
The Photographer

The Photographer

A young man descends the stairs of his apartment building and realizes that he is still on the same floor. When he begins to explore his surroundings, he meets a supernatural being with whom whenever he comes into contact he loses his senses and also a part of himself.

Nataly Fish

The Photographer

The Photographer

In 1962, a photographer working for a crime reports newspaper in Valparaiso, Chile, is obsessed with creating a photo novel that will revolutionize the art world. Helped by its neighbors, humiliated by their producers, but determined to make his ambitious project a reality, the photographer will betray -one after another- their unusual theories, ne..

Nataly Fish

The Old Photographer

The Old Photographer

A dramatized tribute to the now almost forgotten Cardigan-born photographer John Thomas.

Nataly Fish

The Unemployed Photographer

The Unemployed Photographer

Directed by Max Mack.

Nataly Fish

To Escape the Photographers

To Escape the Photographers

A man who has just won the lottery is mobbed by reporters.

Nataly Fish

Journal d'un photographe de mariage

Journal d'un photographe de mariage

Y. un photographe de mariages, épouse une mariée, en tue une autre, et rentre chez lui.

Nataly Fish

Tracing the Future: Photographer Naoya Hatakeyama

Tracing the Future: Photographer Naoya Hatakeyama

Tracing the Future follows In the Wake exhibition artist Naoya Hatakeyama as he photographs the devastated landscape of his hometown of Rikuzentakada after 3/11. Hatakeyama, who represented Japan in the 2001 Venice Biennale and is renowned for meticulous photographs that explore the relationship between humankind and nature, suffered enormous losse..

Nataly Fish

Fritz Berger: The Photographer of Memories

Fritz Berger: The Photographer of Memories

In the spring of 1962, members of the Christian Peace Service aid group flew in from Bern, Switzerland and settled in the poorest villages in all of Greece. Led by photographer and social worker Fritz Berger, the group itself had one purpose: the provision of aid and development services to local communities inhabiting the southwest region of Lefka..

Nataly Fish

Dezo Hoffmann – Photographer of The Beatles
DJ Punk : le photographe Daniel Josefsohn

DJ Punk : le photographe Daniel Josefsohn

Personne n'a mieux saisi l'atmosphère du Berlin des années 1990 que le photographe allemand Daniel Josefsohn, décédé en 2016 à l'âge de 54 ans, qui a laissé sa marque dans la publicité avec son esthétique irrévérencieuse et sa sensibilité punk. Ce sont ses images spontanées et imparfaites tournées pour une campagne MTV en 1994 qui l'..

Nataly Fish

The Man Who Became A Camera: Photographer Takuma Nakahira

The Man Who Became A Camera: Photographer Takuma Nakahira

With his photography and texts, Takuma Nakahira was a driving force behind Japan’s «political season» during the ‘60s and ‘70s, before suffering an artistic crisis that lead him into a medical emergency in 1977. Having lost a great part of his memory and his ability to speak, photographs became his life. Over a period of three years, the m..

Nataly Fish

The Village Photographer

The Village Photographer

"Back to square one" - this saying fully correlates with the fate of the talented village photographer, poet and philosopher Nikolai Viktorovich Zykov.

Nataly Fish



Jan Saudek est un photographe tchèque extraordinaire. Né à Prague en 1935, Saudek cultive le rêve de devenir photographe à l'âge adulte. Autodidacte, viscéralement indépendant et otage du régime communiste, il a travaillé comme photographe pendant des années dans le sous-sol de sa maison, violant énergiquement les normes morales et soci..

Nataly Fish

Anna Mariani - Photographic Notes

Anna Mariani - Photographic Notes

The paths that the artist traveled to create two essays that are landmarks of contemporary Brazilian photography.

Nataly Fish

Le Photographe

Le Photographe

Rafi, modeste photographe, fait la rencontre d'une muse improbable, Miloni, jeune femme issue de la classe moyenne de Bombay. Quand la grand-mère du garçon débarque, en pressant son petit-fils de se marier, Miloni accepte de se faire passer pour la petite amie de Rafi. Peu à peu, ce qui n'était jusque-là qu'un jeu se confond avec la r..

Nataly Fish

Eye Photography

Eye Photography

"Eye Photography" was born in 2022. on June 28, out of curiosity and admiration - both the uniqueness of our irises and the technology to capture them. This is a documentary film about the journey of Martas and Kamile in creating the first project of this genre in Lithuania. This story is full of surprises, excitement, doubt, courage, inspiration a..

Nataly Fish

Le portrait spirituel

Le portrait spirituel

Un magicien transforme une femme en un portrait d’elle-même, puis lui redonne vie.

Nataly Fish

The man who photographed the most beautiful woman in the world

The man who photographed the most beautiful woman in the world

Tommaso is a photographer recognized worldwide for his shots. One night he decides to take one of his visits to take several photos, but ends up photographing a woman... the most beautiful in the world. But the real question is, can anyone see this picture?

Nataly Fish



Un vieil homme, résidant dans une vieille maison, conduit un institut correctionnel pour filles. Complètement déconnecté de la réalité et de son époque, assisté par une matronne qui aime faire souffrir les jeunes filles. Mais le fils de cette dernière tombe amoureux de l'une des filles et compte bien faire cesser toute cette ignoble mascar..

Nataly Fish

Le débarquement du congrès de photographie à Lyon

Le débarquement du congrès de photographie à Lyon

Lors du congrès des Sociétés françaises de photographie se déroulant à Lyon, les congressistes font le 11 juin 1895 une excursion en bateau sur la Saône, remontée sur une quinzaine de kilomètres jusqu’à Neuville-sur-Saône où Louis Lumière filme leur débarquement sur le quai Pasteur. Une plaque commémorative y rappelle encore l’é..

Nataly Fish

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