
Temps mort

Temps mort

Pour la première fois depuis longtemps, trois détenus se voient accorder une permission d’un week-end. 48h pour atterrir. 48h pour renouer avec leurs proches. 48h pour tenter de rattraper le temps perdu.

Nataly Fish

And, We're Out of Time

And, We're Out of Time

A single Manhattan psychiatrist finds that the problems in his personal life mirror those of his patients.

Nataly Fish

Mano Negra - Out Of Time

Mano Negra - Out Of Time

Out of time est un double DVD de la Mano Negra sorti en automne 2005. Dans ce double DVD on retrouve : DVD 1 : "Pura vida": un documentaire qui retrace la vie du groupe depuis sa création en 1987 par Manu Chao jusqu'à sa séparation en 1994. "Rock and roll Band": une suite d'extraits live de 1988 à 1992. DVD 2 : "Putas Fever": Un documentai..

Nataly Fish

Time Out of Mind

Time Out of Mind

Brazenly experimental, the film illuminates the debilitating effect of mental illness, imaginatively but discreetly conveying the message of its sponsor (Roche) while showing real insight and sensitivity towards its subjects. Its brutally graphic opening brings mental turmoil sharply into focus.

Nataly Fish

Giancarlo Vitali / Time Out

Giancarlo Vitali / Time Out

Giancarlo Vitali, 88 years old painter. This film is a portrait of his daily "battles".

Nataly Fish

Time Is Running Out

Time Is Running Out

Time Is Running Out is a 1970 West German short documentary film directed by Robert Ménégoz. It was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Documentary Short.

Nataly Fish

Time Out for Trouble

Time Out for Trouble

Jane's malevolent pendulum clock mocks humanity's careless, accident-prone ways.

Nataly Fish

Time Out For Sport

Time Out For Sport

A short piece of found footage is optically reworked as text versus imagery versus the spoken words of a 'narrator' telling the audience a story of a famous golf player.

Nataly Fish

Days Out of Time

Days Out of Time

Drawn to each other on September 11th, two former lovers take a second chance.

Nataly Fish



With research that spans the work of philosophers Gilles Deleuze and Martin Heidegger to modern mythologies in which time reversal plays a crucial role — such as failed time machines, speed of light travel, and occult practices involving speech — Stracke combines science and philosophy in an attempt to defy death through cinema and the notion o..

Nataly Fish

Time is Running Out

Time is Running Out

Unless we put an end to the thoughtless exploitation of our natural resources there will be nothing left for anyone...

Nataly Fish

Running Out of Time

Running Out of Time

In many ways the heart of indigenous India, mineral-rich Jharkhand is and has been at the core of India's industrial development after independence. There, the indigenous Adivasi people have borne the brunt of what is arguably India's most fundamental developmental conflict, which has pushed them to the verge of extinction as an agricultural people..

Nataly Fish

Out of Our Time

Out of Our Time

A 1988 period piece by Casi Pacilio and L.M. Keys.

Nataly Fish

Running Out of Time

Running Out of Time

Six people are trapped in a parking garage with a bomb ready to explode, and there's only one way out.

Nataly Fish

Time Out for Lessons

Time Out for Lessons

Alfalfa imagines himself being the star football player on a college team. After a big pep rally he ends up letting the team down when his poor grades cause him to be suspended from play.

Nataly Fish

Man Out Of Time

Man Out Of Time

A machinist with the ability to harness time itself must choose between assisting his criminal employers or taking matters into his own hands.

Nataly Fish

Smokey and the Good Time Outlaws

Smokey and the Good Time Outlaws

Two guys come to Nashville and try to make it on the country music scene. Their vision is to play at the Grand IL' Opry. Rejection after rejection pushes them to the verge of quitting and moving back to wherever they came from.

Nataly Fish

A Time Out of War

A Time Out of War

Two Union soldiers maintaining a position on a riverbank negotiate a one-hour truce with the Confederate soldier manning the opposite bank. During the hour, they gain respect for one another as they trade tobacco, enjoy some fishing and make an unsettling discovery.

Nataly Fish

Always on Time, Always Outta Line

Always on Time, Always Outta Line

Running up that [mountainous-outcropping] because there is none of this that's stopping.

Nataly Fish

Out of Time, Out of Place

Out of Time, Out of Place

In the 1970s, two exciting discoveries of human fossil remains, focused world attention on Australia. Evidence implied that two very different types of people lived in Australia long before the emergence of the modern Aborigines. The key scientisit in both finds, Dr. Alan Thorne presents OUT OF TIME, OUT OF PLACE, revealing for the first time origi..

Nataly Fish

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