
Never Trust a Gambler

Never Trust a Gambler

A small-time gambler on the run from the law hides in his ex-wife's house.

Nataly Fish

The Gambler Returns: The Luck Of The Draw

The Gambler Returns: The Luck Of The Draw

Hawkes, Jones and Cassidy are on their way to the biggest poker game in history. But a few folks want to see them fold before they even get there.

Nataly Fish

Gambler's Ballad: The Legend of Johnny Thompson

Gambler's Ballad: The Legend of Johnny Thompson

Penn and Teller hired Johnny Thompson to consult on their magic show as soon as the duo began their career and Johnny has been with them ever since. "Gambler's Ballad" follows Penn and Johnny's progress as Thompson teaches Penn his signature card act. Numerous well known figures from the magic world reminisce and wax philosophic about the unparalle..

Nataly Fish

Kenny Rogers: All in for the Gambler

Kenny Rogers: All in for the Gambler

The life and legacy of country music legend Kenny Rogers is honored in a new star-studded concert special, Kenny Rogers: All In For The Gambler, to be broadcast Thursday, September 23rd from 9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT on CBS and available to stream live and on demand with Paramount+. Filmed at the Bridgestone Arena in Nashville before Rogers’ untimely ..

Nataly Fish

The Gamblers

The Gamblers

A father-and-son team of cons gamble their firm’s assets. The son is caught investing money that doesn't belong to him and is indicted on a swindling charge. The plot gets spicy when the District Attorney handling the case is his former sweetheart's husband. This situation gives the DA an opportunity to prosecute his romantic rival.

Nataly Fish

Gambler's Delight

Gambler's Delight

The story concerns with Danny Lee's character as a manager of one of Macau's casinos battling it out on the card table to settle a gambling score with a Japanese gambler played by Chen Ping. He enlists the help of Tsung Wa's character and the battle of wits escalates.

Nataly Fish

Mr. & Mrs. Gambler

Mr. & Mrs. Gambler

Two compulsive gamblers struggle to quit their habit and raise a child.

Nataly Fish

Gambler V: Playing for Keeps

Gambler V: Playing for Keeps

Brady Hawkes has to run to his son's rescue once again in this continuation of the Gambler stories. Jeremiah is now a young man who has become involved with Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. Brady pursues the gang in order to get Jeremiah out of the gang before he gets in too much trouble with the law.

Nataly Fish

Gambler's Choice

Gambler's Choice

The professional gambler Ross Hadley is the owner of a posh gaming establishment in the heart of New York...

Nataly Fish

The Gamblers

The Gamblers

Card cheats travel by cruise ship to the Adriatic coast to fleece a wealthy aristocrat.

Nataly Fish

Lady Yakuza 3 - Le jeu des fleurs

Lady Yakuza 3 - Le jeu des fleurs

Le film "yakusa" decrit les marginaux japonais, samourais dechus, voleurs de grands chemins et joueurs. C'est dans les annees soixante que ce cinema connut une tres grande vogue au Japon. L'originalite de ce film reside dans le fait que le heros est une femme, qui vagabonde d'un pays a l'autre. C'est une joueuse de cartes formidable, elle est dotee..

Nataly Fish

King of Gamblers

King of Gamblers

Working for a slick restaurateur who has fallen for her, a down-on-life songstress falls instead for a crusading crime reporter, unaware that her employer is the secret head of the city's major gambling machine racket and has a penchant for murdering anyone who gets in his way.

Nataly Fish

So You Want to Be a Gambler

So You Want to Be a Gambler

In this comedic short, Joe McDoakes experiences the pitfalls of gambling.

Nataly Fish

The Great Gambler

The Great Gambler

A gambler works for a villain not knowing that he's being used to entrap a patriot and gain military secrets. The cops assign a lookalike to nab him, but not having gambling skills could give him away.

Nataly Fish

Lady Yakuza 6 - Le retour d'Oryu

Lady Yakuza 6 - Le retour d'Oryu

Oryu la pivoine rouge traverse le japon d'une maison de jeu à l'autre à la recherche de Okimi, une orpheline aveugle qu'elle s'est juré d'aider quelques années auparavant mais dont elle a perdu la trace. Elle la retrouve enfin dans les rues de tokyo, opérant comme pickpocket autour d'un théatre géré par un clan yakuza. Un vieux chef honorab..

Nataly Fish

The Gambler

The Gambler

The story of a player who entered the environment of professional gamblers in the hope of breaking a big jackpot.

Nataly Fish

Lady Yakuza 5 - Chronique des joueurs

Lady Yakuza 5 - Chronique des joueurs

Avant de mourir, un des lieutenants de oryu lui avoue avoir du se battre pour protéger son honneur de femme.Oryu vient de reformer le clan Yano, mais sa quète initiatique a la recherche de la voie d'exemplarité n'est pas achevée. Hébergée par un ancien yakuza rentré dans le rang, oryu décide de l'aider a défendre les métayers, étranglés..

Nataly Fish

Akagi the Gambler II

Akagi the Gambler II

Akagi appears again one year after the night where he first played mahjong.

Nataly Fish

The Gambler

The Gambler

The story of a wealth Eastern European family in Las Vegas, whose misunderstanding of American ways results in the loss of their dignity and self-respect.

Nataly Fish

Lady Yakuza 8 - Le code Yakuza

Lady Yakuza 8 - Le code Yakuza

A la mort de sa vieille amie Madame Otaka, Oryu la pivoine rouge est prise sous le feu d'une terrible guerre de succession pour le contrôle du plus important clan yakuza de la ville d'Osaka. Désignée comme médiatrice, elle reçoit pour mission de faire élire Iwaki, héritier souhaité par Otaka à la surprise générale, lui qui semblait pourt..

Nataly Fish

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