
Milkshake treats!

Milkshake treats!

Hello Everyone! This is our first ever Milkshake treats DVD. We have jam-packed it with sixteen of our favourite programmes like Peppa Pig, Fifi and the Flowertots, Hi-5 and many more. It also includes the 'Milkshake Shake'! We really enjoyed making this DVD and hope you enjoy it too! Kemi, Naomi and Beth. Peppa Pig - Muddy Puddles. Hi-5 - Actio..

Nataly Fish

Lev Marsel: Tiger Milk

Lev Marsel: Tiger Milk

Nataly Fish

The Price of Milk

The Price of Milk

Lucinda lives a fairytale life with dairy farmer Rob, and his 117 cows. But after a freak car accident she decides to test Rob's love for her by trying to make him angry. He passes her tests until a quilt goes missing from their bed and the price of getting it back is high.

Nataly Fish

Soupe au lait

Soupe au lait

Livreur de lait de son état, Burleigh Sullivan met accidentellement KO un champion de boxe un peu éméché à la sortie d’un club ce qui fait la une des journaux du lendemain. Le manager du champion cherche à exploiter cette popularité en faisant combattre le jeune laitier…

Nataly Fish

Big Milk

Big Milk

Grave robbing, cannibalism, conspiracy- these and more make up the world our hero (name unknown) falls into after receiving a mysterious package meant for another address. On his attempt to bring the box to it's rightful owner, he witnesses some bizarre, possibly criminal behavior exhibited by the intended recipient. Fascinated, he begins an absurd..

Nataly Fish



Fausta est atteinte d'un mal étrange, transmis par ce qu'on nomme au Pérou "le lait de la douleur". Elle vit en effet dans la peur, une peur qui a été transmise par sa mère, victime d'un viol. A la mort de sa mère, Fausta devra affronter ses peurs pour pouvoir renaître...

Nataly Fish

The Face on the Milk Carton

The Face on the Milk Carton

Based on the book by Caroline B. Cooney, a girl happens to look down at a milk carton one day and she sees herself on the back! Could her parents really have kidnapped her?

Nataly Fish

The Milky Way

The Milky Way

Tala, an indie singer songwriter who just gave birth to her first daughter, takes up a job at "Milky Way", a dairy for mother's milk. The need to earn a living and support her baby with no father in the picture has pushed Tala into this awkward job. Everything would have worked out just fine if only Tala wasn't Tala- a natural born trouble maker.

Nataly Fish

Milk Teeth

Milk Teeth

Skalde lives in a small rural community, far from a world that may no longer exist. She is an interloper in her own home, having been born to an ‘outsider’ mother and therefore marked by a social stigma she cannot easily erase. Displaying a loyalty to the codes of the community, she has earned the respect of the village elder. However, when she..

Nataly Fish

Milk & Money

Milk & Money

When David drops out of medical school, he finds out what life isn't really like. He meets beautiful women, holds a box, helps make a movie, and takes care of 21 cows in Manhattan.

Nataly Fish

The Sparkle, the Blossom, and the Milky Land
The Absence of Milk in the Mouths of the Lost

The Absence of Milk in the Mouths of the Lost

A single mother struggles with the grief of her missing child on the one-year anniversary of her disappearance, while her neighborhood milkman begins to feel a strong connection to her grief.

Nataly Fish

Detective Opera Milky Holmes SS - Goodbye - Kogi-chan - Long Goodby Forever

Detective Opera Milky Holmes SS - Goodbye - Kogi-chan - Long Goodby Forever

After some pushing by Irene and her father and a lack of support otherwise, Kokoro stubbornly quits her job as a police detective to become an idol. She soon finds the idol life draining and starts to miss her old detective life. When Henriette notices Sherlock's loneliness without her, she stages a statue theft in order to convince Kokoro to retur..

Nataly Fish



Seeking direction and purpose, Milo rashly decides to become a surrogate and egg donor for an older gay man she meets in a bar. However, as Milo becomes increasingly attached to him, she starts leveraging the pregnancy as a means of staying embedded in his life.

Nataly Fish

National Theatre Live: Under Milk Wood

National Theatre Live: Under Milk Wood

A community is sleeping. If you listen closely, you can hear their dreams. The retired sea captain yearning for his lost love. The landlady living in terror of her guests. A father who can no longer access his memories. A son in search of redemption. As they awake to boiled eggs and the postman, the residents of a small Welsh village juggle o..

Nataly Fish

The Milky Way

The Milky Way

La Voie Lactée est un exposé documentaire sur l'allaitement aux États-Unis, où les Américains ont un des taux d'allaitement les plus bas du monde. Le simple fait d'allaiter un bébé provoque une vaste série de réactions, surtout lorsque c'est fait en public. Nous montrons comment les femmes peuvent reprendre possession de leur droit impresc..

Nataly Fish

The Milky Way

The Milky Way

The three little kittens have lost their mittens and are sent to bed without dinner. From their room, they see the Milky Way and sail up to it, using a basket and helium balloons, passing through some fanciful astronomical bodies, until they reach a Milky Way filled with every conceivable form of milk.

Nataly Fish

Debra Milke

Debra Milke

Phoenix Arizona, 3 décembre 1989. Le corps du petit Christopher Milke, quatre ans, est retrouvé dans le désert avec trois balles dans la tête. Deux suspects sont rapidement identifiés arrêtés et la mère, Debra Milke, est accusée d'avoir organisé le crime. Sans aucune preuve de sa culpabilité, l'inspecteur Armando Saldate mène un interro..

Nataly Fish

Raymond Briggs: Snowmen, Bogeymen and Milkmen

Raymond Briggs: Snowmen, Bogeymen and Milkmen

Playful, moving portrait of Raymond Briggs, told through interviews with Raymond, animation illustrated by Chris Riddell, and contributions from friends and admirers.

Nataly Fish



Peter has been distanced from his father since he dropped out of college. Their small road trip begins in awkward silence, while Peter chauffeurs his dying patron to the beach to fulfill his last wish. During the short voyage, they reconnect and share laughter together again for the first time in years.

Nataly Fish

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