
Seven Years-Journalism without Journalist

Seven Years-Journalism without Journalist

A total of 17 journalists have been fired since 2008, the beginning of LEE Myung-bak’s presidential term. They fought against the companies that they worked for succumbing to power and are now frustrated at reality where censorship of the press by authority has now become a norm. Can they continue their activities as journalists?

Nataly Fish

Amira Hass: An Israeli Journalist Speaks About

Amira Hass: An Israeli Journalist Speaks About "Occupation"

Amira Hass, a leading journalist covering the occupation of Palestine visited Japan in the fall of 2017. Amira is an Israeli who has lived in the occupied territories for more than 20 years, covering the occupation from both the Palestinian and Israeli sides. During her stay in Japan, Amira Hass talks about the Israeli occupation, and through her ..

Nataly Fish

Act of Violence Upon a Young Journalist

Act of Violence Upon a Young Journalist

Blanca, a brilliant young journalist who is writing a thesis on violence, is unaware that a psychopathic killer is on her trail.

Nataly Fish

The Journalist: Rokko/Kikutake Sunao

The Journalist: Rokko/Kikutake Sunao

An exploration of the nature of journalism that focuses on Fukuoka Nichi Nichi newspaper reporter Kikutake Sunao, with reenactments of scenes from his life, in which he is portrayed by the actor Mikuni Rentaro.

Nataly Fish

Veronica Guerin

Veronica Guerin

Au milieu des années 90, Dublin est le terrain d'une guerre sans merci entre les barons de la drogue qui s'arrachent le contrôle de la ville. Leur plus farouche adversaire est Veronica Guerin, une courageuse journaliste qui dénonce leurs pratiques. En révélant de nombreuses affaires et en révélant le nom des personnes impliquées, celle-ci m..

Nataly Fish

Le scoop

Le scoop

En découvrant que son scoop sur un tueur en série est fondé sur des informations erronées, un journaliste choisit de continuer à mentir plutôt que de révéler la vérité.

Nataly Fish

F@ck This Job

F@ck This Job

En 2008, Natasha, une femme nouvellement riche, décide d'ouvrir une chaîne de télévision indépendante (Dozhd) dans la Russie de Poutine et constitue une équipe ouverte d'esprit de parias prêts à exiger justice. En 2020, Natasha a tout perdu dans la guerre russe entre propagande et vérité, pour laquelle elle se bat sans relâche.

Nataly Fish

Our Correspondent

Our Correspondent

The journalist of the village newspaper Tatyana Nikitina was published in a large metropolitan newspaper, but no one from the villagers believes her, because the article itself was published under her creative pseudonym. Tatyana, offended at everyone, packed her things and left for Moscow, where she was willingly hired for a job in a central newspa..

Nataly Fish

Freelancer on the Front Lines

Freelancer on the Front Lines

Nataly Fish

Silenced Voices

Silenced Voices

The film is told as a personal encounter with exiled Sri Lankan journalists who have been "silenced" and almost killed in their home country because they exposed war crimes, corruption and massacres of civilians.

Nataly Fish



If you don't face it, you won't win.

Nataly Fish

The Photojournalists Covering Pandemic Life in Italy

The Photojournalists Covering Pandemic Life in Italy

This short documentary looks at the efforts of four Italian photojournalists covering the crisis, illuminating more of the juxtapositions created by life in the pandemic.

Nataly Fish

The Torture of the Lions

The Torture of the Lions

Crime drama where the journalist Fergusson investigate criminal activities, finding himself in dangerous situations.

Nataly Fish

Girls for Sale

Girls for Sale

A wannabe journalist investigates a London brothel.

Nataly Fish

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