
Surviving Edged Weapons

Surviving Edged Weapons

In an intense action-filled 85 minutes, you will learn to defend yourself against the mounting threat of “knife culture” offenders.

Nataly Fish

Weapon of Choice

Weapon of Choice

"They never fail." The Glock pistol has been fetishised in films and the arts, and is a regular topseller in the international arms market. For the first time, the filmmaking duo Fritz Ofner and Eva Hausberger tell the story of the rise of the Glock: An Austrian design that became the most sought-after service and murder weapon worldwide. Tracing t..

Nataly Fish

Armes de distraction de masse

Armes de distraction de masse

Deux magnats des médias entrent dans une lutte de pouvoir méchant pour la propriété d'une équipe de football pro qui prend un effet drastique sur leur vie personnelle et professionnelle.

Nataly Fish

XX: Beautiful Weapon

XX: Beautiful Weapon

A blind female assassin lives alone in a remote house; her superiors occasionally send her "clients" / targets that she shoots right after having sex with them in her completely darkened bedroom.

Nataly Fish

Assaut sur la ville

Assaut sur la ville

Le commissaire Belli , nouveau à Naples, tente de mettre fin à la criminalité qui gangrène la ville. Il a quelqu'un dans sa cible : Santoro, gangster qui ne recule devant aucun cadavre pour se faire de l'argent.

Nataly Fish

Project: Human Weapon

Project: Human Weapon

Griffin Michael is the only survivor of a top-secret C.I.A. program that raised five people to become superweapons—human killing machines. Griffin has been trained to use his mind as a weapon: with a small brain impulse he can move objects hundreds of times his own weight, and can kill with a single thought. Now he is about to be released from th..

Nataly Fish

Dragon: The Weapon of God

Dragon: The Weapon of God

A teen with superhero powers leads an underground group formed to bring down the establishment after the mayor of New York City intensifies police brutality towards blacks and calls for a citywide purge.

Nataly Fish

Alien Weaponry: Kua Tupu Te Ara

Alien Weaponry: Kua Tupu Te Ara

A documentary showcasing a group of young Maori musicians and their rise to fame, along with the struggles that come from success at a young age.

Nataly Fish

Weapon X Mutant Files

Weapon X Mutant Files

The nine main mutants in the film-plus William Stryker-are each given the behind-the-scenes treatment in Mutant Files. Each segment starts with a character giving a straight-up cheesy monologue before we're treated to plenty of on-set footage and interviews with the actors, producer Lauren Shuler Donner, director Gavin Hood, stunt coordinator JJ Pe..

Nataly Fish

La Proie des nonnes

La Proie des nonnes

Don Giorgio, un jeune prêtre, vit avec deux maîtresses en même temps. Il est retrouvé mort, la gorge tranchée. Le commissaire Boito est chargé de l'enquête. Mais la tâche est difficile car son unique témoin est un gamin peu bavard. Tout se complique quand Boito tombe amoureux d'une des maîtresses du défunt, qui se trouve être aussi sa ..

Nataly Fish

WMD: Weapons of Mass Deception

WMD: Weapons of Mass Deception

There were two wars in Iraq--a military assault and a media war. The former was well-covered; the latter was not. Until now... Independent filmmaker, Emmy-award winningTV journalist, author and media critic, Danny Schechter turns the cameras on the role of the media. His new film, WMD, is an outspoken assessment of how Pentagon propaganda and media..

Nataly Fish

Zero Tolerance: How Trump Turned Immigration into a Political Weapon

Zero Tolerance: How Trump Turned Immigration into a Political Weapon

"Zero Tolerance" - FRONTLINE investigates how President Trump turned immigration into a powerful political weapon that fueled division and violence. The documentary goes inside the efforts of three political insurgents to tap into populist anger, transform the Republican Party and crack down on immigration.

Nataly Fish

Bottom Live 2003: Weapons Grade Y-Fronts Tour

Bottom Live 2003: Weapons Grade Y-Fronts Tour

Eddie has locked himself away in the toilet and Richie finds he's been inventing gadgets and only to find himself joining Eddie on a adventure through time and space on-board Eddie's time machine "The Turdis" which is a toilet cubicle.

Nataly Fish



Agni, a dedicated environmentalist and YouTuber is searching for a superhuman crosses paths with a secret society headed by a supervillain GK.

Nataly Fish

Secret Weapon

Secret Weapon

Based on a true story, the film tells about the famous Soviet rocket launcher nicknamed “Katyusha”, which was kept in great secrecy during World War 2. One of these unique killing machines has drowned during an unexpected retreat of the Russian troops. A special unit formed of ex-athletes is sent to rescue the secret weapon that the Germans can..

Nataly Fish

Weapon X - Codename: Wolverine

Weapon X - Codename: Wolverine

Experience a Wolverine Origins movie closer to continuity, involving Logan's attempts with Professor X to restore his fragmented mind. Completely removes all mentions, references and conversations indicating Wolverine and Sabertooth being related. Completely removes all plot threads regarding Logan volunteering for the Weapon X program. Many action..

Nataly Fish

L'adieu aux armes

L'adieu aux armes

Dans un futur proche, cinq soldats suréquipés voyagent à travers le désert qu’est devenu le monde. C’est dans les ruines d’une ville de Tokyo dévastée qu’ils vont livrer bataille avec un robot quasiment indestructible

Nataly Fish

Secret Weapon

Secret Weapon

Fact-based story of an Israeli government agent assigned to use her beauty as well as intelligence to snag a man on the run with atomic secrets.

Nataly Fish

Ninja's Extreme Weapons

Ninja's Extreme Weapons

A ninja hero stealthily sets out to get revenge upon the mobsters who murdered his brother.

Nataly Fish

The Super Weapon

The Super Weapon

A 1970s documentary that highlights various martial arts fighting styles and features African American martial arts master Ron Van Clief aka "Black Dragon."

Nataly Fish

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