
A Fox Spirit Story 3

A Fox Spirit Story 3

~~ Adapted from the short story “Nie Xiao Qian” (聂小倩) of the novel “Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio” (聊斋志异) by Pu Song Ling (蒲松龄).

Nataly Fish

Boy & Fox

Boy & Fox

The film is based on Antoine de Saint-Exupéry’s “The Little Prince”.

Nataly Fish

The Fox That You Love

The Fox That You Love

Also known as 'The Story of Xing Daji'.

Nataly Fish

The Reddest Fox

The Reddest Fox

The film is about the adventures of a charming and cunning Fox. He helps a blacksmith in love who dreams of making the girl Amy laugh, who never laughs or smiles. For the sake of his beloved, the blacksmith is ready to kill the dragon and overcome the giant. Animals from the Magical Forest, talking flowers and trees, kind angels, elves come to his ..

Nataly Fish

Children of the Pale Fox

Children of the Pale Fox

The film tells about one of the most mysterious peoples of the planet, the Dogon. The Dogon live in southeastern Mali in villages scattered over the rocks of Bandiagara like bird nests. They consider themselves aliens from the planet Sirius B and have knowledge in the field of the structure of the solar system, which scientists became aware of only..

Nataly Fish

The Fox with Gentle Shoulders

The Fox with Gentle Shoulders

The former legendary assassin, now living as a bartender after washing his hands of a violent past, unleashes the hidden violence within. Known as the "Fox with Gentle Shoulders" based on his name, Kijou worked as a bartender at a bar run by his childhood friend Reiko. One day, his former comrade Tokumitsu appears, asking him to hold onto somethin..

Nataly Fish

Tatsuo Ikeda Unbroadcastable Scary Stories: The Marvels of the Spiritual Beast - Possessed by a Fox ~ Vol. Four

Tatsuo Ikeda Unbroadcastable Scary Stories: The Marvels of the Spiritual Beast - Possessed by a Fox ~ Vol. Four

This astonishing documentary film faithfully reproduces Mr. Ikeda's claims of contact with spirits and allows viewers to experience séance experiments that people would never normally have the chance to experience.

Nataly Fish

Adventures of a Fox

Adventures of a Fox

Once upon a time there was a Fox. He was cunning and greedy. And everything was not enough for him, he also hoped for someone else's good. He deceived everyone – both neighbors and people he met who did good to him: He stole supplies from a neighbor, and a golden tail from a Fish Mother. He also wanted to deceive the bear who warmed him-fed him. ..

Nataly Fish

Tricks of the Fox

Tricks of the Fox

A fairy tale about how foxes became small and red.

Nataly Fish

Fox in Boots

Fox in Boots

The evil Ajaga got into the habit of raiding flocks of sheep. People complained to the Padishah. The Padishah has announced a reward - his daughter - to the one who defeats Ajaga.

Nataly Fish

The Fox Who Could Play the Violin

The Fox Who Could Play the Violin

About how difficult it is to experience fame.

Nataly Fish

Silver Fox

Silver Fox

The play tells about the children, their school affairs, friendship, and relationships with adults. But the most important thing here is the problem of trust in a growing person.

Nataly Fish



Le D.E.B.S. est un groupe d'élite dont la mission est de protéger le pays. Ses membres sont des jeunes femmes recrutées dans les campus.

Nataly Fish

King Maker

King Maker

Un homme politique rêve de changer le monde avec un excellent stratège de campagne derrière lui...

Nataly Fish

Feux croisés

Feux croisés

A la fin de la guerre, un soldat juif démobilisé est assassiné. Le capitaine qui mène l'enquête apprend que la victime se trouvait avec trois autres soldats quelques heures avant sa mort. Ses soupçons se portent vite sur l'un d'eux connu pour son antisémitisme.

Nataly Fish

Saviour of the Soul

Saviour of the Soul

Surnommés les "Sauveurs", Ching, Chuen et May sont trois justiciers qui traquent sans relâche les super-criminels dont le diabolique Siver Fox. Son mentor ayant été naguère rendu aveugle par May, Silver Fox a juré la perte de la jeune femme et de ses proches. Chuen est le premier à succomber. Pour sauver la vie de Ching, May décide alors de..

Nataly Fish

La Conspiration de Shaolin

La Conspiration de Shaolin

Kwo Wo Hai, tueur cruel à la solde d'un mystérieux clan, tente d'assassiner une jeune princesse. Celle-ci est sauvée de justesse grâce à l'intervention de Shaolin Fox. Envoyé par son maître Wan Kok, Shaolin Fox a pour mission de veiller au bon déroulement du mariage de la princesse. Mais un badge sacé contenant un élixir magique offrant u..

Nataly Fish

Amours suspectes

Amours suspectes

Grace Beasley vivait sans trop se poser de questions. Mariée à Max, chacune de ses journées ressemblait à la précédente, jusqu'au matin où il est parti "parce qu'avec elle, il se sentait trop vieillir". Abandonnée, sans plus aucun repère, Grace décide de s'offrir un ultime plaisir en allant au concert de son chanteur favori, Victor Fox, ..

Nataly Fish

1945 - End of war

1945 - End of war

A la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, un groupe de soldats japonais décident de continuer à se battre pour leur pays, malgré l'abdication de leur empereur.

Nataly Fish

Ninja Terminator

Ninja Terminator

Les membres d'un empire ninja sont en possession d'un objet de pouvoir composé de trois pièces individuelles d'une sculpture ninja qui, une fois combinées, rend les bras du propriétaire imperméables aux lames. D'autres ninjas pensent que l'empire ninja a besoin d'être réformé et de voler deux des trois sculptures. L'empire ninja riposte ave..

Nataly Fish

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