
Deaf, Dumb and Blonde

Deaf, Dumb and Blonde

Poodles Hanneford comedy produced and distributed by the Weiss Brothers.

Nataly Fish

Graffiti - Fun or Dumb?

Graffiti - Fun or Dumb?

Using kids' own arguments (both pros and cons), film presents overwhelming evidence that vandalism is dumb. Shows that graffiti-type vandalism costs over $20,000,000 a year.

Nataly Fish

Not So Dumb

Not So Dumb

Not-so-smart chatterbox Dulcy Parker does and says all the wrong things, but they right themselves to prove she's not so dumb after all.

Nataly Fish

The Dumb Waiter

The Dumb Waiter

A woman on her way home notices a car following her.

Nataly Fish

No Dumb Questions

No Dumb Questions

A documentary about three sisters, aged 6, 9 and 11, struggling to understand why and how their Uncle Bill is becoming a woman.

Nataly Fish

Our Dumb Friend

Our Dumb Friend

Marionette parody of Charlie Chaplin.

Nataly Fish

A Dumb Romeo

A Dumb Romeo

A dog tracks down thieves.

Nataly Fish

The Dumb Cluck

The Dumb Cluck

An Oswald Rabbit cartoon.

Nataly Fish

Violins are dumb

Violins are dumb

An anxious director is screening her first film for her peers, but getting straight feedback is more complicated than she expected.

Nataly Fish

Dumb Jokes & Dragons

Dumb Jokes & Dragons

Can you become a better person by playing role-playing games? Is it even possible to save yourself, the planet and everyone else? Are you necessarily evil just because you were born an orc? Get the answer when Niels Forsberg embarks on an adventure with new philosophical castles in the air and some really stupid jokes.

Nataly Fish

The Dumb Girl of Portici

The Dumb Girl of Portici

Fenella, a poor Italian girl, falls in love with a Spanish nobleman, but their affair triggers a revolution and national catastrophe.

Nataly Fish

Dumb Like a Fox

Dumb Like a Fox

A conceited fox sends an irascible little fox hound, who has never seen a fox before, after a beaver.

Nataly Fish

Bête, mais discipliné

Bête, mais discipliné

Jacques fait son service militaire. Souffre-douleur de ses camarades, effacé, timide, gros et maladroit, il est contraint d'accepter d'être le chauffeur d'une ambulance spéciale dans laquelle ont pris place un agent secret, Stévenin, et un faux malade mais vrai savant, inventeur d'un gaz mystérieux, que les autorités françaises veulent faire..

Nataly Fish

The Dumb Half Breed's Defense

The Dumb Half Breed's Defense

A silent Western.

Nataly Fish

Matt Braunger: Big Dumb Animal

Matt Braunger: Big Dumb Animal

In Matt Braunger's stand-up special, he reveals why single men are so creepy, describes the drunken antics he observed as a bartender and details a surprisingly stressful Bingo victory.

Nataly Fish

Dumb Luck in Vegas

Dumb Luck in Vegas

An untalented lounge singer with a dead-end career receives an offer—much-needed cash—for murdering a bookie.

Nataly Fish

Fee Fi Fo Dumb

Fee Fi Fo Dumb

While watching some of his most humiliating clips online, an email pops up from ACME. Wile E. Coyote then buys an ACME Giant Spray and makes himself bigger to outsmart the Road Runner.

Nataly Fish

Dumb-bells in Ermine

Dumb-bells in Ermine

In a small town in Virginia, Faith Corey, daughter of a socially prominent family, meets and falls in love with Jerry Malone, a prizefighter, though her straitlaced mother wants her to marry Siegfried, a spellbinding "missionary reformer." Though Grandma Corey promotes the romance with the prizefighter, Mike, the fighter's hardboiled, wisecracking ..

Nataly Fish

Dumb Ways to Die

Dumb Ways to Die

Cheerfully-animated short music video, part of Melbourne's Metro Trains public service campaign that promotes rail safety, depicts various common and less common ways of getting killed as a lighthearted tongue-in-cheek song lists them.

Nataly Fish

Dumb Like a Fox

Dumb Like a Fox

Woody and Fink Fox are teamed up as buddies roaming the Western Plains.

Nataly Fish

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