
Surveillance Camera Man

Surveillance Camera Man

People have come to accept surveillance cameras as a part of everyday life. But what happens when someone is carrying the surveillance camera instead? That’s the question raised by a series of online videos in which an unidentified man takes a camera around Seattle and other parts of Washington state, walking up to people and recording them for ..

Nataly Fish

Un peintre sous surveillance

Un peintre sous surveillance

Qu’est-ce qu’un peintre ? Comment filmer un homme qui peint ? Vingt ans après avoir réalisé Portrait du peintre dans son atelier (1985), Boris Lehman revient chez son ami Arié, pour réaliser un autre film avec les mêmes éléments de base. Les deux films forment à présent un diptyque.

Nataly Fish

Déjà Vu: Surveillance Window

Déjà Vu: Surveillance Window

Divided into 10 segments we hear from cast and crew. We learn about filming the opening ferry explosion, Washington's character and performance, makeup and costumes, the Time Lab and technological issues, the car chase, shooting in New Orleans, the Washington/Bruckheimer/Scott collaboration, physical sequences, and the concluding ferry scene.

Nataly Fish

No Safety With Surveillance

No Safety With Surveillance

No Safety with Surveillance aims to raise awareness of the issues surrounding mass surveillance in the digital age, and to encourage individuals and communities to stand up to this dangerous profit model.

Nataly Fish

State of Surveillance

State of Surveillance

A look at the tension between new technologies police departments are using to fight crime and the civil liberties concerns raised by these tools.

Nataly Fish

Blind Runner – An Artist under Surveillance

Blind Runner – An Artist under Surveillance

In this film an artist is under 24-hour surveillance. Through a continuous circulation of images and sounds, the spectator becomes an accomplice and witness to all his movements. During this process we ask ourselves not only why we are following the artist in this way but also about the meaning and the nature of his work.

Nataly Fish

Weapons of Mass Surveillance

Weapons of Mass Surveillance

The digital age has heralded a new unprecedented means of surveillance, and as more of our personal information goes online, more of our lives are subject to state-sponsored espionage. Governments with dubious human rights records are now using mass surveillance technology to thoroughly track and quell any murmurs of dissent - and it is western com..

Nataly Fish

An Eye on You: Citizens Under Surveillance

An Eye on You: Citizens Under Surveillance

Do any areas of our lives escape surveillance any more? Citizens of the 21st Century are the focus of prying eyes, whether they agree to it or not.

Nataly Fish



"CIVIL WAR SURVEILLANCE POEMS (Part 1)" is the first installment in a five-part project of experimental and hybrid-form short films contemplating a second American civil war via lyrical nonfiction, mixing call-in radio, twenty years of verité footage from the filmmaker's archive, and robots. Conceptually speculating from sixteen years in the futur..

Nataly Fish



Four friends organize a secret club. They follow random people, film them on their mobile phones and post dirt on strangers online. One day Nastya appears at the club. The girl manages to film a serial maniac that will change everyone's life.

Nataly Fish

Tous surveillés : 7 milliards de suspects

Tous surveillés : 7 milliards de suspects

Sous couvert de lutte contre le terrorisme ou la criminalité, les grandes puissances se sont lancées dans une dangereuse course aux technologies de surveillance. Caméras à reconnaissance faciale, détecteurs à émotions, système de notation des citoyens, drones tueurs autonomes… Une obsession sécuritaire qui dans certains pays, est en trai..

Nataly Fish

Paranormal Surveillance Camera 4

Paranormal Surveillance Camera 4

Do our eyes perceive all that there is to this world? Sometimes the camera seems to pick up more than we can see with the naked eye. In the 'PSC' series a team of ghost-hunters analyzes authentic paranormal footage captured on home videos and surveillance cameras all across Japan. Fourth entry in the PSC series.

Nataly Fish



Hailed by the Chinese government as one of the ten best films of the 1996-97 season, this irony-laced light drama is based on a novel by Fang Fang, and begins with the brutal slaying and robbery of a dock worker's family. The city assigns one of its best detectives, Yan Gao to find "the Wise One," the crime lord behind the murders. To do this, Yan ..

Nataly Fish

Paranormal Surveillance Camera 9

Paranormal Surveillance Camera 9

Do our eyes perceive all that there is to this world? Sometimes the camera seems to pick up more than we can see with the naked eye. In the 'PSC' series a team of ghost-hunters analyzes authentic paranormal footage captured on home videos and surveillance cameras all across Japan. Ninth entry in the PSC series.

Nataly Fish

Paranormal Surveillance Camera 6

Paranormal Surveillance Camera 6

Do our eyes perceive all that there is to this world? Sometimes the camera seems to pick up more than we can see with the naked eye. In the 'PSC' series a team of ghost-hunters analyzes authentic paranormal footage captured on home videos and surveillance cameras all across Japan. Sixth entry in the PSC series.

Nataly Fish

Man Under Surveillance

Man Under Surveillance

The Man Under Surveillance is the story of a man who reads his file in the archives of the communist State Security. It is his attempt to come face to face with his past, and the past of an entire nation that has lived 45 years under the cover of total communist control and daily violations of the right to privacy. He sees evidence of a life under..

Nataly Fish

All This Surveillance

All This Surveillance

The film tells the story that a vicious husband who has been regularly cheated on by his wife, scheming to revenge the wife and her lover.

Nataly Fish

Paranormal Surveillance Camera

Paranormal Surveillance Camera

Do our eyes perceive all that there is to this world? Sometimes the camera seems to pick up more than we can see with the naked eye.

Nataly Fish

Paranormal Surveillance Camera 3

Paranormal Surveillance Camera 3

Do our eyes perceive all that there is to this world? Sometimes the camera seems to pick up more than we can see with the naked eye. In the 'PSC' series a team of ghost-hunters analyzes authentic paranormal footage captured on home videos and surveillance cameras all across Japan. Third entry in the PSC series.

Nataly Fish

Paranormal Surveillance Camera 2

Paranormal Surveillance Camera 2

Do our eyes perceive all that there is to this world? Sometimes the camera seems to pick up more than we can see with the naked eye. In the 'PSC' series a team of ghost-hunters analyzes authentic paranormal footage captured on home videos and surveillance cameras all across Japan. Second entry in the PSC series.

Nataly Fish

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