
Radiation Safety In Nuclear Energy Explorations

Radiation Safety In Nuclear Energy Explorations

This classroom training film was produced by the US government to assure kids that nuclear energy was entirely safe and could even be put to good use that would benefit everybody, and to just overlook the pesky rumors that those godless Commies were going to wipe us out with them.

Nataly Fish

The Radiation Generation

The Radiation Generation

A man receives a surprise visitor during an electrical phenomenon occurring over New York City.

Nataly Fish

Guide to Radiation Therapy for Cancer Treatment

Guide to Radiation Therapy for Cancer Treatment

Thus, While having cancer treatment using radiation therapy it is very important to have all details about it. Go through this video to get more information about the radiation therapy Suffolk.

Nataly Fish

Nuclear Assault - Radiation Sickness

Nuclear Assault - Radiation Sickness

1. Betrayal 2. Stranded in Hell 3. Nuclear War 4. Butt Fuck 5. Justice 6. My America 7. Radiation Sickness 8. After the Holocaust 9. Hang the Pope 10. Lesbians 11. Vengeance

Nataly Fish

Radiographie d'une famille

Radiographie d'une famille

Au travers d’un puzzle de photos et de dialogues fictifs, Firouzeh Khosrovani recompose le passé de sa famille et sonde ses déchirures, miroir éclaté des fractures de son pays, l’Iran. Un bouleversant récit en forme de conte persan.

Nataly Fish

Ukraine : chemin radieux

Ukraine : chemin radieux

Est de l'Ukraine, mai 2014. Une partie de la région historique de Donbas tombe aux mains des séparatistes pro-russes. Le jeune journaliste Stanislav Aseyev réalise des reportages pour plusieurs médias ukrainiens depuis Donetsk, sa ville natale. En mai 2017, il est enlevé et passe 962 jours en détention, principalement dans un ancien centre cu..

Nataly Fish

RadioItaliaLive Le concert 2023

RadioItaliaLive Le concert 2023

Radio Italia a célébré son 41ème anniversaire le 20 mai 2023 avec un public enthousiaste et les stars les plus populaires de la musique italienne qui ont fait vibrer la Piazza Duomo de Milan avec les tubes italiens les plus populaires du moment.

Nataly Fish

Radiohead at Glastonbury 1997

Radiohead at Glastonbury 1997

Concert de Radiohead à Glastonbury en 1997.

Nataly Fish

Free Radicals

Free Radicals

Qu'est-ce que le cinéma "expérimental"? Avec malice, humour et poésie, Pip Chodorov invite ses amis cinéastes - Hans Richter, Peter Kubelka, Ken Jacobs, Jonas Mekas, Maurice Lemaître, Stan Brakhage et bien d'autres - à évoquer leur travail, et retrace cent ans d'histoire de l'avant-garde tout en évoquant son rapport personnel à cet art, à..

Nataly Fish

Radiohead - The Best of

Radiohead - The Best of

Radiohead: The Best of est une compilation du groupe de rock alternatif anglais Radiohead, sortie le 2 juin 2008. L'album est constitué de titres sortis chez EMI entre 1992 et 2003. Le premier disque, disponible séparément, comprend la majorité des tubes du groupe, tandis que le second se concentre sur des chansons plus confidentielles. Parall�..

Nataly Fish

Radical et révolutionnaire : l'Art de Piet Mondrian

Radical et révolutionnaire : l'Art de Piet Mondrian

Du postimpressionnisme à ses célébrissimes "Compositions", une exploration de la vie et de l'oeuvre de Piet Mondrian (1872-1944), chantre intransigeant de l'abstraction géométrique. C'est un parcours entièrement tendu vers l'abstraction. Né en 1872 à Amersfoort aux Pays-Bas, Piet Mondrian affiche dès ses premières œuvres figuratives un ..

Nataly Fish

Aggressive Environment. Radiation. Nuclear Test Site

Aggressive Environment. Radiation. Nuclear Test Site

Imagine Slovenia completely uninhabitable. Such is the territory of the Semipalatinsk test site. In these 18.5 thousand square kilometers, the atom was not peaceful. For 40 years, from 1949 to 1989, more than 500 nuclear and thermonuclear explosions thundered here, including the most powerful of the ground ones. How does this land live now, and wil..

Nataly Fish

The Town of Iidate: Radiation and the Return Home

The Town of Iidate: Radiation and the Return Home

In March 2011, the world was stunned by the nuclear disaster in Fukushima. Today, the people of Iidate, a town outside the 30km radiation exclusion zone around the nuclear power plant, are still suffering. The direction of the wind, rain and snow caused radiation to reach dangerous levels and the entire town was forced to evacuate.

Nataly Fish

Before the Radiation

Before the Radiation

In 1998, Wuqiu was marked as a Nuclear Waste Disposal site despite protests. Islanders question the choice: 'Why dump it here? Why not bury gold?' As a military zone, public access is denied, leaving us defenseless if the government acts further.

Nataly Fish

Lycoris Radiata

Lycoris Radiata

As the underworld ferryman who has broke up their love, Man Shu meets Sha Hua, who can give them warmth, one day. The two are destined to have to go through various obstructions by the Mengpo. As the two undergo various tests and eventually survived the eternal night, to save the underworld, Shahua became a ferryman, guarding Manshu.

Nataly Fish

Manjushaka: Lycoris Radiata

Manjushaka: Lycoris Radiata

When a boy wakes up, his memory is lost and the town is empty. Suddenly, a girl appears selling manjushage flowers, saying "Don't you want flowers? The girl, who walks with a basket of red flowers on her head, is actually not from this world. The film is a very honest look at the question of what true beauty is. The girl's voice repeating, "If it's..

Nataly Fish

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