
Wake Up Love

Wake Up Love

Ernesto is a journalist in his 40's who comes from a generation which encountered much political persecution and exile; between the memories and unhealed wounds of his past, stands Ernesto. When his good friend Ricardo calls him one day and proposes to get together after 25 years, they decide to gather all the members of the “old gang” in order..

Nataly Fish

In Person

In Person

Carol Corliss, a beautiful movie star so insecure about her celebrity that she goes around in disguise, meets a rugged outdoorsman who is unaffected by her star status.

Nataly Fish

Heroine Kan Lian Chu

Heroine Kan Lian Chu

The good guys, a trio of swordsmen, gradually collect allies, including one by marriage. The groom must depart along with his bride but she must pass 3 tests before leaving. Then the group has to survive a series of traps before facing the villain.

Nataly Fish

La Loi du terrain de chasse

La Loi du terrain de chasse

Film réalisé à l'invitation du studio de cinéma de Mongolie intérieure. Après avoir vécu pendant un mois avec les Mongols dans les steppes pour préparer le film, il a radicalement changé le scénario que lui avait donné le studio. L'histoire originale était centrée sur les thèmes de la domination masculine et de la jalousie, avec une i..

Nataly Fish

Der Springer von Pontresina

Der Springer von Pontresina

Nataly Fish

The Anatomy of Love

The Anatomy of Love

A young attractive widow has a one-night stand with a handsome architect. The couple soon starts a tumultuous relationship.

Nataly Fish



After the death of his parents Hans, 16, provides for his four brothers and his grandmother. He works as a courier for his uncle, who sells counterfeit diamonds to wealthy clients with plenty of illicit funds. Hans fights like Robin Hood against the establishment and the greed of the rich, and for justice for the poor.

Nataly Fish

The 727 Days Without Karamo

The 727 Days Without Karamo

In the film, couples, whose love is put to a special test, give us insight into their lives. One partner of each couple is not originally from Europe and the lovers find themselves confronted with immigration law and its impact. The director combines very different facets into an exciting, very moving and strongly expressive documentary mosaic. A c..

Nataly Fish



After committing a murder for his lover, Gloria, the famous painter Jack is forced to go underground. In the harbor district, he saves the poor Malaysian girl Song in front of two intrusive sailors. She loves him for it, and together Song and Jack appear in the tingle dungeon of the port, he as a knife artist, she as a dancer.

Nataly Fish

Ein Leben lang

Ein Leben lang

A house by the lake near Berlin: this is where former pop star Arthur Weyer, 75, and his wife Elsa, who is ten years his junior, spent many happy hours. But that is a long time ago. The couple separated four years ago - Arthur had fallen in love with a much younger woman. This relationship failed since Arthur fell ill with dementia. Despite all the..

Nataly Fish

A Yang Pingdao Film

A Yang Pingdao Film

During the typhoon season in southern China, a middle-aged film director Yang Pingdao suspects his wife is having an affair. He attempts to follow his wife in secret with the help of a young intern girl to collect the evidence. Ironically, it is he who begins to have feelings for the intern girl. As the journey continues, the intern girl is still n..

Nataly Fish

Gölge - Schatten

Gölge - Schatten

Gölge, which means “shadow” in Turkish, is the name of a teenage girl. Gölge is the daughter of Turkish immigrants and belongs to the so-called “second generation” at the end of the 1970s. She lives with her younger sister and her parents in a small two-room apartment in Berlin-Kreuzberg.

Nataly Fish

Deva Shappath Khota Saangen Khara Saangnar Naahi

Deva Shappath Khota Saangen Khara Saangnar Naahi

'Chandu' an unemployed stage actor lies to his beloved wife to be an MBA student working in a Multinational Company. Under instructions from his mentor, he gets a job as a Sales Manager by falsely representing himself as a son from a rich family living in South Africa; now on a short visit to India. Hilarious situations arise when his boss plans to..

Nataly Fish

Wer zuletzt küßt...

Wer zuletzt küßt...

On the occasion of a charity ball in Vienna a kiss of a famous actress should be auctioned. Misunderstandings between the manager of the film star, a record producer and a student lead too all kinds of mistakes, during which a student is mistaken for a prince in disguise and almost breaks his hapiness. - Quickly and expertly produced mistake comedy..

Nataly Fish

Les Amants de Tolède

Les Amants de Tolède

En 1825, à Tolède. Pour sauver son fiancé, opposant au régime, la belle Inès accepte d'épouser le chef de la police.

Nataly Fish

Love the Conqueror

Love the Conqueror

Alice, the seventeen-year-old daughter of millionaire John Payne, is dying. Doctor Sheldon, deep in grief due to the very recent loss of his wife, reluctantly agrees to help and saves Alice’s life at the very last minute. While he was treating his patient, a fire has broken out in his home, and upon his return the sight of the flames consuming th..

Nataly Fish

The Hours of Love

The Hours of Love

Gianni and Marietta get along wonderfully as lovers, but not as a couple. Despite being married, they agree to become lovers again.

Nataly Fish

I Love You

I Love You

These are the stories of the three guys,three friends, living in a city in the south of Russia. In the course of a year they recorded their everyday lives with a small HDcam. This record is what comprises the movie and to what it is dedicated. Our heroes are eighteen years old and they live average lives: work, have parties and, fall in love. But f..

Nataly Fish

Une page d'amour

Une page d'amour

1895, dans le quartier parisien de Passy. Veuve depuis peu, Hélène fait appel en pleine nuit à Henri Deberle, un médecin de son entourage, pour soigner Jeanne, sa fille de 12 ans. Veillant l'enfant de longues heures, Jeanne et Henri se découvrent et apprennent à se connaître. Lorsque ce dernier revient prendre des nouvelles de la jeune patie..

Nataly Fish

Hi, A.I.

Hi, A.I.

"With an A.I., you have to keep your sentences short and to the point." - This piece of advice is given to Chuck as he's picking up his new robot partner Harmony fresh from the factory. On the other side of the world, in Tokyo, the cute robot Pepper with Grandma Sakurai, arranged by her son, so that she feels less lonely. But soon, Pepper turns out..

Nataly Fish

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