
Battle of Chinatown

Battle of Chinatown

The film tells the story of Ye Zhuo, a chivalrous man who travels across the ocean to dismantle the Black Dragon Gang

Nataly Fish

Chinatown Cannon

Chinatown Cannon

Top programmer Lu Xiaopao received a blackmail video of her sister Lu Xiaomei being kidnapped and asked Lu Xiaopao to pay 1 million yuan to ransom her. The younger sister Lu Xiaomei, who was successfully "rescued", and Lu Xiaopao broke up. Unexpectedly, Lu Xiaomei was accidentally kidnapped by the cybercriminal gang "Black Domain", and the rescue o..

Nataly Fish

In Memory of The Chinatown

In Memory of The Chinatown

May a building have its own reincarnation? Once upon a time, there's a region of canal's dockyard in the center of Tainan city in Taiwan. Later in 1970s, the canal gradually lost its function and the large residential and commercial mixed mall "China Town" had been built at the site. China Town was once the most prosperous mall in the city, however..

Nataly Fish

Chinatown Cannon 2

Chinatown Cannon 2

Top programmer Lu Xiaopao received a blackmail video of her sister Lu Xiaomei being kidnapped and asked Lu Xiaopao to pay 1 million yuan to redeem her. The younger sister Lu Xiaomei, who was successfully "rescued", and Lu Xiaopao broke up. Unexpectedly, Lu Xiaomei was accidentally kidnapped by the cyber criminal gang "Black Domain", and the rescue ..

Nataly Fish

Chinatown Crazy Night

Chinatown Crazy Night

Nataly Fish

Les Aventures de Jack Burton dans les griffes du Mandarin

Les Aventures de Jack Burton dans les griffes du Mandarin

Les aventures du baroudeur Jack Burton à Chinatown, où règne le terrible sorcier Lo Pan. Celui-ci pense pouvoir retrouver son enveloppe charnelle grâce aux beaux yeux verts de Miao Yin, délicieuse Chinoise fiancée à un ami de Jack…

Nataly Fish

Le Corrupteur

Le Corrupteur

Danny Wallace est nommé comme coéquipier de Nick Chen, policier apprecié, rusé, efficace et introduit dans le milieu des triades, la très puissante mafia chinoise de New York. La rencontre entre les deux hommes tourne à la confrontation car Wallace est bien décidé à nettoyer le quartier des gangs chinois. Pour Chen, il représente un farde..

Nataly Fish



Dashiell Hammett se sert de son expérience d'ancien détective dans ses romans. Jimmy Ryan, un ex-collègue, lui reprochant de l'utiliser comme modèle dans ses ouvrages, le lance a la recherche d'une jeune Asiatique, mystérieusement disparue dans le quartier chinois de San Francisco.

Nataly Fish



Sister Tse is brought to New York by a Snakehead, a human smuggler. Although she is indebted to the crime family responsible for her transport, her survival instincts help her gain favor with the matriarch, and she rises quickly in the ranks. Soon Tse must reconcile her success with her real reason for coming to America—to find the child that was..

Nataly Fish

The Two Jakes

The Two Jakes

A Los Angeles, en 1948, le promoteur immobilier Jake Berman s'attache les services du détective privé Jake Gittes pour déterminer la fidélité de sa femme Kitty.

Nataly Fish

L'Année du dragon

L'Année du dragon

Chinatown est à feu et à sang. En seulement quelques jours, alors que les fêtes du nouvel an chinois battent leur plein, des truands sont parvenus à éliminer le chef de l'association criminelle Hung-San, à pousser un commerçant réticent à se plier à la loi des gangs et à décimer la clientèle d'un restaurant. Le capitaine Stanley White,..

Nataly Fish

Coin Locker Girl

Coin Locker Girl

À sa naissance, Il-young est abandonnée dans la consigne d’une station de métro. Huit ans plus tard, elle est vendue à une femme qui se fait appeler Maman et règne sur Chinatown. Maman fait travailler plusieurs enfants comme Il-young. Maman est prête à tout pour gagner de l’argent et Il-young qui devient rapidement son meilleur élément..

Nataly Fish

China Girl

China Girl

Roméo et Juliette transposé à New York de nos jours, les héros : Tony, dix-sept ans, frère d'un chef de bande de Little Italy, et Tyan, dont le frère travaille pour le caïd de Chinatown. Pour conserver leur amour, Tony et Tyan vont tenter de réconcilier les deux familles au péril de leur vie.

Nataly Fish

La guerre des rues

La guerre des rues

Récemment arrivé dans le quartier, Tony sort avec la sœur de Chan, et ami avec Young, le caïd du coin. Il découvre vite que Chan est le rival de Young pour le contrôle des gangs du quartier. Lorsque Young se jette dans les ennuis en volant un trafiquant de drogue, Tony vient à sa rescousse.

Nataly Fish

Bruce Lee The Invincible

Bruce Lee The Invincible

After turning against friends of his Kung Fu teacher, Cheung Li Kung is banished to Malaysia, but instead of reforming, Cheung sets up a casino to steal wages back from the miners who work for him. When he also kidnaps the local store owner's daughter, and beats her after she refuses his advances, only those familiar with the invincible techniques ..

Nataly Fish

Kung Fu Master Named Drunk Cat

Kung Fu Master Named Drunk Cat

Given a jar of sweets by a beautiful air-hostess, Chan finds that each one contains a diamond (diamonds belonging to a ruthless smuggling gang). Chan finds out the hard way that when there’s no place to hide and nowhere left to run, a fight to the finish is the only way out!

Nataly Fish

Dark Side of China Town

Dark Side of China Town

An HK police officer sends his son to America to protect him from the influence of the HK triads. However, his son becomes enmired in Chinatown triad dealings in America and returns to Hong Kong as a marked and wanted man.

Nataly Fish

Walk Like a Dragon

Walk Like a Dragon

California, 1870s. The cowboy Lincoln 'Linc' Bartlett finds out there's a slave auction of Chinese women in San Francisco and he intervenes and purchases the Chinese Kim Sung from the auction with the intent of setting her free. But it doesn't occur to Linc that setting her free isn't enough. Where is she going to go? Kim doesn't speak English and ..

Nataly Fish

The Border of Tong

The Border of Tong

Randy Walker (David Heavener), a streetwise cop, knows that the smoke-filled parlors of the Tong breed violence and corruption. He is determined to run things his way. One night in peaceful Seattle, a Tong gambling parlor is wiped out in a bloody massacre. Two men are caught; only Joe Wong (Daniel Hung Tang) - an innocent accomplice - manages to e..

Nataly Fish

The Jitters

The Jitters

In Chinatown, merciless gang goes on nightly rampages of theft and destruction. Merchant Frank Lee has no way of fighting back - until he's undead, murdered by the gangsters...but he returns to life transformed into a "Kyonshi" - Chinese version of a vampire - and ready to avenge his unjust death in a way that's sure going to give you the Jitters.

Nataly Fish

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