
Sub-Temporal Contract Dream

Sub-Temporal Contract Dream

Nataly Fish

Contractual Maid Housekeeper

Contractual Maid Housekeeper

Nataly Fish

The Contract

The Contract

A well-known theater director is waiting for his female lead to sign her contract for his new play. She's late after picking up her sick daughter at school. Despite her enthusiasm for the project, it turns out the contract is not what she expected.

Nataly Fish

Great Contract: Paju, Book, City
A Million Dollar Contract

A Million Dollar Contract

Baur, a lonely businessman suffering from phobias, has gone bankrupt and is fleeing persecution in Eastern Kazakhstan. He is faced with a choice: marry the hated daughter of an investor or shoot himself? Suddenly, the whole real tragedy turns into a farce and comedy, and fate breaks his plans. A million dollar contract becomes a salvation for him a..

Nataly Fish

Happiness by Contract

Happiness by Contract

Nataly Fish

The Draconian Contract

The Draconian Contract

The waiter Antosha is in love with the restaurant owner's daughter. This distracts Antosha from his work and the owner is going to fire him. The notary appears and informs the owner that Antosha is receiving a large inheritance. He sets up a three-year contract with Antosha which, In the event of its early termination, the owner receives a large am..

Nataly Fish

Contract Killer

Contract Killer

Tsujimaki, commonly known as Marie. Her public face is that of a makeup artist, while her hidden side is that of a professional killer. She sends people who are stuck in this world to the afterlife one after another with a perfect death, and what is her brilliant way of killing?

Nataly Fish



Competition for the post of personal secretary.

Nataly Fish



10.35 p.m. – the start of the night shift at the University Hospital in Zurich. We accompany a midwife who, during her long and intense shift, empathetically helps the mothers and babies under her watch, taking into account all their individual differences.

Nataly Fish

Her Secret Contract

Her Secret Contract

Jeong-cha is a sexless married man. Although he is married, he secretly likes his manager, who is the only hot spot in the company. One day, Jeong-cha discovers a strange relationship with her boss, and the manager learns that there is a secret contract between the two of them. Jeong-cha sticks around by her side to sign a contract with her manager..

Nataly Fish

Lady Next Door Who Made an Affair Contract

Lady Next Door Who Made an Affair Contract

Jeong-hye and Ji-hwan are a couple who have been living a wandering life due to debt. Ji-hwan makes a secret deal with Man-soo, the new owner of their previous house. The couple can stay at Man-soo's house, but in exchange, Ji-hwan must have sex with Man-soo's wife, Tae-hee. Man-soo also ends up taunting Jeong-hye secretly, using her unemployed hus..

Nataly Fish

Fixed-Term Contract

Fixed-Term Contract

The manager, who is always suspicious of his wife, Ye-in, tells his subordinate to seduce her to test her loyalty. The assistant manager followed the order, but he succeeded in seducing his boss's wife. However, he tells his boss that he failed. The manager regains trust in his wife, but he is completely unaware of what really happened.

Nataly Fish

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