
Poem of E.L.

Poem of E.L.

In 2013, a woman’s last known movements were captured by elevator surveillance. Released by the LAPD to identify her body, this footage quickly exploded online into thousands of conspiracy theories, becoming fodder for horror and true crime exploitation. "3 for E.L." explores Elisa Lam’s unsolved death by dismantling the tired tropes used to te..

Nataly Fish

Violencia Cuántica

Violencia Cuántica

Nataly Fish

Bible Psycho Queen

Bible Psycho Queen

The dominating Mistress Lee extracts total obedience from her willing slaves. Feel the pain ans scorching sexual intensity of these helpless servents. See the piercing cruelty and hot ash torture!

Nataly Fish

Des blouses pas si blanches

Des blouses pas si blanches

Après le monde du cinéma, du sport et des médias, un nouveau mouvement de libération de la parole provoque un raz-de-marée, le #MeTooHôpital. Des milliers de témoignages ont envahis les réseaux sociaux, brisant une omerta quasi-totale jusque-là et révélant harcèlements, dénigrements et agressions sexuelles.

Nataly Fish

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