
Loan Shark Maki

Loan Shark Maki

"Tulip Finance" is a women-only loan shark that lends money at a steep interest rate of Togo (50% in 10 days). Women who continue to pile up debts elsewhere, still unable to resist their desires and still want money, appear in front of Maki (Kyoko Maki) today, are entwined with her tricks, sold their bodies, and are forced into darkness. I am drawn..

Nataly Fish

Hold on Little Shark

Hold on Little Shark

In order to collect the tuition fee, Zhang Shasha, a female fish seller, purchased a small shark from her best friend’s husband’s “san ge”, but unfortunately COVID-19 encountered repeated outbreaks. Zhang shasha was worried that the shark would not live until the store was open, and decided to go out and find a buyer…

Nataly Fish



A group of young people takes a pleasure boat trip to Abkhazia. Suddenly, they find themselves trapped on a marine farm infested with man-eating sharks. In order to escape, they will need not only to join forces, but also to risk their lives for the sake of others.

Nataly Fish

Modern Land-Sharks

Modern Land-Sharks

Hugo Writley, the son of an American shipping magnate, travels to Holland accompanied by his steward, Longway. On the night of their arrival they go to a cabaret, where they get into conversation with two men and their girlfriends who, at closing time, invite the Americans to their home for a few drinks. The hosts, however, turn out to be 'land-sha..

Nataly Fish

The King of Minami: Loan Shark Law

The King of Minami: Loan Shark Law

#3 in the King of Minami series. Ginjiro Manda sets his sights on a corrupt cop named Tatsuya, who finds himself in debt to Manda after unsuccessfully trying to scam the ruthless loan shark. The pair also find themselves chasing a notorious con artist, who is himself in debt to an even more ruthless real estate tycoon.

Nataly Fish

Fantômes des grands fonds – Requins des profondeurs

Fantômes des grands fonds – Requins des profondeurs

Après avoir réussi à filmer pour la première fois dans son environnement naturel le fameux calamar géant, les biologistes marins japonais Yoshihiro Fujiwara et Sho Tanaka s’efforcent cette fois de traquer avec leurs caméras d’autres espèces encore peu connues, celles des requins des profondeurs. Pour cette expérience inédite, les cherc..

Nataly Fish

Shark's tooth

Shark's tooth

Poor brothers, Ali and Hussain, support their family through the dangerous and hard work. Once, while being in the open sea, they were attacked by a shark. Instead of his older brother, who died in the fight with the shark, from now on the younger one has to carry the heavy burden of the family, but he believes that when he groes up, he will escape..

Nataly Fish

La Collection Cousteau N°1-2 | Les Requins Dormeurs Du Yucatan

La Collection Cousteau N°1-2 | Les Requins Dormeurs Du Yucatan

Destination les îles tropicales des Caraïbes, au large du Yucatan. Le commandant Cousteau veut étudier cette région qui abrite une faune et une flore des plus luxuriantes. On lui a signalé la présence de requins, qui pénètrent les grottes pour y dormir ; or les requins de pleine eau ne doivent jamais cesser de nager pour irriguer leurs bran..

Nataly Fish

Wish I Were a Shark

Wish I Were a Shark

Two young hicks from Dalmatian hinterland are coming to Split in order to spend the night and pick local girls. In the meantime, Ive Dumanic, a brewery worker, has just lost his job after accidentally mixing beer with tonic.

Nataly Fish

Les aventuriers du système solaire

Les aventuriers du système solaire

En Corée du Sud, une bande d'enfants et leur institutrice rencontrent des extraterrestres bienveillants venus les avertir d'un danger menaçant leur pays : des envahisseurs hostiles se sont alliés à la Corée du Nord communiste en fournissant de nouvelles armes à Kim Il Sung.

Nataly Fish

The King of Minami: Bankruptcy - Loan Shark Murder

The King of Minami: Bankruptcy - Loan Shark Murder

#30 in the King of Minami series, introducing Ginjiro Manda's new sidekick Kohei. This installment explores the fatal effects of bankruptcy on the loan shark profession, when a young business owner gets tricked into declaring bankruptcy in order to escape from his massive loan debts, prompting Manda to seek revenge on the wily financial advisor beh..

Nataly Fish

The Casebooks of Zenigata Heiji: The Beautiful Shark

The Casebooks of Zenigata Heiji: The Beautiful Shark

The hairpin murdered a young girl. Detective Zenigata Heiji begin to investigate. Suddenly a murder case turns into a case of smuggling.

Nataly Fish

Dive 3D - Realm Of Wild Sharks

Dive 3D - Realm Of Wild Sharks

Diving in South Africa is a very special and multifaceted adventure. Off the west coast, near the Cape of Good Hope, the sea is cold and nutrient-rich. Kelp forests thrive here, and you can, among many other animals watching the South African fur seals underwater. Thousands of wrecks from different epochs provide an interesting target. Off the east..

Nataly Fish

Adventure Caribbean 3D: Diving With Sharks

Adventure Caribbean 3D: Diving With Sharks

The breathtaking underwater world of the Caribbean holds many secrets. For millions of years, sea turtles and sharks have successfully shared this habitat. Here, sunlight penetrates crystal clear water and casts its spell over fantastic coral formations. This new 3D adventure enables us to experience tiger sharks, one of the ocean’s most dangero..

Nataly Fish

700 requins dans la nuit  (Gombessa 4, la genèse)

700 requins dans la nuit (Gombessa 4, la genèse)

À l'origine, en 2014, Laurent Ballesta n'avait qu'un seul objectif précis : percer le mystère mérous. Comprendre les enjeux de leur reproduction collective. Mais bien que focalisé sur l'étude des mérous, la vraie surprise vient des requins. Jamais auparavant, l'équipe n'avait été confrontée à une telle densité de requins gris de récif..

Nataly Fish

Wild Sharks

Wild Sharks

With the aid of modern technology, reveal the unknown behavior of some unusual species of shark: lemon sharks and their white-tip reef counterparts.

Nataly Fish

La collection Cousteau N°35-1 | Les Requins

La collection Cousteau N°35-1 | Les Requins

Pourquoi les Requins attaquent-ils et quels sont leurs comportements de chasse ? Pour cette première mission consacrée à l'étude des Squales, le commandant Cousteau se rend en Mer Rouge. Parmi les nombreux spécimens observés, l'équipe rencontre aussi un Requin-baleine et un Mérou géant.

Nataly Fish

SHARKS: The UnFINished Cut

SHARKS: The UnFINished Cut

animated and storyboarded by one person over three years, this rough Work in Progress cut gives an incoherent but hilarious peek at a low budget animated comedy!

Nataly Fish

Vratislav Effenberger or Black Shark Hunting
Florencia of the Deep Rivers and Big Sharks

Florencia of the Deep Rivers and Big Sharks

short Costa Rica drama

Nataly Fish

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