
Urban Isolation

Urban Isolation

An analysis of escape and the consequences of repetition.

Nataly Fish

Reckless Isolation

Reckless Isolation

With the 2020 WSL Championship Tour on hold, Kolohe Andino joins fellow pros on a dream trip. Watch as perfect swells and deserted line-ups allow them to reconnect with the simple pleasure of surfing.

Nataly Fish

The Veil of Isolation

The Veil of Isolation

As the world descends into darkness, one woman shares her experience via a video diary. However as her paranoia grows, it becomes clear normal life will never be the same again.

Nataly Fish

Bond - In Isolation

Bond - In Isolation

Dhruv has just moved into a new house and been asked to isolate himself. The story tells how he survives with limited food, basic necessities, and a broken phone. The story boasts about his desperation to reach out to his best friend Kabir but all he feels is someone else's presence in the house.

Nataly Fish

Love Longing Loss: At Home with Charles Lloyd During Isolation

Love Longing Loss: At Home with Charles Lloyd During Isolation

At the end of 2019, Charles Lloyd, one of the icons of contemporary jazz, gave a warmly received concert at the Pierre Boulez Saal concert hall in Berlin. The next two performances were scheduled for December 2020, but the pandemic forced the artist to change his plans. Neither the musician nor the organizers, however, wanted to leave jazz fans emp..

Nataly Fish

Isolation No 08-03-2020

Isolation No 08-03-2020

A boy hides in his room while the pandemic takes over

Nataly Fish

The Ominous Project Universe Presents: ISOLATION

The Ominous Project Universe Presents: ISOLATION

Filmed in Macon, Georgia during the “Covid-19 Pandemic” as an “EXPERIMENTAL” quarantine project; witness this thrilling 1st Episode in this horror anthology series from Foreman Empire Productions’ CEO Shreco Bakari & executive board members Amanda Shanely & Tonya Cole. Director: After the international success of the multi award winning ..

Nataly Fish

Tibet, Land of Isolation

Tibet, Land of Isolation

James A. FitzPatrick tour of Tibet in the 1930s.

Nataly Fish

Tristan und Isolde [The Metropolitan Opera]

Tristan und Isolde [The Metropolitan Opera]

Le public a été fasciné par la production captivante et visionnaire de Mariusz Treliński de l’opéra épique de Wagner. Dans les rôles-titres intimidants des amants condamnés, Nina Stemme et Stuart Skelton sont passionnés, bouleversants et déchirants alors qu'ils affrontent tous les obstacles qui les séparent de leur véritable destin. R..

Nataly Fish

Artificial Isolation

Artificial Isolation

Isolation weaved by artifice.

Nataly Fish

Nothing Happens, a day of isolation

Nothing Happens, a day of isolation

The habit of despair is worse than despair itself

Nataly Fish

Institute of Isolation

Institute of Isolation

Lors d'une mission sur Mars, lorsque quatre personnes voyagent pendant des décennies dans un espace confiné, quelles sont les répercussions physiologiques et mentales ? Notre corps n'est pas conçu pour vivre en permanence hors de la Terre.

Nataly Fish

Conversations in Isolation

Conversations in Isolation

Nataly Fish

Art of Isolation

Art of Isolation

Gentle and sincere confessions of the participants of the IsoIsolation flash mob, which recreate famous works of art at home for entertainment and fight against a new reality filled with anxiety and death.

Nataly Fish



On her way home, Zohreh senses that someone 's chasing her. As she attempts to escape, she gets hit by a car and dies. Parviz, Zohre 's husband , releases from jail on bail (provided by the warden) for the first time in six years. He's given 3 days to bury Zohreh and attends her funeral, but has another concern about Zohreh.

Nataly Fish

In isolation

In isolation

Kolya Voronov, a 17-year-old boy with a synthesizer, who gained viral popularity in the mid-2000s with the song "White Dragonfly of Love" and quickly became the center of attention of journalists. He has been invited to interviews and talk shows countless times, and his eccentric songs have been parodied and covered by famous artists. This went on ..

Nataly Fish



Portrait of family members during isolation with limited technical resources (phone recording).

Nataly Fish



Jovan, a young biologist, gets a well-paying job in a forest, but when he checks the cameras he discovers a man and as time goes by the night calls, strange sounds and isolation plunge him into paranoia.

Nataly Fish



1977 Czech experimental short by Petr Skala

Nataly Fish

Maija Isola, Master of Colour and Form

Maija Isola, Master of Colour and Form

A film about Maija Isola, the designer of Finland’s most beloved fabrics. Her bold designs, which include classics like Unikko, Kivet, Kaivo and Melooni, were essential in creating Marimekko’s lifestyle universe. The film shows the secrets to the success of Maija Isola’s fabrics, the values at the heart of Isola’s globetrotter lifestyle, a..

Nataly Fish

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