Hotel. He can enjoy its luxuries with no limits, except for one room. The room becomes the most interesting place for the man. The animators illustrate the biblical story with a beautiful cutout and a philosophical commentary. The film was made in the cut-out technique. Its background is based on the style of old engra..

Nataly Fish

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