
J'ai rencontré le Père Noël

J'ai rencontré le Père Noël

Simon, jeune garçon, vit a Paris avec sa grand-mère. Ses parents ont été enlevés par des rebelles d'un pays Africain. A l'approche de Noël, son unique souhait est de retrouver ses parents vivants. Simon et son amie Elodie se rendent en Laponie ou réside le Père Noël. La fée Marie-Ange va aider Simon a se rendre en Afrique.

Nataly Fish

Don't Believe the Cry of a Night Bird
Do you believe in mountain spirit?

Do you believe in mountain spirit?

A silly question asked, to the people I met at the small mountain in the neighborhood: "Do you believe in the spirits of the mountain?" The answers revealed different ideas on myths, religion, and the village. Local artists have started performing rituals for the mountain spirit...

Nataly Fish

Et pourtant, je crois…

Et pourtant, je crois…

Essai documentaire réalisé par Mikhaïl Romm, le film a été achevé après le décès du réalisateur par ses élèves Elem Klimov et Marlen Khoutsiev, et intègre des éléments du journal de Mikhaïl Romm.

Nataly Fish

Présumé dangereux

Présumé dangereux

Après avoir mis au point un dispositif révolutionnaire qui met l'eau à la bouche de tous les services secrets du monde, le professeur Forrester s'apprête à partir en conférence à San Francisco sous la protection de Tom Lepski, un assureur. Mais après avoir surpris sa femme avec son amant, il assassine ce dernier et perd la mémoire, après ..

Nataly Fish

Believing in God

Believing in God

As a gambling thief is chased by the police, he sells his infant child to his old girlfriend who passes the boy as her own as the child's real mother raises her other daughter. Years go by and the son meets his sister. They fall in love without knowing that they are related.

Nataly Fish

Exclusive Memories: Believe in Love


The message is simple and timeless ride whatever kind of board that fires your imagination, regardless of design fashion trends. Respect your elders, tend to the young, cherish the everyday, do what you love.

Nataly Fish

Don't Believe in Monuments

Don't Believe in Monuments

A young woman tries to make love to a park statue, but despite her passionate efforts, the monument remains cold and heartless. Don’t Believe in Monuments is an early short, where Makavejev subtly ridicules Yugoslav state-sponsored monument and history worship.

Nataly Fish

Pourquoi personne me croit?

Pourquoi personne me croit?

Un garçon de 13 ans que tout accuse d’avoir tué son père. Des empreintes sur un fusil de chasse, une mise en scène implacable… pour tout le monde, il est coupable. Jusqu’à sa mère qui, à la télévision, l’appelle à se rendre. La police le traque. Dans sa ville désertée au mois d’août, Sébastien est seul. Avec l’aide de Muri..

Nataly Fish

Believe It or Not

Believe It or Not

Over many years of division, North and South Korea have become like a hall of mirrors where it is difficult to tell the real from the false. Inspired by real people who have traveled between North and South amid this division, this film depicts a relationship between the two that is so deeply skewed that it is impossible to tell what anyone is work..

Nataly Fish

Believe it or Not

Believe it or Not

"Believe It or Not" happens in July of the Lunar Calendar, when the door between Hell and the World opens and many ghosts escape. A teenager suddenly dies in his apartment; Officer Kenny (Francis NG Chun-yue) investigates the case. At the same time dumb guy Joe (Sam LEE Chan-sum), Lon and Fatty experience strange things on the date of 'Ghost Festiv..

Nataly Fish

Welcome in Vienna - Partie 1 : Dieu ne croit plus en nous

Welcome in Vienna - Partie 1 : Dieu ne croit plus en nous

Vienne 1938 : après la Nuit de Cristal et le meurtre de son père par les nazis, Ferry Tobler, un adolescent juif, fuit l'Autriche. Avec un laissez-passer difficilement acquis, il échoue à Prague. Là, Il y fait la connaissance de Gandhi, soldat allemand anti-nazi échappé de Dachau, et d'Alena, une tchèque chargée d'assister les réfugiés. ..

Nataly Fish

I Don't Believe You Anymore

I Don't Believe You Anymore

Industrial city in the province. Having lost her best friend - her beloved dog Herring, Sonya could not find a place for herself. Mom Sonya got a boyfriend - a policeman Yevgeny Ivanovich, and mom was not up to the dog ... The chief architect of the region, part-time teacher at the Polytechnic Institute Yegor Vladimirovich was tired of his wife Kat..

Nataly Fish

Do You Believe in Jazz?

Do You Believe in Jazz?

Nataly Fish

I Don't Believe You Died

I Don't Believe You Died

Bagong became a hit-and-run victim. Fantar, his friend, can't believe that Bagong died. This makes Bagong spirits return to the real world. They both also tried to find hit-and-run perpetrators.

Nataly Fish

I Believe, or The Philistine World of Political Animals

I Believe, or The Philistine World of Political Animals

The action explores the surrealistic absurdist ritual called “Elections of the President of the Republic of Belarus”. This procedure, in my understanding, is a ceremony of an eccentric farce, with the intersection of modern form of religious worship and hierarchical animal behavior of primates.

Nataly Fish

Something to Believe

Something to Believe

Nataly Fish

Scarcely Believe

Scarcely Believe

Ifas y Tryc is a mechanic as well as a writer, in trouble. After delivering three pigs to a market, he visits the pub, and is summarily evicted after a brawl with his non-official worker, Jo, and the staff.

Nataly Fish

Don't Believe the Hole

Don't Believe the Hole

Sumi, who is tired of Ki-seok's perverted sex life, decides to divorce her and rips the divorce papers when Ki-seok, who has won the lottery consecutively, appears. In order to get money from her Ki-seok, Su-mi invites her Seong-ho, whom she had cheated on her in the past, into her house. Seong-ho also invites Chae-yeon, a flower snake from Sinsa-d..

Nataly Fish

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