
China O'Brien

China O'Brien

China O'Brien; big city police woman; martial arts trainer, is forced to hand in her badge and head home to her father and the small town where she grew up. The peaceful town she knew is now struggling against the clutches of organized crime. When her father, the town sheriff, is killed China decides to run for his position and clean up the town. T..

Nataly Fish

Dragon Fight

Dragon Fight

Quand un de ses partenaires quitte la troupe lors de sa venue à un tournoi d'art martial à san Francisco, Jimmy Lee décide de le suivre dans les bas quartiers de la ville.

Nataly Fish

La Femme dragon

La Femme dragon

Une séduisante ex-agente des services secrets,as des arts martiaux,exécute sa vengeance contre un puissant trafiquant qui a assassiné son mari.

Nataly Fish

To the Death

To the Death

Le champion de kickboxing Rick Quinn décide de se retirer du ring, mais son principal adversaire, Denard, veut qu'il se batte à nouveau et assassine la femme de Quinn. Quinn soupçonne Denard, mais ne peut rien faire. Trois mois plus tard, Quinn est emprisonné après une bagarre ivre dans un bar; un homme riche nommé Le Braque le renverse et lu..

Nataly Fish

Death cage

Death cage

A Bangkok, Wei Chi forme dans son école d'arts martiaux les plus grands combattants. Des performances qui ne sont pas du goût de la pègre locale et de Kent, le patron d'un club de kickboxing. Plutôt que déclencher une véritable guerre en résistant à ses rivaux, Wei Chi cesse toute activité. Du moins en apparence car, discrètement, il ense..

Nataly Fish

Honor and Glory

Honor and Glory

FBI agent Tracy Pride is on a mission to capture businessman Jason Slade, who is involved in extortion and murder. Teaming up with her is her sister Joyce, a news reporter; Dragon, Tracy's partner in Hong Kong, and Jake, a bodyguard who worked for Slade. Can they stop Slade before it's too late

Nataly Fish

Future Kick

Future Kick

Année 2025. L'homme, victime de sa propre folie, est en danger. Les riches ont trouvé refuge sur la Lune, tandis que la Terre est un immense chaos sans loi, où seul survivent les plus puissants. Nancy, dont le mari a été assassiné, demande à Walker, mi-homme, mi-robot de retrouver l'assassin…

Nataly Fish

Angel Terminators 2

Angel Terminators 2

Lorsque des adolescents aident une amie forcée à se prostituer, ils dérangent certaines personnes très dangereuses. Avec l’aide d’un policier renégat, une guerre sanglante s’ensuit avec des conséquences tragiques.

Nataly Fish

Breathing Fire

Breathing Fire

Michael, a Vietnam vet with two kids, pulls off a bank heist with his gang, which includes the bank's manager. To ensure the loyalty of everyone involved, Mike makes a special set of keys, so that the hiding place for the loot can only be opened if all the members are present. The bank manager, however, gets cold feet and tries to back out, so Mike..

Nataly Fish



1865: A young French officer, travelling the U.S. in search of the murderer of his best friend, gets involved in a struggle between poor farmers and a rich landowner. To help the farmers, he offers them his "Savate" (French kickboxing) skills.

Nataly Fish

To Be the Best

To Be the Best

Un membre de l'équipe de kickboxing américain recrute son père et ses coéquipiers pour aider à arrêter un joueur impitoyable de truquer le Championnat du Monde de Kickboxing à Las Vegas.

Nataly Fish

Bloodfist VI: Ground Zero

Bloodfist VI: Ground Zero

Le courrier de l'Air Force Nick Corrigan est envoyé pour livrer un message à une base de missiles nucléaires dans un coin reculé du Midwest. À son insu, cependant, un gang de terroristes a pris le contrôle de la base dans l'espoir de lancer les missiles sur toutes les plus grandes villes du pays. Pris de panique, ils enferment Nick dans la ba..

Nataly Fish



Miles Keane adepte des arts martiaux tente de se défaire de l’emprise financière de Lynch, un organisateur de combats illégaux qui combinent la boxe, la lutte et tous les arts martiaux. Miles est redevable d’une dette que sa mère et lui-même ont contractée pour l’ouverture d’un night-club (le Playpen). Afin de solder sa dette, Miles g..

Nataly Fish

Pushed to the Limit

Pushed to the Limit

Magnificent Mimi is a woman with a destiny and a bright future ahead of her. She is the world's greatest female wrestling champion, she has a loving boyfriend and loyal family members who care and love her. But things take a turn for the worst when Mimi's boyfriend Nick is wounded and her younger brother is shot to death for trying to stiff local d..

Nataly Fish

Eternal Fist

Eternal Fist

In a post-apocalyptic world, a man helps a beautiful young girl get revenge against a roving gang of renegades that destroyed her village.

Nataly Fish

The Way Of The Lady Boxers

The Way Of The Lady Boxers

Wong Wai-yip spins this cheapie action flick about a Hong Kong female ubercop named Li Tong (Sharon Yeung Pan-pan). As the film opens, Tong ventures into China to hunt down a band of villainous drug traffickers. Though she has been reluctantly paired up with her Mainland counterpart Chiang Hung (Sibelle Hu Hui-chung), Tong prefers to work alone, tr..

Nataly Fish

Kung Fu Gold

Kung Fu Gold

A massive gold forture is hidden somewhere in the hills surrounding Hong Kong, and 12 kung fu masters are in pursuit of the loot. Through a series of head-to-head confrontations, the pool of treasure hunters dwindles until there's one left.

Nataly Fish

Ragin Cajun

Ragin Cajun

After his girlfriend is kidnapped by a vicious mobster, Cage rips into action with a vengeance. Retired from kickboxing to pursue dreams of being an entertainer, Cage is forced into a death match with the brutal doctor death. He must win, or he will die.

Nataly Fish

Fighting Spirit

Fighting Spirit

Billy is a young fighter whose sister Judith was hurt after a near gang rape. When he learns she must have surgery, crime boss Russell has Billy compete in illegal street fights. When Billy learns he may get killed, he quits but is later killed by Russell and his men, who were the ones responsible for Judith's accident. After his death, Billy must ..

Nataly Fish



Nataly Fish

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