
Broken Trail: The Making of a Legendary Western

Broken Trail: The Making of a Legendary Western

Broken Trail est un téléfilm en deux parties réalisé par Walter Hill, diffusé en 2006. Écrite par Alan Geoffrion, qui écrivit aussi le roman, l'histoire est celle d'un cowboy vieillissant et de son neveu qui emmène 500 chevaux de l'Oregon au Wyoming pour les vendre à l'armée britannique .

Nataly Fish

La Ligne Télégraphique

La Ligne Télégraphique

Des ouvriers sont attaqués par des Indiens alors qu'ils sont en train d'installer une ligne de télégraphe, mais l'un d'eux a le temps d'envoyer un message au fort, précisant qu'un homme blanc dirige l'attaque. L'éclaireur John Trent et le caporal Tippy sont envoyés à la recherche de cet homme, qui est en fait Gus Lynch, déterminé à garder..

Nataly Fish

On the Trail of the Nephilim: The Mysterious Moundbuilders

On the Trail of the Nephilim: The Mysterious Moundbuilders

LA Marzulli investigates sites across North America

Nataly Fish

On the Old Spanish Trail

On the Old Spanish Trail

A cowboy turns bounty hunter to pay off his debts.

Nataly Fish

Sur la piste des desperados

Sur la piste des desperados

Le gouvernement américain agrandit les réserves indiennes et la paix revient dans le pays. Mais quelques Blancs refusent ce marché et tentent de reprendre les terres pour les vendre aux colons avec la complicité du gang de Rollins.

Nataly Fish

The Dawn Trail

The Dawn Trail

Dissension arises between cattlemen in Osage County, Texas, and sheepherders who have settled there and use the same watering stream. Mart Dalton, son of a wealthy cattleman, quarrels with and kills one of the settlers, thus placing sheriff Larry Williams in a delicate position; for he is Mart's best friend and is engaged to Mart's sister June. How..

Nataly Fish

Trailing the Killer

Trailing the Killer

While the original title, "Trailing the Killer" isn't a misnomer, it was a bit misleading since the "trailer" is a dog named Caesar Caesar the Dog) and the killer is a mountain lion, aka as a cougar or puma the narrator was quick to point out. But the makers also pointed out that Caesar "is the most intelligent dog actor since Rin-Tin-Tin" which pr..

Nataly Fish

The Oregon Trail

The Oregon Trail

Jeff Scott is sent to investigate problems with wagon trains attempting to make the journey to Oregon. Sam Morgan has sent his henchmen, under lead-henchman Bull Bragg, to stop the wagon trains in order to maintain control of the fur trade in the area.

Nataly Fish

The Trail to Oregon!

The Trail to Oregon!

Join our All-American family as they journey down the The Trail to Oregon! The Trail to Oregon is an original musical produced by Starkid Productions and was performed in Chicago in the summer of 2014. It is also the most historically accurate musical portraying the Oregon Trail to date; featuring 12 educational songs, a set precisely replicating t..

Nataly Fish

The Trail of Hate

The Trail of Hate

On a trip East, Silent Kerry falls for pretty Mary Stockdale. Later, by coincidence, she just happens to show up in his neck of the West. Her father is at the mercy of the usual gang of rustlers, and there's a jealous dance hall girl, Carmencita, who complicates matters for Kerry.

Nataly Fish

Les chasseurs de Virus, à la poursuite de la bête qui a arrêté le monde

Les chasseurs de Virus, à la poursuite de la bête qui a arrêté le monde

Une analyse complète des théories opérationnelles à ce jour, des experts du monde entier sont consultés dans le but de trouver l'insaisissable patient zéro.

Nataly Fish

On The Trail of The Lake Michigan Mothman

On The Trail of The Lake Michigan Mothman

In 2017 a rash of sightings of a winged creature spread around Chicago. Now, Small Town Monsters launches their own investigation into the Mothman sightings that spread around Illinois, Indiana, and Michigan. Is the Mothman real? Seth Breedlove and Heather Moser pull at the threads of one of the most bizarre paranormal mysteries of the last decade...

Nataly Fish

Coming Attractions: The History of the Movie Trailer

Coming Attractions: The History of the Movie Trailer

A 100 year history of the development of movie marketing, reflecting technical improvements, audience taste and cultural sensibilities.

Nataly Fish

Blazing the Trail

Blazing the Trail

Showing the trail of civilization across the western country, the emigrant train, the Cooper family, the treachery of the Indians, the capture of Helen Cooper and the daring attempt to rescue her, resulting in his capture and being made to run the gauntlet and forced to undergo torture by the squaws. Thrilling rescue of the prisoners from the India..

Nataly Fish

The Trail of the Silver Spurs

The Trail of the Silver Spurs

The Range Busters are investigating a gold robbery from the Denver Mint in a supposedly deserted ghost town, but they soon find they're not the only town resident with a nose for gold.

Nataly Fish

Secrets of the Andean Temples: On the Trail of Viracocha

Secrets of the Andean Temples: On the Trail of Viracocha

Thousands of years before the Inca, a megalithic civilization was founded at Lake Titicaca which spread 500 miles to Cuzco, following a global flood that destroyed the Earth in 9000 BC. Its architects — Viracocha and his seven Shining Ones — disappeared as mysteriously as they appeared, yet the legacy of temples they left behind still baffles t..

Nataly Fish

Three on the Trail

Three on the Trail

An evil gang is involved in both cattle rustling and the robbing of stagecoaches. Hoppy must stop them without help from the sheriff who turns out be a major outlaw himself.

Nataly Fish

Riding the Sunset Trail

Riding the Sunset Trail

Le demi-frère du fermier Jim Dawson, Jay Linch, soudoie le propre avocat de son demi-frère, Jasper Raines, pour s'approprier le ranch de Dawson. Il tente de l'éliminer en chargeant ses deux tueurs, Bronco West et Smith Kill, de l'assassiner, mais Dawson, blessé en réchappe. Il est recueillit pat Tom Sterling et Lopez mendoza, tandis que Linch,..

Nataly Fish

Along the Moonbeam Trail

Along the Moonbeam Trail

A magic aeroplane takes two children to the Moon, where they encounter prehistoric monsters and witness a battle between them. As far as is known this was the first film to combine realistic stop-motion dinosaurs and live-action actors in the same shot. Preserved by the Academy Film Archive in 2008.

Nataly Fish

On the Trail of Bigfoot: The Journey

On the Trail of Bigfoot: The Journey

On the Trail of Bigfoot: The Journey follows cryptid documentarian Seth Breedlove and his crew as they head to the Adirondacks of update New York for an intensive, adventure-filled week searching for Sasquatch. The team joins bigfoot researchers like Steve Kulls ("Monsterquest") and Paul Bartholomew (Finding Bigfoot, Beast of Whitehall) who lead th..

Nataly Fish

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