


"La Nueva Jerusalem" is a small community of believers lead by Papá Basilio and Mamá Dorita. They're waiting for the second coming of Christ, so they've abandoned the world, searching for a new spiritual life. Mamá Dorita sees in young Tomasa the signals of the chosen one. The young girl will be the new leader in "La Nueva Jerusalem".

Nataly Fish

The Divine Comedy

The Divine Comedy

In a mental institution the patients see themselves as people like Jesus, Lázaro, Marta, Maria, Adão, Eve, Sonia, Raskolnikov, Aliosha e Ivan Karamasov, a Philosopher, a Profet, Santa Teresa d'Avila, reciting the Divine Comedy.

Nataly Fish

Divino inferno: Et Rodin créa la Porte de l'Enfer

Divino inferno: Et Rodin créa la Porte de l'Enfer

En 1879, le ministre des Beaux-Arts Edmond Turquet commande à Auguste Rodin une colossale sculpture pour le futur musée des Arts décoratifs. Se référant à la porte de bronze exécutée au XVe siècle par Lorenzo Ghiberti pour le baptistère de Florence et considérée par Michel-Ange comme "la porte du paradis", Rodin va passer plus de trois ..

Nataly Fish

La Vie tendre et pathétique

La Vie tendre et pathétique

Une partie de la vie du compositeur Franz Schubert et notamment de sa vie romantique, et sa relation avec Antonio Salieri...

Nataly Fish

The Divine Protector: Master Salt Begins
Divine Accounts

Divine Accounts

The story of Mónica, a normal woman with a normal life who, one day, due to an unimportant detail which could have been solved like any other previous disagreement, kills her husband. She then discovers crime as a substitute for ansiolitics, free from all moralism.

Nataly Fish



This is Kamikai

Nataly Fish

Divine Love

Divine Love

The film begins at night, as parishioners holding lanterns form a series of processions, travelling through the night from Rome, and villages in the Abruzzi and Lazio regions, to make it to the Santuario della Madonna del Divino Amore, 10 miles from the capital, by morning. More than an anthropological study of ecstatic devotion – with its genufl..

Nataly Fish

Sarah Bernhardt, la divine

Sarah Bernhardt, la divine

Paris, 1915. L’immense tragédienne Sarah Bernhardt a 70 ans. Au lendemain de l’amputation de sa jambe, elle se confie à son filleul Sacha Guitry, jeune auteur déjà reconnu, sur une histoire passionnelle qu’elle a vécue plus jeune... « La Divine » ou l’histoire de la première star mondiale.

Nataly Fish

The Divine Protector - Master Salt Begins

The Divine Protector - Master Salt Begins

At 7:07 PM, the occult club members are holding a ritual ceremony to summon “Master Salt” in Kamono Girls’ Highschool in Tokyo, to help one of the members, Nanako, who has been struck by mysterious incidents. They draw a pentagon and a circle with purified salt and burn a sealed envelope with a written wish. Out of nowhere, the divine protect..

Nataly Fish

The Rider of Divine Providence

The Rider of Divine Providence

The bishop of Culiacan and three priests are dedicated to investigate the alleged miracles of Jesus Malverde, a bandit deceased at the end of XIX century who is said, stole from the rich and gave to the poor; which is enough reason for the locals to venerate him.

Nataly Fish

The Divine Comedy

The Divine Comedy

God created Adam and Eve and placed them in Paradise. They lived well in Paradise, but that was boring. All birds, bees have children, but they do not, because they are sinless. So, they ate the forbidden apple, and God expelled them from Paradise. What if Adam and Eve had not tasted the forbidden fruit, if they had been afraid of God’s wrath?!

Nataly Fish

The Claws of the Divine Beast

The Claws of the Divine Beast

Based on a mystery by Taiwanese-Japanese author Chin Shun-shin. After two elderly men in Yokohama quarrel over a Yang dynasty artifact, one of the men turns up dead with mysterious claw marks across his face. A detective takes up the case, and uncovers secrets dating back to war crimes committed during Japan’s invasion of China in WWII.

Nataly Fish

Divine Changeling Enchantment

Divine Changeling Enchantment

In Medieval Japan's Genroku era, the young warrior Yoshiyasu Yanasawa approaches Takaharu, the leader of the Hazuki clan in search of power of the "Golden Dragon," unaware that the power of the power of the dragon flows within the very bloodstream of the maiden Orie. Based on a novel by Tani Kousei.

Nataly Fish

Divine Will

Divine Will

Life in Punkyville, Kentucky has always been a bit...unconventional, but when Will Blessing unexpectedly arrives, things really get interesting. Will comes with his uncle, Dave, a former rock star in the 90's band Isolation, who has been hired as the church's new choir director. Under Dave's talented leadership the choir begins to thrive. Meanwhile..

Nataly Fish

An immersion into the Divine Feminine

An immersion into the Divine Feminine

By drawing a parallel between the Indian Durga Puja festival and other forms of celebrating the divine feminine, Santa Shakti reveals the Sacred Power beyond languages and religions.

Nataly Fish



In a village deep in the mountains of Nepal, an aging shaman ekes out a living as a farmer. Since his childhood, the villagers have called him whenever they’ve been plagued by illness and suffering. One day, when he is asked to heal a sick man, his healing powers no longer work. Neither his trance-like recitation of mantras nor the sacrifice of a..

Nataly Fish

The Diviners

The Diviners

The main characters of the film are the inhabitants of the contemporary Ukrainian cities of Kyiv, Odesa, and Lviv. Their reality is multi-layered, unvarnished, deprived of unambiguous interpretations of good and evil, humanity and cruelty, charity and indifference. This story is a kaleidoscope, which features all of us: the righteous, the merciless..

Nataly Fish

Divine Doctor

Divine Doctor

Guan Kuanyi is seventy-six years old this year, and is the only surviving shaman of the Elunchun. Every first or fifteenth day, Guankani put tribute on the throne and worshiped the gods in the traditional way. After recovering from an illness, Guan Kuanyi had a mindset and hoped that in his lifetime, he could find a shaman's heir and inherit this a..

Nataly Fish

Bonsai-Works of Divinity

Bonsai-Works of Divinity

Nataly Fish

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