
3 cavaliers pour Fort Yuma

3 cavaliers pour Fort Yuma

Entre le Colorado et le Nouveau-Mexique, Fort Yuma est en danger : 800 sudistes se préparent à l'attaquer. Le commandant nordiste Davis décide de faire porter immédiatement un message au Fort mais ses hommes ne connaissent pas la région. Un jeune lieutenant sudiste prisonnier, Gary Hammond, accepte de servir de guide...

Nataly Fish

Ma dernière balle sera pour toi

Ma dernière balle sera pour toi

Fraîchement évadé des travaux forcés, Roy Greenford est recueilli par un vieux mexicain qui, avec ses semblables, vit sous le joug de Redfield, homme d’affaire véreux qui achète leur or à bas prix et s’efforce avec ses hommes d’empêcher quiconque de se rendre en ville et d’acheter des armes. Le vieux Mexicain donne tout son maigre p..

Nataly Fish

Duel au Texas

Duel au Texas

Un jeune homme revient dans son village natal et découvre que son père adoptif a été assassiné. Il part alors à la recherche du coupable pour se venger...

Nataly Fish

Legacy of the Incas

Legacy of the Incas

During the 1800s, Peru's government sends 2 envoys to negotiate peace with the rebellious Incas but a treasure-hunter bandit shoots the Inca ruler and his son, leaving the 2 envoys to take the blame for it.

Nataly Fish

Les Aigles noirs de Santa Fé

Les Aigles noirs de Santa Fé

Lorsque les Commanches vont sur le sentier de la guerre, les colons se réfugient dans Ft. Eagle Rock commandé par le Capt. Jackson. L'agent Cliff McPherson arrive au fort pour donner des conseils et du soutien. Il apprend que les Commanches ont été agités par un éleveur local, Morton, qui veut prendre le contrôle du pétrole sous la réserve..

Nataly Fish

La Folie de L'or

La Folie de L'or

Un groupe d'espions du gouvernement infiltre un gang de trafiquants d'or pour le démanteler.

Nataly Fish

Gunman Called Nebraska

Gunman Called Nebraska

A drifter helps a ranch couple fend off the approaches of a ruthless landowner.

Nataly Fish

Tomb of the Pistolero

Tomb of the Pistolero

Tom Bogard travels from Boston to the small western mining town of Carson, where on arrival he mentions he is the brother of Jack Bogard, who was assassinated a few weeks ago, he then is completely shut out. By no means anxious to leave, Tom begins to look for people who will be able to tell him about the death of his brother...

Nataly Fish

Django, a Bullet for You

Django, a Bullet for You

Sam Foster, a bounty hunter, is wounded during a shootout and took refuge at the home of Jimmy and Mary, two brothers who live in a small farm. She cared for and healed him, explaining the concern he feels for his brother to the company he keeps. Sam discovers that Jimmy is one of the outlaws pursued and, despite their friendship, goes on his quest..

Nataly Fish

A Man and a Colt

A Man and a Colt

Dakota Joe is a hired gunman. For that reason he arrives at a border ranch in Mexico hired by the landowner Don Carlos, to eliminate the village doctor, a good man who helps the poor. So Dakota Joe decides not to fulfill his commitment and together with a former outlaw who is now honored, they plan to steal all the money that Don Carlos stores in t..

Nataly Fish

Story of a Junkie

Story of a Junkie

Filmed in documentary-style, the film follows the character of Gringo, a young man looking for fortune in New York, only to fall into heroin addiction.

Nataly Fish

Go For Broke

Go For Broke

The Indian called Copper Face is suspected to have stolen a large quantity of gold from a bank.

Nataly Fish

20,000 Dollars on 7

20,000 Dollars on 7

A young man comes to town to find the killer of his older brother. Aided by his two sidekicks and a bag containing $20,000 as bait, he hopes to draw out the gang and their leader, the suspected killer.

Nataly Fish

My Gun is the Law

My Gun is the Law

The town of San Felipe is plagued by robberies. Two Federal Agents are sent to investigate the major suspect, a local landowner. One agent works on his ranch, the other becomes his daughter's fiance.

Nataly Fish

The Tough One

The Tough One

The elderly O'Hara, owner of a fortune in emeralds, offers half of his estate to whoever manages to get him out of jail. The adventurer Don Casey arrives in the town of Guaynas, ruled by the tyrant Villarde, to fulfill that wish.

Nataly Fish

Un Tueur nommé Luke

Un Tueur nommé Luke

Hernandez, shérif d'un petit village mexicain, découvre un complot monté par quatre habitants du village : tuer un jeune orphelin pour récupérer son héritage. Hernandez prend alors la tête du complot et engage Luke, tueur déchu rongé par la téquila, pour faire le boulot tout en lui servant de coupable idéal. Contre toute attente, Luke d..

Nataly Fish

Two Guns for Two Twins

Two Guns for Two Twins

Sally and Jennie are twin sisters who travel the American West with his uncle Nathan who makes his living as a tooth-puller and also sells a cure-all elixir. They travel by wagon and attract the audience with their dances and displays of marksmanship. Unexpectedly and before he dies, the old man manages to gain ownership of a ranch in a poker game...

Nataly Fish

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