
La Griffe de Frankenstein

La Griffe de Frankenstein

Jason Jones, manager d'un groupe de rock, a besoin de décompresser. Un ami lui conseille de prendre quelques jours de vacances au manoir du Docteur Storm. Arrivé sur place, il découvre que le docteur transforme ses pensionnaires en robots afin de dominer le monde...

Nataly Fish

The Man Who Saw Frankenstein Cry

The Man Who Saw Frankenstein Cry

King of Horror, legendary actor, scriptwriter and director, Paul Naschy is regarded as the Spanish Lon Chaney and the most prolific filmmaker dedicated to the fantastic cinema in Spain.

Nataly Fish



Documentary about "Frankenstein" author Marry Shelley and the various influences that lead her to create the mythical scientist and his monster.

Nataly Fish

Santo and Blue Demon vs. Dr. Frankenstein

Santo and Blue Demon vs. Dr. Frankenstein

Innocent women are being kidnapped and used as guinea pigs for a brain transplant experiment. The diabolical Dr. Frankenstein continues his quest to perfect his brain transplant operation to bring back his deceased wife at any cost - even if it means playing with the lives of others. El Santo and Blue Demon are called in to help when their friend A..

Nataly Fish

Frankenstein 90

Frankenstein 90

Le Docteur Frankenstein crée une créature mi-humaine, mi-électronique : Frank. Plus tard, ce dernier devient responsable d'une grande entreprise et est sur le point de devenir père.

Nataly Fish

Santo vs. Frankenstein's Daughter

Santo vs. Frankenstein's Daughter

Dr. Frankenstein and her assistant, Dr. Yanco, are going to bring one of their experiments to life in Santo Vs. Frankenstein's Daughter. She intends to use a monster named Ursus to do her evil bidding. Using a youth serum to retain their vitality, the doctors set their sights upon none other than El Santo. They need his super human blood to regener..

Nataly Fish

Bikini Frankenstein

Bikini Frankenstein

Convinced that the average male couldn't tell the difference between a living woman and a corpse, the nefarious Dr. Frankenstein creates an undead sex-kitten named Eve.

Nataly Fish

Frankenstein's Monster's Monster, Frankenstein

Frankenstein's Monster's Monster, Frankenstein

Un homme décide de mettre en scène le mythe de Frankestein comme l'a fait son père des années auparavant. Il puise alors dans les images de la captation télévisée de l'adaptation théâtrale composée par son paternel.

Nataly Fish

Frankenstein Versus Dracula

Frankenstein Versus Dracula

Plot details unknown.

Nataly Fish

Frankenstein: The True Story

Frankenstein: The True Story

Victor Frankenstein witnesses his creation turn uncontrollable after he's duped by his associate, Dr. Polidori.

Nataly Fish

Frankenstein General Hospital

Frankenstein General Hospital

Dans un hôpital pas comme les autres, l'arrière-arrière-petit-fils du Baron Frankestein travaille sous un faux-nom. En plus de ses vacations quotidiennes, le Docteur œuvre en secret dans un laboratoire caché de tous. Il essaie de recréer l'expérience de son célèbre ancêtre et d'apporter la vie à sa Créature. Bien vite, le monstre va tom..

Nataly Fish

Frankenstein: Legacy

Frankenstein: Legacy

Frankenstein’s secrets did not die with him. As graves are torn up and patience disappear from asylum, William Browning sets out to find who stole his father’s body - and finds horrors close to home as his mother descends into madness.

Nataly Fish

National Theatre Live: Frankenstein

National Theatre Live: Frankenstein

Childlike in his innocence but grotesque in form, Frankenstein’s bewildered creature is cast out into a hostile universe by his horror-struck maker. Meeting with cruelty wherever he goes, the friendless Creature, increasingly desperate and vengeful, determines to track down his creator and strike a terrifying deal. Urgent concerns of scientific ..

Nataly Fish

Frankenstein vs. The Mummy

Frankenstein vs. The Mummy

The mummy of a cursed pharaoh and a reanimated corpse terrorize a medical university. Only an Egyptologist and a college professor, the deranged Dr. Frankenstein, may be able to stop the creatures before it's too late.

Nataly Fish

Terror of Frankenstein

Terror of Frankenstein

Victor Frankenstein's search for the secret of life leads to the creation of a monster that consumes his life and family.

Nataly Fish

I Was a Teenage Frankenstein

I Was a Teenage Frankenstein

Professor Frankenstein creates a teenager from an accident victim, who gets angry when he learns he is going to be taken apart.

Nataly Fish

Dracula vs. Frankenstein

Dracula vs. Frankenstein

Dracula conspire avec un Docteur fou pour ressusciter le montre Frankenstein.

Nataly Fish

Frankenstein : Une histoire d'amour

Frankenstein : Une histoire d'amour

Malgré la désapprobation de ses proches et de ses professeurs, le comte Victor Frankenstein multiplie les expériences sur des cadavres et sur des animaux dans le but de créer la vie. Bientôt obligé de s'isoler pour poursuivre ses recherches, il reste fermement résolu à donner naissance à un être humain.

Nataly Fish

Le Funeste Destin du docteur Frankenstein

Le Funeste Destin du docteur Frankenstein

En 1818, Mary Shelley écrit « Frankenstein ou le Prométhée moderne », un roman puissant et intemporel dont le thème n'est autre que la quête par l'homme du secret de la vie. Depuis lors, la créature est devenue une icône de la culture pop, éclipsant le roman et le docteur Frankenstein lui-même.

Nataly Fish

Orlak, the Hell of Frankenstein

Orlak, the Hell of Frankenstein

A mad scientist creates a remote-controlled monster and sends it to terrorize the city.

Nataly Fish

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