
Anywhere the Wind Blows

Anywhere the Wind Blows

Having recently fled Chinese political persecution, a HongKonger activist is trying to rebuild his life in the United States, but a visit from his ex-boyfriend rekindles unresolved feelings and threatens to derail his plans.

Nataly Fish

Bluebird in the Wind

Bluebird in the Wind

In a dream-like landscape, a girl journeys through her past and present in search of her own Bluebird. Is she pursuing a mere shadow, or has this Bluebird long been soaring within her heart?

Nataly Fish

Vent chaud

Vent chaud

Sandro travaille au département ressources humaines d’une compagnie minière. A la fin de la journée il retrouve son collègue Ricardo dans la forêt avoisinante où ils ont des relations sexuelles. Régulièrement il se rend à la piscine où il fantasme sur le beau Maicon qui ne le remarque pas. Lorsque celui-ci commence à travailler dans la..

Nataly Fish

Theory of Ambitions

Theory of Ambitions

Lok, un policier, décide de se faire un nom au sein de la police en contrôlant le crime organisé.

Nataly Fish

Girl of Wind

Girl of Wind

This is a story about Yang Yang, a lonely deaf girl who's finding friends, and about the director, Yuen Nanhsi, who meets her by chance. Their lives intertwine with each other, revealing the difficulties the youth face and their longing for the future.

Nataly Fish

La Fenêtre d'en face

La Fenêtre d'en face

Rome, 1943. Aux heures les plus sombres de la guerre, un jeune apprenti boulanger tue son employeur avant de disparaître dans les rues de la ville endormie. 60 ans plus tard, un vieux monsieur élégant, de l'argent à la main, erre dans Rome sans savoir qui il est. Un jeune couple, Giovanna et Filippo, le croise par hasard. Filippo le ramène da..

Nataly Fish



In 2013, a woman was taken to a maximum security prison, accused of a crime she did not commit, where her life was taken from her for a year and a half. Even after her release, justice remains only a simulation.

Nataly Fish

Le vent tourne

Le vent tourne

Pauline, une jeune paysanne, élève ses bêtes dans le respect de la nature. L’arrivée de Samuel, venu installer une éolienne, va bouleverser son couple, ses valeurs.

Nataly Fish

The Turning Wind

The Turning Wind

In Bahia, an educated black man returns to his home fishing village to try and free people from mysticism, in particular the Candomblé religion, which he considers a factor of political and social oppression, with tragic outcome.

Nataly Fish

Dreams Travel With the Wind

Dreams Travel With the Wind

Embodies the ancestral resonances of his Wayuu lineage. It presents a narrative that brings together the threads of his grandfather's long journey – a tapestry of longing and memory, tracing José Agustín's forced separation from his immediate family in La Guajira and being plunged into the strict confines of a Catholic education.

Nataly Fish

Seven Souls in the Skull Castle - Season Wind

Seven Souls in the Skull Castle - Season Wind

In Japan in the 1590s, the wandering samurai gathered to fight the nobles of the Skull Castle. In the performance of the "Wind" version that is shown in the theater on a 360-degree rotating stage.

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish



At the age of 35, Ece is the assistant general manager of a company that produces baby diapers. There is a happy relationship with her lover Alper. Because of Ece, they can not get married. At this very moment, the 10-year-old Ruzgar, a snatching gang member who unexpectedly enters their lives, will change everything. The heroes who try to beat the..

Nataly Fish

Black Wind

Black Wind

The building of a railroad under tough conditions from searing heat to freezing cold in the Sonora desert provokes clashes of passion and struggles between the engineers and the workers at the campsite. The workers also contend with sudden dust storms that are called the 'black wind'. Based on true events.

Nataly Fish

A Ravaging Wind

A Ravaging Wind

Gripped by the blind faith of her father, Reverend Pearson, Leni accompanies him on his evangelical mission. A banal accident forces them to stop at El Gringo's garage. When the Reverend becomes obssessed with saving the soul of Chango, the mechanic's son, Leni realises the time has come to take her fate into her own hands.

Nataly Fish

L'échiquier du vent

L'échiquier du vent

La première dame d'une noble maison est morte et il y a maintenant un conflit entre les héritiers afin de capter son héritage.

Nataly Fish

Violence Jack: Hell's Wind

Violence Jack: Hell's Wind

The survivors of Kanto's Hell Earthquake built a new city and christened it "Hope Town". However, this peaceful town becomes a nightmare when it's raided by the motorcycle gang, "Hell's Wind". They abduct the women while the remaining townsfolk are left helpless against them. Meanwhile, a boy, Saburo, meets Jun. Jun's lover was previously murdered,..

Nataly Fish

Une femme dans le vent

Une femme dans le vent

Dans l'immédiat après-guerre, une femme est contrainte de se prostituer pour payer les frais d'hospitalisation de son enfant. Elle ne peut cacher son secret à son mari lorsqu'il rentre du front.

Nataly Fish

Warrior of the Wind

Warrior of the Wind

A suspenseful Ninja fantasy based on Shiba Ryotaro's novel, woven with the mysterious fate and romance of Shinzo and a beautiful Princess who find themselves at the center of an intrigue surrounding the legendary land of Yasurai in the mountains of Kumano. Hidden gold, the love of a beautiful Princess, and the approaching evil sword all contribute ..

Nataly Fish

South Wind

South Wind

Peter est un jeune délinquant de Belgrade plein d’ambition, spécialisé dans le vol de voitures. Mais le jour où il se trompe de véhicule il se met à dos le chef des narcotrafiquants de la ville. Son erreur va mettre sa vie en danger mais aussi celle de ses proches. Pour Peter, la descente aux enfers ne fait que commencer…

Nataly Fish

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