
Four Seasons In Rural Sicily

Four Seasons In Rural Sicily

In Sicily, a small farming village survived in the area of Marineo, just 30 kilometres from Palermo. Over the course of the four seasons, life and traditions adapt to the changing crops and climates. This documentary tells the story of the people there who, with the crisis in cereal production and milk cow raising, are seeking to maintain the tr..

Nataly Fish

Postcards from Sicily

Postcards from Sicily

Springtime in Berlin. The relationship between Marcus and Claudia has reached a downturn. Marcus doesn’t know where to go and seeks refuge at his sister Jana. However, Jana and Claudia get to know each other – none of the three is aware of the interconnections. The two women fall in love, while homeless Marcus finds himself more and more margin..

Nataly Fish

Sicily: Earthquake Year One

Sicily: Earthquake Year One

directed by Beppe Scavuzzo, itself dealing with a massive Italian earthquake. The film was shown in 1970, though it is set itself across a scattering of time: in January 1968, when the earthquake came, in the days and weeks of its immediate aftermath amongst the rubble and crisis, and in all the days and weeks and months after, adding up to the yea..

Nataly Fish



Impressionistic short by Antonioni

Nataly Fish

A Dream of Sicily

A Dream of Sicily

A 52-minute documentary profile of Giuseppe Tornatore featuring interviews with director and extracts from his early home movies as well as interviews with director Francesco Rosi and painter Peppino Ducato, set to music by the legendary Ennio Morricone.

Nataly Fish

Through Sicily

Through Sicily

A ferry boat unloads a train on the coasts of Sicily; the steam engine starts moving, the railway winds through stark landscapes and picturesque coastlines. In the meantime we are shown the gathering of seafood, the coming and going of people at the port and the ruins of ancient Greek settlements: Selinunte, Girgenti. The dominant colours in the fi..

Nataly Fish

The Sicilian Connection

The Sicilian Connection

Joseph Coppola, l'as de la brigade des stupéfiants, s'est tellement bien infiltré dans le milieu, qu'il devient dangereux et gênant, autant pour ses anciens collègues que pour ses nouveaux employeurs : il est en effet le seul à connaître toute la Filière. Le faire disparaître devient alors une nécessité pour tous ...

Nataly Fish

The Sensuous Sicilian

The Sensuous Sicilian

From his youth, Paolo Castorini, a Sicilian baron, is as attracted to women as they to him. Giovanna, a servant girl, Lillian, a serious girlfriend in Rome, a hostess at a post-war party, Paolo makes love to them all. He also feels dissatisfied with a life only of the body, compared to his journalist friend Vincenzo and his own father, a sober and ..

Nataly Fish

Belluscone: A Sicilian Story

Belluscone: A Sicilian Story

This film tells the story of three defeats: Berlusconi’s political and human defeat in his “twilight”, the one of Ciccio Mirra, Berlusconi’s unconditional supporter, deeply rooted in an ancient culture that dies hard, and the director’s artistic defeat in an Italy that recognised itself in this “Berlusconian culture” for a long time, ..

Nataly Fish

La Sicilienne

La Sicilienne

Le 5 novembre 1991, Rita, une jeune sicilienne de 17 ans se présente devant le juge anti mafia pour venger le meurtre de son père et de son frère, tous deux membres de la Cosa Nostra. Pour la première fois, une jeune femme issue d'une famille mafieuse rompt la loi du silence. A partir de cette date, ses jours sont comptés...

Nataly Fish



Surnommée Baaria par ses habitants, cette petite ville de la province de Palerme est le théâtre d’une saga familiale qui s’étend sur trois générations.Des années 30 aux années 80, de Cicco à son fils Peppino, et à son petit-fils Pietro, Baaria nous entraîne dans une odyssée peuplée de personnages habités par des passions et des ut..

Nataly Fish

The Sicilian Connection

The Sicilian Connection

Mario (Placido), an Italian American who manages a pizzeria in NYC, is charged with an assassination of a judge in Palermo. He leaves the States, comes back to Sicily and recruit Michele, his younger brother, for some help. Michele is a good guy not involved with the Mafia, that is trying to build his life on honesty and hard-working. Michele needs..

Nataly Fish

Le Sicilien

Le Sicilien

Un brave petit couturier Lyonnais, Fernand, monte à Paris pour présenter sa création "La ligne Impériale" à une grande maison de couture. À la suite d'une méprise, il est pris par une bande de gangsters, pour "Le Sicilien", un tueur à gages.

Nataly Fish

Sicilian Uprising

Sicilian Uprising

Sicilian Uprising or Sicilian Vespers is a 1949 Italian historical drama film directed by Giorgio Pastina and starring Marina Berti, Clara Calamai and Roldano Lupi.

Nataly Fish

Rehearsal for a Sicilian Tragedy

Rehearsal for a Sicilian Tragedy

John Turturro goes back to the land of his ancestors.

Nataly Fish

The Sicilian Checkmate

The Sicilian Checkmate

Taking place almost entirely during a murder trial, the film details in significant detail the deep roots sunk by organised crime into the business and political life of Sicily.

Nataly Fish

David Garrett - Théâtre antique de Taormine, Sicile

David Garrett - Théâtre antique de Taormine, Sicile

Le célèbre violoniste David Garrett offre un concert inoubliable au théâtre antique de Taormine, en Sicile. Au programme : une sélection d'oeuvres réarrangées de Dvorak, Saint-Saëns, Schumann, Vivaldi et Fritz Kreisler.

Nataly Fish

A Sicilian Heroine

A Sicilian Heroine

This story first takes you to Misslimeri, a little Sicilian village, and into the home of Don Ruggero, a wealthy landowner. Don Ruggero is an iron-hearted man and strongly prejudiced against the lower classes. His son, Corrado, a young fellow, loves Rosalia, a shepherdess, but Don Ruggero has always refused to allow their marriage and to recognize ..

Nataly Fish

The Sicilian

The Sicilian

Though he comes from a poor area south of Tehran, Sia has always loved Italy. Dubbed 'Sia Sicily' by his friends, he makes a meagre living as a petty crook and conman, but dreams of one day living up to the wealth and status of his favoured nation. His chance comes when one day he is offered to help his friend Sohrab with a 'big job', one which cou..

Nataly Fish

The Sicilian Defence

The Sicilian Defence

A group of police detectives are trying to prevent shipping abroad of stolen art valuables.

Nataly Fish

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