
Wendy and the Refugee Neverland

Wendy and the Refugee Neverland

Story about 29-year-old Krisu, who is quite lost in her life. Luckily, she has a indie band called Wendy and the Refugee Neverland.

Nataly Fish

Un Refuge pour mon bébé

Un Refuge pour mon bébé

Bloqués par une tempête de neige, Brad et Lisa, 19 et 25 ans, qui se sont rencontrés le jour même sur une aire d'autoroute, trouvent refuge dans un hôtel fermé au public depuis près de quinze ans. La propriétaire, Joséphine, sur l'insistance de son homme à tout faire, Abe, les recueille. La vie de ces quatre individus va en être transfor..

Nataly Fish

Le refuge de Porky

Le refuge de Porky

Porky dirige un refuge de gibier. Malgré les signes abondants du contraire, Jean-Baptiste le trappeur met en place de nombreux pièges. Porky sauve les animaux des pièges. Jean-Baptiste le traque et le bat. Les animaux viennent à la rescousse de Porky.

Nataly Fish

Le refuge du dernier président

Le refuge du dernier président

Peu après la chute du Mur, le dernier dirigeant de la RDA, Erich Honecker, se réfugie avec son épouse chez un pasteur et sa famille, durement éprouvés par le régime communiste... Un étonnant huis clos inspiré de faits réels méconnus.

Nataly Fish

This Is Home: A Refugee Story

This Is Home: A Refugee Story

The lives of four Syrian families, resettled in Baltimore and under a deadline to become self-sufficient in eight months.

Nataly Fish

Elephant Refugees

Elephant Refugees

When Botswana banned elephant poaching in 2014, something incredible happened: the news of the safe haven spread among herds, prompting a mass elephant migration into Botswana from neighboring countries. Now, with nearly 60% of the world’s elephants residing in Botswana, the ecosystem is buckling under the pressure of supporting them. Climate ch..

Nataly Fish

Lahore - Refugees from India

Lahore - Refugees from India

Millions of Muslims flee to Lahore in the newly created state of Pakistan, prompted by the partition of British India.

Nataly Fish

Le Refuge

Le Refuge

Afin d'échapper à la violence de son mari, Darlene et sa fille Victoria trouvent refuge dans une ferme isolée pour femmes battues. Béa, la maîtresse des lieux, offre chaleur et réconfort à celles qui obéissent et acceptent les règles de la demeure. Le refuge devient vite un enfer, et son hôte une geôlière sadique et implacable.

Nataly Fish

Tokyo Refugees

Tokyo Refugees

When his father flees from debt, carefree college student Osamu sees his life turn upside-down. Expelled from school and evicted from his apartment, he becomes one of Japan’s many ‘net cafe refugees’, barely scraping by each day with temporary and part-time work. Even though he’s still in Tokyo, his circumstances drive him to see and experi..

Nataly Fish

Stuck in Greece: An LGBT Refugee Crisis

Stuck in Greece: An LGBT Refugee Crisis

When brought to Athens, Greece in 2016 for a screening of his film Daddy, actor and filmmaker Gerald McCullouch (CSI, Physical, the BearCity trilogy) unexpectedly meets a group of LGBT refugees fleeing persecution from their communities, their governments, and their families who now find themselves trapped in Greece. Unable to move on to other part..

Nataly Fish

Refugees Are Welcome Here

Refugees Are Welcome Here

Nataly Fish

Sierra Leone's Refugee All Stars

Sierra Leone's Refugee All Stars

Sierra Leone's Refugee All Stars is a documentary film about the musical band of the same name composed entirely of refugees from Freetown displaced to Guinea during the civil war of Sierra Leone. The film follows the band for three years as they are relocated between various refugee camps in Guinea, and concludes with their return to Freetown and..

Nataly Fish

Tibetan Refugee

Tibetan Refugee

This documentary tells the tragic story surrounding one of the world's most influential spiritual leaders, the Dalai Lama, and the lengths to which people will go in order to experience his power Tibetan Refugee film. After the Chinese government forced him out of his native Tibet, the Dalai Lama settled in Northern India. Featuring interviews with..

Nataly Fish

A Queer Refugee’s Suitcase

A Queer Refugee’s Suitcase

The story of a young gay man who faced persecution due to his sexuality and made a frightening journey to the UK with just a suitcase.

Nataly Fish

Le refuge de l'écureuil

Le refuge de l'écureuil

Une vieille dame, souffrant du syndrome de l’écureuil, accumule chez elle des cartons remplis de souvenirs ; Elle vit avec une colonie de blattes qui sont devenues ses amies. Sa petite fille, qui lui est très attachée, lui rend visite tous les mercredis et sa grand-mère invente, avec ces trésors accumulés, de merveilleux récits. Mais la pe..

Nataly Fish

La Faute à Voltaire

La Faute à Voltaire

Tel un Candide rêvant de l'Eldorado, Jallel immigre en France avec l'espoir de tenter sa chance. De rencontres en rencontres, de foyers en associations, Jallel chemine dans le Paris des exclus et, faute de satisfaire ses espoirs de fortune, découvre et partage la solidarité des déshérités.

Nataly Fish

Beauty Refugee

Beauty Refugee

Twenty-eight of my family members and relatives have been operated at least once by my brother who is a plastic surgeon in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Having grown up as a 'work-in-progress' where the premise, myself, was constantly questioned, as an adult I had to ask my family: could that premise be changed?

Nataly Fish

Expelled from the Top: A Story of Tibetan Refugees

Expelled from the Top: A Story of Tibetan Refugees

A Tibetan refugee woman is looking back on her life in India through the heartbreaking conversation with The 14th Dalai Lama about the fate of the nation in exile.

Nataly Fish

Cuban Refugees Waiting for Rations

Cuban Refugees Waiting for Rations

A group of escaped reconcentrados, saved from the fate of starvation imposed by the Butcher, Weyler.

Nataly Fish

Heritage Minutes:

Heritage Minutes: "Boat People" Refugees

A family escapes persecution in Vietnam, traveling by boat to a Malaysian refugee camp before finding a new home in Montreal.

Nataly Fish

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